Kubernetes External Secrets Operator
The BeyondTrust (BT) provider retrieves ASCII secrets from Password Safe Secrets Safe and makes them available as Kubernetes secrets.
The ESO creates the Kubernetes secrets returned from the BT provider, based on the configuration you provide in your secrets-store.yml or cluster-secret-store.yml files. The secrets are requested from the BT provider using either a Secrets Safe path or a path to a managed account.
The external secrets controller continuously syncs secrets at the rate specified in the configuration from Password Safe Secrets Safe to Kubernetes secrets. This allows immediate retrieval and usage of secrets from your Kubernetes pods.
The ESO is designed to write secrets to Kubernetes secrets which are by default written to etcd base 64 encoded. This is not secure. You must configure Kubernetes encryption or use third-party encryption for production environments.
If the BT provider secret is deleted it will still exist in the Kubernetes secrets.
- The BT provider supports retrieval of a secret from Password Safe versions 23.1 or later releases.
- For this provider to retrieve a secret, the Password Safe Secrets Safe instance must be preconfigured with the secret in question and authorized to read it.
You can use existing group, user, access policy, managed system, and managed account, and then modify as required for the configuration in BeyondInsight, if desired.
Set up OAuth application user in BeyondInsight
To use the External Secrets Operator (ESO) with Password Safe you must configure OAuth for the application user by assigning it an API registration in BeyondInsight.
Create a new API registration
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under General, click API Registrations.
- Click + Create API Registration.
- Select + API Key Policy.
- Enter a Name for the registration.
- Select the Authentication Rule Options you wish to enable.
- Click Add Authentication Rule +.
The Create New Authentication Rule panel displays. - In the Create New Authentication Rule panel:
- Enter the IP address of your Kubernetes cluster in the IP Address field.
- Click Create Rule. The Create New Authentication Rule panel closes.
- Click Create Registration to save your new API registration.
For more detailed information on API registrations, see Configure API Registration.
Assign API registration to group
The API registration you created above must be assigned to a group that contains a Password Safe user that is used for the API requests. Creating a new API group is optional; if one already exists it can be used.
Create a new group
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under Role Based Access, click User Management.
- On the Groups tab, click + Create New Group.
- Select Create a New Group. The Create New Group panel displays.
- Enter a name and description for the group, and then click Create Group.
The new group is created and its details page displays.
Assign permissions to the group
The below permissions must be assigned to the group from the group's Group Details panel.
Features permissions
- Click Features.
- From the Show dropdown above the Features grid, select All Features.
- In the list of features, scroll to Secrets Safe and click the vertical ellipsis at the end of the row.
- Select + Assign Permissions Full Control.
Smart Groups permissions
- Click Smart Groups.
- From the Show dropdown above the Smart Groups Permissions grid, select All Smart Groups.
- In the list of Smart Groups, scroll to All Managed Accounts and click the vertical ellipsis at the end of the row.
- Select + Assign Permissions Read Only.
- Click the vertical ellipsis again for the All Managed Accounts Smart Group.
- Select Edit Password Safe Roles.
The Password Safe Roles panel displays. - Check Requestor.
- Select an access policy that has view password auto-approve set, from the dropdown.
- Check Approver.
- Click Save Roles.
The Password Safe Roles panel closes. The Smart Group is enabled with the Requestor and Approver roles for the group.
Enable the API registration for the group
- From the Group Details panel, click API Registrations.
- Check the box for the API Registration you created for the ESO application user.
Assign an API user to the group
If API user already exists, follow these steps:
- From the Group Details panel, click Users.
- From the Show dropdown above the Users grid, select User not assigned.
- Select the user and click + Assign User above the grid.
If the API user does not exist, follow the steps in the next section to create a new user and assign the group to it.
Create a new user
- From the left sidebar in BeyondInsight, click Configuration.
- Under Role Based Access, click User Management.
- Select the Groups tab, and click + Create New User.
- Select Create a New User. The Create New User panel displays.
- Enter the details for the user, and then click Create User.
The new user is created and its details page displays with the Groups grid selected. - From the Show dropdown above the Groups grid, select All Groups.
- In the list of groups, select the group that has the API Registration you created for the ESO integration assigned to it.
- Click + Assign Group.
External Secrets Operator usage
clientid required: API OAuth Client ID
clientsecretrequired: API OAuth Client Secret
apiurlrequired: BeyondTrust Password Safe API URLhttps://example.com:443/beyondtrust/api/public/V3
secretpathrequired: Path of the secret to retrieve
managed_account_pathrequired: Path of the Managed account to retrieve
clientcertificateContent of the certificate (cert.pem) for use when authenticating with an OAuth client ID using a Client Certificate
clientcertificatekeyCertificate private key (key.pem). For use when authenticating with an OAuth client ID
verifycarequired: Indicates whether to verify the certificate authority on the Secrets Safe instanceWarning: false is insecure, instructs the BT provider not to verify the certificate authority.
- Defaults to MANAGED_ACCOUNT type when not specified
- SECRET– Secrets Safe (credential, text, file).
- Secret Path - Path to the Secrets Safe secret. For example folder1/folder2.
- Secret Title – Title of the Secrets Safe secret found at the path specified above.
- MANAGED_ACCOUNT – Password Safe account associated with a system.
- Managed system - system managed by Password Safe.
- Managed account - account associated with the managed system.
clienttimeoutsecondsTimeout specifies a time limit for requests made by this Client. The timeout includes connection time, any redirects, and reading the response body. Defaults to 45 seconds.
Example usage
You can follow the below example to create an
resource. Secrets can be referenced by path.
You can also use a
allowing you to reference secrets from all namespaces. See ClusterExternalSecret.
Example external secret
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
name: beyondtrust-external-secret
refreshInterval: 300s
kind: SecretStore
name: secretstore-beyondtrust
name: my-beyondtrust-secret # name of secret to create in k8s secrets (etcd)
creationPolicy: Owner
- secretKey: secretKey
key: system01/managed_account01
Example secret store
You can follow the below example to create a
You can also use a
allowing you to reference secrets from all namespaces. See ClusterSecretStore.
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: SecretStore
name: secretstore-beyondtrust
apiurl: https://example.com:443/BeyondTrust/api/public/v3/
certificate: secretstore-beyondtrust
name: bt-certificate
key: ClientCertificate
certificate: secretstore-beyondtrust
name: bt-certificatekey
key: ClientCertificateKey
certificate: secretstore-beyondtrust
name: bt-secret
key: ClientSecret
clientid: secretstore-beyondtrust
name: bt-id
key: ClientId
retrievaltype: MANAGED_ACCOUNT
verifyca: true
clienttimeoutseconds: 45
Example Configuration Stored in K8s
$ kubectl create secret generic bt-secret --from-literal ClientSecret="<your secret>"
$ kubectl create secret generic bt-id --from-literal ClientId="<your ID>"
$ kubectl create secret generic bt-certificate --from-file=ClientCertificate=./ps_cert.pem
$ kubectl create secret generic bt-certificatekey --from-file=ClientCertificateKey=./ps_key.pem
Extracting Client Certificate Secret
Download the pfx certificate from Secrets Safe, extract the certificate, and create two Kubernetes secrets.
openssl pkcs12 -in client_certificate.pfx -nocerts -out ps_key.pem -nodes
openssl pkcs12 -in client_certificate.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out ps_cert.pem
Copy the text from the ps_key.pem to a file.
Copy the text from the ps_cert.pem to a file.
Best practices
- External Secrets Operator security: Security Best Practices - External Secrets Operator (external-secrets.io)
- ESO Access Control Overview: External Secrets Operator of ESO.
Updated 10 days ago