After you set up the appliances, and verify BeyondInsight and Endpoint Privilege Management are correctly installed, set up the communication between the two.
High-level integration steps:
- Create and deploy the BeyondInsight client certificate to all potential Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows endpoints or policy editor machines.
- Using your method of choice, deploy the Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows client and BeyondInsight adapter on all endpoints, using the BIMODE=1 install flag.
- Verify BeyondInsight is receiving heartbeats and information from Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows endpoints.
- Configure the policy editor to communicate with BeyondInsight and test the connection.
- Create a policy in the editor.
- Create a Smart Rule in BeyondInsight.
- Assign and deploy a policy from BeyondInsight.
Configure U-Series Appliance
Starting in U-Series Appliance version 4.2, the EPM Policy Editor and PMR are installed on appliances. No manual installation of these components is required on your part. Configure the features you want to use on the Features editor.
If you deploy Endpoint Privilege Management to a BeyondInsight and U-Series Appliance environment, use the following information as supplementary guidance to installing and configuring a U-Series Appliance.
Appliances can be set up across your environment, each one configured to host one or more roles. We recommend working with your BeyondTrust representative to determine the appliance architecture best suited for your estate. This is especially important if you plan to integrate Endpoint Privilege Management into an existing U-Series Appliance-BeyondInsight-Password Safe deployment.
For more information, see U-Series Appliance Technical Documentation.
Primary/secondary deployment model
An example deployment model for a U-Series-BeyondInsight-Endpoint Privilege Management integration includes two appliances.
- Primary appliance: Hosts the reporting server and the BeyondInsight management console.
- Secondary appliance: Hosts the BeyondTrust event server that can manage policy distribution.
In this example model, you can deploy the event server in a variety of locations, including internet facing, if you want to support on and off-network devices.
The appliance can support up to 10,000 endpoints and additional event servers can be added to increase the capacity.
The following sections provide high-level configuration details.
Primary U-Series Appliance
Before proceeding with the setup of the primary appliance, keep the following considerations in mind:
- On a primary appliance, ensure the management console and reporting roles are enabled. In an architecture with more than one appliance, enable the management console role on only one appliance.
- When the SQL Server database resides on the primary appliance, then you must configure access to the remote database so secondary appliances can connect to the database. Set remote access on the SQL Server Database role.
To configure a primary appliance:
- Complete the appliance deployment and configuration wizards, taking the appropriate steps to achieve the objectives outlined above.
Event server appliance
A U-Series Appliance can be set up as an event server to serve policy to your estate.
Before proceeding with the setup of the event server appliance, keep the following configuration details in mind when going through the deployment and configuration wizards:
- You must activate the Event Collector role either during the configuration wizard or later in the U-Series Appliance software.
- Disable roles that are configured on the primary: BeyondInsight Management Console, BeyondInsight Analysis Services, and Analytics and Reporting - Reporting Service.
- When an appliance is acting as the event server, then you must set up remote database settings on the primary appliance.
To configure an appliance as an event server:
- Complete the appliance deployment and configuration wizards, taking the appropriate steps to achieve the objectives outlined above.
Configure BeyondInsight and EPM via OAuth
Starting in BeyondInsight 24.1 and Endpoint Privilege Management 24.3, configure the components to communicate via OAuth. If the BeyondInsight server is configured with a publicly trusted HTTPS certificate, this can now be accomplished without adding any certificates to the endpoint. Using OAuth simplifies attaching endpoints to BeyondInsight.
To continue using the self-signed certificate generated by the BeyondInsight server, follow the instructions in Configure BeyondInsight and Endpoint Privilege Management before proceeding with deploying OAuth. Certificates in this configuration are used only for HTTPS/TLS communication; and adding the certificate during installation is no longer required.
Installing EPM with an OAuth activation secret
Instructions to set up OAuth are provided in the BeyondInsight User Guide.
For more information, see Configure OAuth authentication for agents.
Deploy the BeyondInsight Client
To establish communication between BeyondInsight and Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows clients:
- Generate a client certificate from BeyondInsight.
- Install the certificate on every client that must send information to BeyondInsight.
We recommend installing the BeyondInsight client certificate before installing the Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows client.
Generate client certificate MSI
- On the BeyondInsight server, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\eEye Digital Security\Retina CS.
- Run REMEMConfig.exe to open the BeyondInsight Configuration Tool.
- Click the Generate Certificate.msi link. A command prompt opens, indicating the MSI is being generated.
- Once the prompt closes, the MSI appears in the C:\Program Files (x86)\eEye Digital Security\Retina CS\Utilities\msi directory.
Deploy the certificate MSI
After you generate the certinstaller.msi, you must deploy and install the MSI on each machine you want to communicate with BeyondInsight, using administrator rights. You can deploy the MSI using the following methods:
- Command prompt running as Administrator
- Group Policy
- Enterprise Software Management tool of your choice, such as SCCM
Each method is detailed below.
Use command prompt
- Add a copy of the certinstaller.msi to the machine
- Run cmd.exe as administrator
- Run the following command: msiexec /i certinstaller.msi
Create a group policy
Use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) to deploy certificate packages to your client computers.
- To deploy the certificate MSI package, copy the certificate MSI package to an accessible location.
- Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management to open the GPMC. If the GPMC is not already installed, it can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com/en-us/download.
- In the GPMC, click Forest > Domains > Mydomain > Group Policy Objects.
- To create a new GPO, right-click Group Policy Objects, and click New.
- Enter a name for the GPO and click OK. Alternatively, you can add configurations to an existing GPO.
- Right-click the GPO and click Edit to launch the Group Policy Management Editor to configure settings for the GPO.
- In the Group Policy Management Editor, click Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings.
- Right-click Software Installation and click New > Package.
- Select the certificate MSI installer package, and click Open.
- Select Assigned and click OK. After a brief delay, the name of the software to be installed is displayed in the Details pane of the Group Policy Management Editor.
* If the name does not appear, right-click **Software Installation** and click **Refresh** until it does.
* To modify installation settings, double-click the item name in the display pane.
* To remove an item, right-click the item name and select **All Tasks > Remove**.
Restart each client computer to initiate the installation. This can be done manually or by using Group Policy mechanisms.
Use an enterprise software management tool (such as SCCM)
Be sure to consult the guides for the management tool you use.
After you have deployed the client certificate, confirm it is on the system, following the steps below.
- Run the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) as administrator.
- Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
- From the Snap-in menu, select Certificates, and click Add >.
- In the Certificates snap-in dialog, select Computer account.
- Choose Local computer: (The computer this console is running on). Click Finish.
- In the MMC Console, expand Console Root > Certificates (Local Computer).
- Expand both the Personal > Certificates directory and the Trusted Root Certification Authorities directory to ensure the eEyeEmsClient client certificate is listed.
If the certificates are not present, it is possible they were incorrectly installed in the Certificates (Current User) store. If you find them there, delete them and uninstall certinstaller.msi from Programs & Features (appwiz.cpl) before repeating these steps.
Install Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows
For BeyondInsight integration with Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows, you must set the BIMODE installer variable to 1. In the majority of cases, only the URL of your BeyondInsight Event Service must be specified. For context, example installation strings are provided below.
PrivilegeManagementForWindows_x64.exe /v"BIMODE=1
msiexec.exe /i PrivilegeManagementForWindows_x64.msi BIMODE=1
If you are using a custom certificate or workgroup, you can specify non-default values as additional install variables, as shown in the following examples.
PrivilegeManagementForWindows_x64.exe /v"BIMODE=1
BEYONDINSIGHTURL=https://example.com/EventService/Service.svc BEYONDINSIGHTCERTNAME=CertExample
msiexec.exe /i PrivilegeManagementForWindows_x64.msi BIMODE=1
BEYONDINSIGHTURL="https://example.com/EventService/Service.svc" BEYONDINSIGHTCERTNAME="CertExample"
The following table details the available installer variables and their default values.
The installer variables are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client
Name | Default | Installer Variable Name |
BeyondInsightUrl | [Empty] - You must specify this | BEYONDINSIGHTURL |
BeyondInsightCertName | eEyeEmsClient | BEYONDINSIGHTCERTNAME |
BeyondInsightWorkgroup | BeyondTrust Workgroup | BEYONDINSIGHTWORKGROUP |
BeyondInsightHeartbeatIntervalMins | 720 | |
BeyondInsightPolicyIntervalMins | 90 |
The default values of BeyondInsightPolicyIntervalMins and BeyondInsightHeartbeatIntervalMins can be shortened for testing purposes (low numbers of machines). Be aware that decreasing these values increases load on the BeyondInsight Event Service server.
When updating the clients on an existing deployment of BeyondInsight and Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows, the registry keys from the previous install is removed. Any previously specified variables in the install string must be restated in an upgrade.
Verify endpoints are registered in BeyondInsight
After deploying your Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows endpoints, ensure that BeyondInsight is receiving heartbeats and information from them. Once they check in, the endpoints are shown as entries on the Assets grid in BeyondInsight, as well as the Endpoint Privilege Management Agents grids.
Install the Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac client
The client and the adapter are obtained from BeyondTrust after purchasing Endpoint Privilege Management with BeyondInsight, and may be distributed to the endpoints using the method of your choice, including Mobile Device Management (MDM), such as Jamf or AirWatch.
You can create a settings package to set the adapter's configuration on all endpoints by using the Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac Rapid Deployment Tool.
The installer filenames, where x.x.x.x represents the version:
- PrivilegeManagementForMac_x.x.x.x.pkg
- BIAdapter_x.x.x.x.pkg
To install the Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac client:
- Double-click the PrivilegeManagementForMac_x.x.x.x.pkg file.
- Click Continue on the Introduction page.
- On the Software License Agreement page, click Continue and then click Agree to agree to the terms and conditions
- (Optional) To change the installation destination, click the Change Install Location button. The Destination Select page allows you to choose from viable installation location options. Click Continue.
- Click the Install button on the Installation Type page. If prompted, enter your admin credentials to continue. Click OK if the Installer.app needs permission to modify passwords, networking, or system settings.
- The Summary page shows that the installation was successful. Click Close to complete the installation.
Verify security settings
Go through the following sections to ensure Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac files have correct access.
Set Allow on com.beyondtrust.endpointsecurity.systemextension
After the agent and adapter are installed, ensure the security on the Endpoint Privilege Management system extension is set to Allow.
For com.beyondtrust.endpointsecurity.systemextension, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, and then select Allow.
Verify privacy settings
The following Endpoint Privilege Management for Mac files require the privacy settings Full Disc Access and Files and Folders:
- com.beyondtrust.interrogator
- PrivilegeManagement
- defendpointd
- com.beyondtrust.endpointsecurity.systemextension
To confirm the settings:
- Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy, and then select Full Disk Access. Ensure the Endpoint Privilege Management files are listed.
- Select Files and Folders and confirm the Endpoint Privilege Management files are listed.
Verify Finder Extensions is enabled
One way to confirm Finder Extensions is on, go to the Applications folder and verify the Endpoint Privilege Management shield icon is next to the applications.
Install the BeyondInsight Adapter
The best practice to deploy the BeyondInsight adapter is to use the Rapid Deployment Tool,l.
However, you can choose the deployment method. Examples include: Mobile Device Management methods (such as Jamf or AirWatch), manual configuration, download from a shared resource, etc.
- Double-click the BIAdapter_x.x.x.x.pkg file.
- Click Continue on the Introduction page.
- On the Software License Agreement page, click Continue and then click Agree to agree to the terms and conditions.
- Click the Install button on the Installation Type page. If prompted, enter your admin credentials to continue. Click OK if Installer.app needs permission to modify passwords, networking, or system settings.
- The Summary page shows that the installation was successful. Click Close.
Confirm the endpoint is connected
The Endpoint Privilege Management endpoint can check in and send events to BeyondInsight after the settings file is configured.
If you can access the machine running the BeyondInsight server, use one of the following methods to confirm the endpoint has checked in:
- Go to Assets > Endpoint Privilege Management to see if the endpoint is displayed.
- Configure the Activity Monitor to show all processes, as BIAdapter runs as user _defendpoint.
- Run the following SQL query:
select from Asset_PBDInfo
select from Asset_PBDInfoEx
To force a policy update for a client getting an update for the first time, you can restart the BeyondInsight Adapter. In the Activity Monitor, restart the BIAdapter process.
The default time for the policy update and for the heartbeat is six hours. These values can be changed on the BeyondInsight server, and the policy can be applied to the endpoint, but this policy is not applied until the initial 6 hour period has elapsed. Manually changing the RCSHeartbeatInterval and RCSPolicyValidationInterval values also causes the endpoint to check in more often. Enter the values in minutes.
If you can access the endpoints, you can use either of the following methods to determine if they have checked in:
- Open Console and filter on subsystem: com.beyondtrust.BIAdapter. Ensure that Info and Debug Messages are on. Logs about the connection are displayed in real time. You can check when the next policy validation is scheduled and the next heartbeat request.
- Open Activity Monitor. The BIAdapter service is displayed as running.
Install the Policy Editor
There are two ways to deploy the Policy Editor:
- U-Series appliance: Starting in U-Series software version 4.2, the appliance is the preferred on-premises platform. Activate and manage the Policy Editor using the appliance software. For more information, see:
- First time setup: Endpoint Privilege Management in Run Part 2: New appliance configuration using the configuration wizard
- Updates: Configure U-Series Appliance features.
- Software installs: This option is used less frequently in favor of the appliance. Follow the instructions in this topic when using the software install.
- The Policy Editor is compatible only with BeyondInsight 22.1 and later releases.
- If using Policy Editor 23.4 or later version, BeyondInsight must be at least version 23.1.
Install the Policy Editor and the BeyondInsight Policy Editor plugin
- Copy the Policy Editor installer and the BeyondInsight Policy Editor plugin MSI files to the BeyondInsight server in the same parent directory. The files are named:
- BeyondTrust WebPolicyEditor-2x.x.xxx.msi
- BeyondInsight.EPM.WebPolicyEditor.Services-2x.x.xxx.msi
- Run the Policy Editor installer (BeyondTrust WebPolicyEditor-2x.x.xxx.msi). Check the Destination Folder selected is correct.
- Run the Policy Editor plugin installer (BeyondTrust WebPolicyEditor.Services-2x.x.xxx.msi). Check the Destination Folder selected is correct.
The Policy Editor must be installed before the WPE service, as the service looks for the WPE files.
- Verify the Policy Editor installed successfully:
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services\Web Policy Editor folder and verify the WebPolicyEditor-2x.x.xxx file is listed.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services\Web Policy Editor\static folder and verify the WebPolicyEditor.cshtml file is listed.
- Verify the Policy Editor works in BeyondInsight:
- From the left menu in BeyondInsight, under Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management, click Policies.
- Click Create Policy.
- Verify the Policy Creator displays.
- Click through the QuickStart options to verify the templates contain preloaded Workstyles, groups, and Messages.
Upgrade the Policy Editor
- Copy the latest Policy Editor installer (BeyondTrustWebPolicyEditor-2x.x.xxx.msi) and the latest Policy Editor service, (BeyondInsight.EPM.WebPolicyEditor.Services-2x.x.x.xxx.msi), to the BeyondInsight server. We recommend copying to a c:\temp folder.
- Stop the BeyondTrust EPM Web Policy Editor service.
- Run the Policy Editor installer (BeyondTrustWebPolicyEditor-2x.x.xxx.msi) on the BI server. Check the Destination Folder selected is correct.
- Run the Policy Editor Service installer (BeyondInsight.EPM.WebPolicyEditor.Services-2x.x.x.xxx.msi) on the BI Server. Check the Destination Folder selected is correct.
- Verify the BeyondTrust EPM Web Policy Editor service has started.
- In the BeyondInsight console, verify you can view policies listed on the Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management Policies page:
- Click the menu for a policy, and then click View Policy.
- Verify you can view the contents of the policy.
If a blank page displays when creating or viewing a policy in BeyondInsight, this may indicate the WebPolicyEditor.cshtml file did not update. Follow the troubleshooting steps to confirm and resolve:
- Press F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Dev Tools window.
- Click the Network tab.
- If red errors are listed for Vendor and Main with a GUID attached, you have two options to resolve:
- Copy the WebPolicyEditor.cshtml file manually from C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services\Web Policy Editor\static\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\eEye Digital Security\Retina CS\WebConsole\Views\Apps\.
- Uninstall and reinstall the BeyondTrust EPM Web Policy Editor Service.
Install Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting
Install and configure Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting (PMR) to view PMR dashboards and reports in BeyondInsight.
There are two ways to deploy PMR:
- U-Series appliance: Starting in U-Series software version 4.2, the appliance is the preferred on-premises platform. Activate and manage PMR using the appliance software. For more information, see:
- First time setup: Endpoint Privilege Management in Run the U-Series Appliance deployment and configuration wizard.
- Updates: Configure U-Series Appliance features.
- Software installs: This option is used less frequently in favor of the appliance. Follow the instructions in this topic when using the software install.
After installing and configuring PMR, see View Endpoint Privilege Management Reports.
The following prerequisites must be in place before installing and configuring PMR with BI:
The versions of BeyondInsight, PMR UI, PMR database, Event Collector and the supporting services must be at versions which are supported collectively.
- Current version: See BeyondTrust Product Integrations
- Earlier versions: See archived documentation.
Supports up to SQL Server 2022 (2017, 2019). If installing the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database on the SQL Server 2022 platform, it is recommended to use the EXE installer rather than the MSl.
To use the Add To Policy functionality from the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting > Events grid in BI, the Endpoint Privilege Management Web Policy Editor version 23.4 or later must be installed and configured with BI.
If installed prior to installing PMR, ensure the BeyondInsight.EPM.WebPolicyEditor.Services, BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services, and BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services are restarted after installing Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting and Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor.
Only SQL authentication is supported between BI and the PMR database. Windows authentication is not supported. The SQL server must be in mixed mode. To configure this in SQL Management Studio:
- Go to SQL server name > Properties > Security.
- Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) must be enabled on the U-Series Appliance. This is required only during the PMR installation and can be disabled once the install is complete. To enable RDP on the appliance:
- Go to Maintenance > Network and RDP Settings.
- Click the toggle to turn on the Enable Remote Desktop option.
If installing SQL Server where the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database is installed, then you must select a case insensitive collation.
If the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database is hosted on the same instance of SQL Server as the BeyondInsight database, then SQL Server collation must be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_A S.
To integrate PMR in versions of BeyondInsight prior to 23.1, contact your BeyondTrust representative for assistance with installing and configuring.
Install the Reporting database
The PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase MSI must be at least version 23.2 to support the new user interface for Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting (PMR).
- On the server where you want to host the PMR database, run the PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase EXE file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt. The PMR database can be hosted on the BI server or on an external database server.
There is currently a requirement to install the PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase executable or MSI on the BeyondInsight Management Server to see the Endpoint Privilege Management Reports link, and the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting Database Configuration tile in BI.
If you are hosting the PMR database on an external database server, you must install the PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase twice - once on the external database server, and again on the BeyondInsight Management server. When you set the configuration for the database, you can specify the external database server here to ensure that the remote database is used for event ingestion and reporting. See "Configure advanced SQL and event collector settings for PMR in BI integration" on page 1.
- Check Privilege Management Reporting for BeyondInsight Installation and click Next.
Check this box to use SQL Server authentication for the event collector, report reader, and data admin users configured in subsequent stages of the wizard.
Windows authentication to the PMR database is not supported.
- Continue through the wizard to create the event collector, report reader, and data admin user accounts by checking the option to create or configure the user in the database and entering the SQL credentials. An example of creating the event collector user account is shown.
- Following the database installation, ensure the PMR database is created and accessible from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with the users created, as shown.
We recommend using the SQL Server Agent job to run the CopyFromStaging process rather than using the default Service Broker queue. To switch to using the SQL Server Agent job, execute the Create_ER_Database_Agent.sql script against the PMR database. This removes the Service Broker queue and creates and enables the SQL Server Agent job.
Install the Reporting UI
As of version 23.4, PMR in BI includes a new user interface known as PMR UI, which is based on Angular, to replace the discontinued Unified Reporting (UR) user interface, which was based on the out-of-support AngularJS.
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work
- Run the BeyondTrust PMR UI MSI on the BI server. The reporting gateway service starts automatically as part of the installation.
Install the BeyondTrust EPM event collector
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work
- Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on the BI server. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the installation.
If using U-Series Appliance, before continuing with configuration, disable RDP access again by going to Maintenance > Network and RDP Settings on the appliance and clicking the toggle to turn off the Enable Remote Desktop option.
It is common to configure BI with external event collector worker nodes, which are separate from the main BI management server.
For more information, see:
Upgrade EPM Reporting
There are two ways to upgrade the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting (PMR) database, UI, and event collector components in your BeyondInsight (BI) instance to the latest releases:
- BT Updater: Starting in U-Series software version 4.2, the appliance is the preferred on-premises platform. BT Updater is the application that downloads and installs updates for BeyondTrust products. For more information, see Manage BT Updater Enterprise subscriptions.
- Manual software upgrades: This option is used less frequently in favor of the appliance. Follow the instructions in this topic when using the manual software upgrade.
The steps apply only when BI is at version 23.1 or later, and when upgrading the PMR UI to 23.4 or later.
The following prerequisites must in place before performing the upgrade:
- The versions of BeyondInsight, PMR UI, PMR database, Event Collector and the supporting services must be at versions which are supported collectively.
- Current version: See BeyondTrust Product Integrations in BeyondInsight and Password Safe Supported Platforms.
- Earlier versions: See archived documentation.
- Supports up to SQL Server 2022. If installing the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database on the SQL Server 2022 platform, it is recommended to use the EXE installer rather than the MSl. If you prefer to use the MSI, you must ensure that Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client (x64) TLS 1.2 Support is installed on your database server.
- To use the Add To Policy functionality from the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting > Events grid in BI, the Endpoint Privilege Management Web Policy Editor version 23.4 or later must be installed and configured with BI.
- If installed prior to installing PMR, ensure the BeyondInsight.EPM.WebPolicyEditor.Services, BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services, and BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services are restarted after installing Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting and Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Editor.
- Only SQL authentication is supported between BI and the PMR database. Windows authentication is not supported. The SQL server must be in mixed mode. To configure this in SQL Management Studio:
- Go to SQL server name > Properties > Security.
- Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) must be enabled on the U-Series Appliance. This is required only during the PMR upgrade and can be disabled once the upgrade is complete. To enable RDP on the appliance:
- Go to Maintenance > Network and RDP Settings.
- Click the toggle to turn on the Enable Remote Desktop option.
Upgrade the PMR database
Not all upgrades of the PMR UI require an updated PMR database, as there might not be any database changes since the previous release of PMR UI in BI. Check the version of the installed BeyondTrustEndpoint Privilege Management Reporting database in Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features (or Settings > Apps & features). If it matches the version specified in the name of the PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase MSI supplied with the latest build, you can skip this section. Otherwise, follow the steps below to upgrade the PMR database.
Prior to upgrading the PMR database, stop the CopyFromStaging process from running, using one of the below methods.
- If the CopyFromStaging process is being run by the SQL Server Agent job:
- In SQL Server Management Studio, expand SQL Server Agent.
- Right-click the PGInsertData job, and select Disable.
- If the CopyFromStaging process is being run by the Service Broker queue:
- In SQL Server Management Studio, expand Service Broker > Queues.
- Right-click dbo.PGScheduledJobQueue, and select Disable Queue.
To upgrade the PMR database:
- On the server that hosts the PMR database, run the PrivilegeManagementReportingDatabase EXE file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- On the Database Server step of the wizard, ensure the existing PMR database name you are upgrading is selected.
- Check Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting for BeyondInsight Installation and click Next.
Check this box to use SQL Server authentication for the event collector, report reader, and data admin users configured in subsequent stages of the wizard.
Windows authentication to the PMR database is not supported.
- If the event collector, report reader, and data admin user accounts are already in the database, uncheck the box to create or configure the user on each of those pages in the wizard, so that new users are not created during the upgrade. If the users don’t already exist, check the box to create them. An example of creating the event collector user account is shown.
Following the database upgrade, re-enable the SQL Server Agent job or the Service Broker queue, depending on which mechanism is being used.
We recommend using the SQL Server Agent job to run the CopyFromStaging process rather than using the default Service Broker queue. To switch to using the SQL Server Agent job, execute the Create_ER_Database_Agent.sql script against the PMR database. This removes the Service Broker queue and creates and enables the SQL Server Agent job.
Upgrade PMR UI
As of version 23.4, PMR in BI includes a new user interface known as PMR UI, which is based on Angular, to replace the discontinued Unified Reporting (UR) user interface which was based on the out-of-support AngularJS.
If upgrading from UR to PMR UI, the upgrade steps differ from those to upgrade from one version of PMR UI to another.
To identify if UR is currently used, on the BI management server assuming that the previous version of PMR was installed in its default location, browse to C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services\ReportingGateway. If the previous UR / PMR UI installed is in a custom location, browse to the custom location.
- If a JAR file name starts with AvectoUnifiedReporting, this indicates UR is installed.
- Follow these instructions: Option 1 - Upgrade from UR to PMR UI.
- If the JAR file starts with PMR_UI, this indicates PMR UI is installed.
- Follow these instructions: Option 2 - Upgrade from one version of PMR UI to another version.
Option 1 - Upgrade from UR to PMR UI
This section covers upgrading UR versions of PMR in BI to the latest version of PMR UI.
Stop services and back up folders
- From Windows Services, stop the following services:
- BeyondTrustEPM Reporting Gateway Service
- BeyondTrustEPM Event Collector Service
- Back up reporting services folders:
- Go to C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services (or the relevant location if a custom location was chosen for the existing UR install).
- Rename the ReportingGateway folder to ReportingGatewayUnifiedReportingBackup.
- Rename the EventCollector folder to EventCollectorUnifiedReportingBackup.
If a message appears informing you that the file or folder is in use even after stopping the above services, you may also need to stop the BeyondInsight Admin API service rename the above folders.
These folders are renamed rather than deleted to enable rollback of the PMR UI upgrade back to UR in case of any upgrade issues, and also to retain log files. At the point where you are confident that the upgrade to PMR UI is successful, and if you are comfortable to delete the previous UR logs, you can remove these folders.
Upgrade reporting gateway service
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work.
If the existing reporting gateway service is installed in a custom location, when running the latest BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services MSI, the default install folder in the MSI is displayed as the custom location where the existing service is located. In this case, you must change the install location to C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\EPM Reporting Services\.
Upgrade PMR UI
Run the BeyondTrust PMR UI MSI on the BI server. The upgraded reporting gateway service starts automatically as part of the installation.
Upgrade the EPM event collector
Upgrade the event collector services MSI
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work
Install the event collector MSI
Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on the BI server. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the installation.
Verify upgrade
To confirm the upgrade is successful:
- Reset IIS by opening a command prompt as administrator and running the iisreset command.
- Verify you can view PMR reports from the left navigation in BeyondInsight, under Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management > Reports.
Upgrade and configure external event collector worker nodes
It is common to configure BI with external event collector worker nodes, which are separate from the main BI management server. If you are upgrading PMR in BI using this configuration, follow the steps below.
- Ensure the BI event collector worker node is installed and configured.
- Ensure all steps detailed in the above sections for upgrading PMR in BI have been followed.
- Verify that PMR is displaying reports in BI and that it is receiving events from an endpoint that is configured to point to the BI event collector on the BI management server. This is to verify that the end-to-end process is working and that events can flow from the endpoint to the BI event collector on the BI management server, to the PMR event collector, and finally to the PMR database.
- Ensure that the PMR database connection setting configured in the BI console is using the DNS hostname or IP address for the PMR database server, and not localhost or Otherwise, the external event collectors cannot communicate with the PMR database.
- Stop the event collector service on the external event collector node to release the lock on the existing EventCollector folder.
- Rename the existing EventCollector folder on the external event collector node to EventCollectorUnifiedReportingBackup. This folder is renamed rather than deleted to enable rollback of the event collector upgrade to UR’s event collector, and also to retain log files.
- Run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI on each event collector worker node.
This must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work.
- Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on each external event collector worker node. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the upgrade.
- Configure an endpoint to point to an external event collector node and raise events. Confirm they can be seen in the PMR reports.
If using U-Series Appliance, before continuing with configuration, disable RDP access again by going to Maintenance > Network and RDP Settings on the appliance and clicking the slider to turn off the Enable Remote Desktop option.
Option 2 - Upgrade from one version of PMR UI to another version
This section covers upgrades from an existing version of PMR UI to a later version of PMR UI.
Stop the BeyondTrustEPM Reporting Gateway Service. This ensures that any locks on existing files are removed cleanly and that a reboot is not required.
Upgrade PMR UI
Run the BeyondTrust PMR UI MSI on the BI server. The upgraded Reporting Gateway service starts automatically as part of the installation.
Upgrade reporting gateway service
Not all upgrades require an updated reporting gateway service, because there may not have been any changes since the previous release of PMR UI in BI. Check the version of the installed reporting gateway service (BeyondTrustEPM Reporting Gateway Service) in Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features (or Settings > Apps & features). If it matches the version in the name of the BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services MSI supplied with the latest build, you can skip this section. Otherwise, follow the steps below.
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.ReportingGateway.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work.
Upgrade the EPM event collector
The event collector must be upgraded before the event collector services.
Upgrade the event collector
Stop the BeyondTrustEPM Event Collector service. This ensures any locks on existing files are removed cleanly and that a reboot is not required.
Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on the BI server. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the installation.
Upgrade the event collector services MSI
Not all upgrades require an updated event collector service, because there may not have been any changes since the previous release of PMR UI in BI. Check the version of the installed event collector service (BeyondTrustEPM Event Collector Service) in Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features (or Settings > Apps & features). If it matches the version specified in the name of the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI supplied with the latest build, you can skip this section. Otherwise, follow the steps below.
- On the BI server, run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI file as administrator, either from the folder where it is stored or from a command prompt.
- Keep the default destination folder. This service must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work
Verify upgrade
To confirm the upgrade is successful:
Verify you can view PMR reports from the left navigation in BeyondInsight, under Endpoint Privilege Management > Reports.
Upgrade and configure external event collector worker nodes
It is common for BI to be configured with external event collector worker nodes, which are separate from the main BI management server. If you are upgrading PMR in BI using this configuration, follow the steps below.
- Ensure the BI event collector worker node is installed and configured.
- Ensure all steps detailed in the sections above for upgrading PMR in BI have been followed.
- Verify that PMR is displaying reports in BI and that it is receiving events from an endpoint that is configured to point to the BI event collector on the BI management server. This is to verify that the end-to-end process is working and that events can flow from the endpoint to the BI event collector on the BI management server, then to the PMR event collector, and finally to the PMR database.
- Ensure that the PMR database connection setting configured in the BI console is using the DNS hostname or IP address for the PMR database server, and not localhost or Otherwise, the external event collectors cannot communicate with the PMR database.
- Stop the event collector service on the external event collector node to release the lock on the existing EventCollector folder.
- Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on each external event collector worker node. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the upgrade.
- Run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI on each event collector worker node.
This must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work.
- Configure an endpoint to point to an external event collector node and raise events. Confirm they can be seen in the PMR reports.
If using U-Series Appliance, before continuing on with configuration, disable RDP access again by going to Maintenance > Network and RDP Settings on the appliance and clicking the toggle to turn off the Enable Remote Desktop option.
Configure Reporting
After installing the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting components, configure the database, assign permissions to users to access reports, and configure the Policy Editor to raise events in BeyondInsight.
Configure the database
If you change your SQL Server port or Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting database configuration, restart the Reporting Gateway service and Event Collector service to pick up the changes.
Named instances
If using a named instance, the SQL Connection Options field must be used to provide a connection string to the PMR database.
If the SQL Server named instance is listening on a dynamic port, use the instance name in the connection string without a port number because the allocated port number which SQL Server is listening on can change. The SQL Server Browser service must be running to locate the dynamic port.
Example connection string:
If the SQL Server named instance is listening on a static port, either the instance name can be used (with the SQL Server Browser Service running), or the port number can be supplied directly in the connection string.
If using an external BI Event Collector it is recommended to use the Microsoft JDBC driver as specified in SQL Connection Options, using either the instance name or the port number.
To configure the reporting database:
- Log in to the BI console and navigate to Configuration > Endpoint Privilege Management > Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting Database Configuration.
- Enter the database connection settings fields:
- Server: Enter the hostname or IP address of the database server where the PMR database was installed.
If using external event collector worker nodes, do not enter localhost even if the PMR database is hosted on the same server as the BI management server. PMR events do not flow through these nodes to the PMR database unless the DNS hostname or IP address is used here.
- Port: Enter a port number to communicate to your SQL Server instance. The port number range is between 1024 – 49151 inclusive.
- Database Name: Enter the name of the PMR database specified when you ran the PMR database installer.
- Report Reader SQL User: Enter the username of the report reader user specified when you ran the PMR database installer.
- Report Reader SQL Password: Enter the password of the report reader user specified when you ran the PMR database installer.
- Event Collector SQL User: Enter the username of the event collector user specified when you ran the PMR database installer.
- Event Collector SQL Password: Enter the password of the event collector user specified when you ran the PMR database installer.
- Reporting Gateway URL: Enter the server name where the reporting gateway service and PMR UI were installed. This can be set to localhost or In some instances localhost certificates can be impacted by proxies, in which case use
- Reporting Gateway Port: Enter the port number on which the reporting gateway service runs PMR UI. This can be left as the default in most cases.
- Event Collector URL: Enter the server name where the event collector service and event collector were installed.
This can be set to localhost or In some instances localhost certificates can be impacted by proxies, in which case use
- Event Collector Port: Enter the port number on which the event collector service runs event collector. This can be left as the default in most cases.
- SQL Connection Options: This is an advanced setting that allows custom parameters to be appended to the SQL connection string to the PMR database, or changing the default driver used for connectivity to the PMR database.
- Click Test Connection to test the connection to the PMR database.
- Click Update Settings.
- Restart the following services:
- BeyondTrust EPM Event Collector Service
- BeyondTrust EPM Reporting Gateway Service
- BeyondTrust EPM Web Policy Editor Service
- From the left navigation in the BI console, verify that Reports is now listed under Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management.
For more information on SQL connection options, see Configure advanced SQL and event collector settings.
Assign permissions to users to access reports
To view Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting in BI, the user must belong to a user group that has (at a minimum) the following permissions set:
- Management Console Access (Read Only permission)
- Endpoint Privilege Management - Reporting (Read Only permission)
To use the Add to Policy functionality in PMR, the user must belong to a user group that has (at a minimum) the following permissions set:
- Endpoint Privilege Management (Read Only permission)
- Endpoint Privilege Management - Policy Editor (Full Control permission)
If the user only has Read Only permissions, the Add to Policy button does not display in BI.
For more information on how to set up users, groups, and assign feature permissions in BeyondInsight, see Role-based access.
Configure EPM policy editor to raise events
- From the left navigation in the BI console, under Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management, click Policies.
- Create a new policy or edit an existing policy:
- To create a new policy:
- Click Create Policy above the grid.
- Enter a name for the policy and select the appropriate workgroup from the dropdown.
- Click Create Policy.
- Select a template and continue to step 3.
- To edit an existing policy:
- Click the vertical ellipsis for the policy.
- Select Edit & Lock Policy and continue to step 3.
- To create a new policy:
- Create a workstyle or edit an existing workstyle:
- To create a new workstyle:
- Click Create New Workstyle above the grid.
- Enter a name and description for the workstyle.
- Click the toggle to enable the workstyle.
- Click Create Workstyle.
- From the left navigation, expand Workstyles.
- Expand the newly created workstyle.
- Click Application Rules and continue to step 4.
- To edit an existing workstyle:
- From the left navigation, expand Workstyles.
- Expand the desired workstyle.
- Click Application Rules and continue to step 4.
- To create a new workstyle:
- Create or edit an application rule, and at the bottom of the Application Rule panel, set the following:
- Under Auditing, set Raise a Local Event to On.
- Under Reporting Options, toggle the options to enable them. The options are:
- BeyondInsight Events: Enable this option to configure endpoint clients to raise events which can be viewed from the Endpoint Privilege Management Events grid in BI and in reports in BeyondInsight Analytics & Reporting in the Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management folder.
- Reporting Events: Enable this option to configure endpoint clients to raise events which can be viewed from the Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting page in BI. To view these reports in BI:
- From the left navigation, click Menu, and then click Reports under Endpoint Endpoint Privilege Management.
We recommend using the Reporting Events option, because PMR contains more detail in the events and provides advanced functionality such as Add to Policy. The Add to Policy feature provides a convenient way to add applications to Endpoint Privilege Management policies. Enabling both reporting options results in a greater load on the server and additional resources may be required to handle the load.
You must enable reporting options for every application rule for which you want to raise events.
For more information on how to install and configure the BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows clients in BeyondInsight, see Configure BeyondInsight and Endpoint Privilege Management.
Configure advanced SQL and event collector settings
The below sections detail how to configure optional advanced SQL and event collector settings for your PMR in BI integration.
SQL connection options (including SSL configuration)
The SQL Connection Options field, available in the Endpoint Privilege Management > Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting Database Configuration form in BI, allows custom parameters to be appended to the SQL connection string. These can be used to configure functionality such as SSL encryption for the PMR database connection.
If the full connection string is provided in this field, these connection details are used instead of the Server and Database Name fields in the form.
By default the jTDS driver is used for connectivity to the PMR database. The jTDS connection string can be added to the SQL Connection Options field using the following format:
There are many optional parameters that can be appended to the jTDS connection string using the property=value; format. For example, to require that SSL is used for the connection using the jTDS driver, append the following to the jTDS connection string in the SQL Connection Options field:
For environments with external BI event collector worker nodes, if using SSL, we recommend using the Microsoft JDBC driver rather than the jTDS driver, because some issues have been found with the jTDS driver over external connections when using SSL.
To use the Microsoft driver, provide the connection string in the SQL Connection Options field in the following format:
Do not include the user and password custom parameters in the SQL connection string, because these are populated from the Report Reader SQL User and Report Reader SQL Password fields.
For information on the optional parameters that can be added to the SQL Connection Options field, see The jTDS Project Frequently Asked Questions.
For information on the connection string format and the optional parameters it supports for the JBDC driver, see Building the connection URL.
For information on configuring SSL encryption for the Microsoft JDBC driver, see Connecting with encryption.
SQL Always On availability group support
The PMR database supports running within a SQL Always On availability group. This prevents the CopyFromStaging scheduled job from running on the secondary replica in the availability group, so that it only ever runs on the primary replica.
- You must use the Microsoft JDBC driver for the SQL connection. The default jTDS driver does not work with SQL Always On.
- The SQL recovery model for the database must be set to Full.
When using the full recovery model, ensure that best practice is followed to back up the PMR database transaction log. Frequently running CopyFromStaging causes the transaction log to quickly use up disk space.
- Install the PMR database on the primary replica server, and then add the database to the availability group. The database is then replicated to the secondary replica.
- Use the SQL Agent job (PGInsertData) to run the CopyFromStaging stored procedure, not the Service Broker job. The Service Broker can be unreliable restarting after failover. The Service Broker is currently the default job when installing the PMR database.
- Users are only created on the primary replica. You must create users on the secondary replica and synchronize the SIDs between the replicas. In a failover scenario, PMR loses the connection to the database if the accounts are not created on the secondary replica.
Follow the steps below to switch to using the SQL Agent job to run CopyFromStaging.
CopyFromStaging SQL server agent configuration
To switch to the SQL Server Agent job after installing the PMR database, take the following steps:
- Execute the Create_ER_Database_Agent.sql script against the PMR database on the primary replica. This removes the Service Broker queue and creates the SQL Server Agent job on the primary node.
- Configure read-only access to the secondary replica of the Always On availability group by setting Readable secondary to Yes. This is required for the next step.
- Execute the Create_ER_Database_Agent.sql script against the PMR database on the secondary replica.
Provided the script has been run on the primary replica first, it does not attempt to make any changes to the database on the secondary replica, as the removal of the Service Broker queue has already been replicated across from the primary to the secondary. Running this script only creates the SQL Server Agent job on the secondary replica. This job runs on the secondary but does not execute the CopyFromStaging stored procedure unless failover occurs, and this becomes the primary replica.
- Remove the read-only access to the secondary replica (set Readable secondary to No).
- In the Endpoint Privilege Management Reporting Database Configuration form in BI, set the Server field to point to the PMR database in the Always On availability group, using the availability group listener address instead of the primary replica server address. The listener forwards any calls to the primary replica.
For more information on configuring read-only access to the secondary replica of the Always On availability group, see Configure read-only access to a secondary replica of an Always On availability group.
Install and configure external event collector worker nodes
- Ensure the BI event collector worker node is installed and configured.
- Ensure all steps detailed in the above sections for installing and configuring PMR in BI have been followed.
- Verify that PMR is displaying reports in BI and that it is receiving events from an endpoint that is configured to point to the BI event collector on the BI management server. This is to verify that the end-to-end process is working and that events can flow from the endpoint to the BI event collector on the BI management server, then to the PMR event vollector, and finally to the PMR database.
- Ensure the PMR database connection setting configured in the BI console is using the DNS hostname or IP address for the PMR database server, and not localhost or Otherwise, the external event collectors are not able to communicate with the PMR database.
- Run the BeyondInsight.EPM.EventCollector.Services MSI on each event collector worker node.
This must be installed in its default location for the PMR in BI integration to work.
- Run the BeyondTrust EventCollector MSI on each external event collector worker node. The event collector service starts automatically as part of the upgrade.
- Configure an endpoint to point to an external event collector node and raise events. Confirm they can be seen in the PMR reports.
For more information on BI Event Collectors, see Configure U-Series Appliance.
A diagnostics tool, EndpointUtility.exe, is available with Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows installed files. Using the tool, you can:
- Diagnose the cause of connection problems. The tool offers actions to remedy the issue.
- Request an immediate policy update from BeyondInsight.
The tool does not require any elevated rights to run; any authenticated user on the system can use the tool.
Use the EndpointUtility.exe tool
Management platform argument:
/bi: BeyondInsight
Task arguments:
/c: Test connection
/p: Force policy
Test connection
Run the following commands to send a test message to the BeyondInsight instance. The test results are displayed in the console window.
The registry settings used to connect to BeyondInsight are displayed first, followed by the result of the test message.
If Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows is installed in the default location, run the following from the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\EndpointUtility.exe" /bi /c
& "C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\EndpointUtility.exe" /bi /c
Possible test connection results
Result | Remedy |
Connection Successful | NA |
Defendpoint BeyondInsight Adapter cannot be contacted. | Reinstall BeyondTrust Endpoint Privilege Management with BIMODE=1 and correct parameters for; BEYONDINSIGHTURL (and optionally BEYONDINSIGHTCERTNAME and BEYONDINSIGHTWORKGROUP). |
BeyondInsight Client Certificate Name could not be found. | Check the value of BEYONDINSIGHTCERTNAME in the registry and verify that the certificate is installed in and accessible from the correct certificate store |
BeyondInsight Connection refused. | Check the value of BEYONDINSIGHTURL in the registry and that you have installed the correct BeyondInsight client certificate. |
BeyondInsight URL not specified | Provide a value for BEYONDINSIGHTURL in the registry |
BeyondInsight could not be contacted | Check the value of BEYONDINSIGHTURL in the registry, and network and firewall settings |
Force policy
Run the following commands to force a policy update on endpoints from BeyondInsight.
If Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows is installed in the default location, run the following command from the Windows command prompt:
"C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\EndpointUtility.exe" /bi /p
& "C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\EndpointUtility.exe" /bi /p
Force update policy for end users
End users can check and force a policy update to their computer from the system tray. Using this option reduces the time it takes to update a policy.
- In the system tray, click the Endpoint Privilege Management icon.
- Click Check for Policy Update.
One of the following notifications can appear:
- Update Finished to notify the user that a policy update has been applied.
- No Updates Found if the current policy is already up to date.
- Unable to Check for Updates if the computer cannot reach the management platform.
Use the capture config utility
Run the BeyondTrust Capture Config Utility from the command line either locally or remotely using the EndpointUtility.exe.
If you are running a version of Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows earlier than 22.3, follow the steps described in KB0017213.
Initiate the capture config utility from the command line
If you are running this on a remote machine, proceed to Run remotely and silently using PowerShell.
To initiate the utility:
Open PowerShell as admin.
Change directory (cd) to the Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows install location. By default, this is C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client (include the 's in your command, as below).
cd 'C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client'
(Optional). Use the command below to create a new folder, or proceed to step 4 if you already have a folder created on the machine. Replace `Chosen Path` with the path you want the new folder to reside in, and replace `Chosen Name` with the preferred name for the folder. For example, the case reference number.
$output = New-Item -Path \`Chosen Path\` -Name \`Chosen Name\` -ItemType directory
Run the capture config script with the command below. Replace `Desired .zip name` with the preferred name for the logs, which is exported to a ZIP file.
If you opted to use a preexisting folder (or did not use the $output variable in the previous command), remove $output and type the path to the existing folder, and the desired name of the log file which is exported to a new ZIP file with that name. See the examples below.
.\EndpointUtility.exe /cc $output \`Desired .zip name\`
.\EndpointUtility.exe /cc \`Path to folder\` \`Desired .zip name\`
Replace `path to folder` with the path to the existing folder, and then replace `Desired .zip name` with the preferred name for the log export.
A ZIP file is output to the chosen location, with your specified reference or filename.
Run remotely and silently using PowerShell
To produce the Config Capture on a remote session, use the PSSession commands as below:
Launch PowerShell as admin.
Run the command below (replace `machine name` with the name of the remote machine).
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName \`machine name\`
cd to the Endpoint Privilege Management for Windows install location. By default, this is C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client (include the 's in your command).
cd 'C:\Program Files\Avecto\Privilege Guard Client\'
(Optional). Use the command below to create a new folder on the remote machine, or proceed to step 5 if you already have a folder created on the remote machine. Replace `Chosen Path` with the path you would like the new folder to reside in, and then replace `Chosen Name` with the preferred name for the folder. For example, the case reference number.
$output = New-Item -Path \`Chosen Path\` -Name \`Chosen Name\` -ItemType directory
Run the capture config script with the command below. Replace `Desired .zip name` with the preferred name for the logs, which is exported to a ZIP file.
If you opted to use a preexisting folder (or did not use the $output variable in the previous command), remove $output and type the path to the existing folder, and the desired name of the log file which is exported to a new ZIP file with that name. See the examples below.
.\EndpointUtility.exe /cc $output \`Desired .zip name\`
Replace `Path to folder` with the path to the existing folder, and then replace `Desired .zip name` with the preferred name for the log export.
.\EndpointUtility.exe /cc \`Path to folder\` \`Desired .zip name\`
The screen PowerShell command remains with the cursor "-" for a few minutes while the command is in progress This is normal; do not close the window.
A success message then displays.
- Open File Explorer and navigate to the remote directory you chose in steps 3 and 4, and then copy the ZIP folder to your machine.
If you run the command below without first copying the logs, you must re-do this process to collect the logs again.
- (Optional). To remove the logs from the remote machine once you have copied the ZIP file, run the command below.
Remove-Item -Path $output -Force -Recurse
For more information, see KB0016797.
Updated 10 days ago