BeyondInsight home page
Navigate BeyondInsight
Once logged into the BeyondInsight console, you are taken to the Home page, where the suite of features is easily accessible using any of the following methods:
- Click the container cards.
- Click the icons in the left sidebar.
- Click Menu in the left sidebar to expand it, and then click your desired feature.
1. Left sidebar
The following features are available from the left sidebar:
- Dashboard (Preview): Customize your dynamic dashboards using the Dashboard Editor.
- Assets: Display and manage all assets. Access the Smart Rules page to create and manage Smart Groups. Add assets to Password Safe management.
- Smart Rules: View and manage Smart Rules.
- Discovery: Run and schedule discovery scans, review active, completed, and scheduled scans, and view the list of discovery scanners.
- Managed Systems: View and configure properties for Password Safe managed systems, managed databases, managed directories, managed applications, and their associated Smart Rules.
- Managed Accounts: View and configure properties for Password Safe managed accounts and their associated Smart Rules.
- BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux: View and manage hosts, settings, logs, policies, license information, and jobs for BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux.
- Password Safe: Access the Password Safe web portal to request passwords and remote access sessions and to approve requests.
- Privileged Remote Access: View Privileged Remote Access session data in a dashboard, if you have a Privileged Remote Access license and have the integration with BeyondInsight configured.
- Secrets Safe: View and manage team secrets.
- Analytics & Reporting: Access reports on collected data.
- Configuration: Configure BeyondInsight and Password Safe components and objects, such as users and groups, authentication settings, connectors, and much more.
- About: Access helpful links and support tools, such as generating a support package and analysis to send to BeyondTrust Technical Support. View the current BeyondInsight version information, as well as the history of installed versions. View version information for currently installed plugins. View the maintenance expiry date and disable or enable the Maintenance Expiry Warning Banner.
2. Quick Navigation
- In the top-right corner or press CTRL+K to access a list of the commonly used features and your favorites.
- Locate your desired feature from the list by typing at least 3 characters.
- Click the star next to any of the features in the list to add them to your favorites. Favorites are displayed at the top of the list.
- Click the star next to any favorite to remove it as favorite.
3. Container cards
You can quickly access the following functionality from the container cards:
- View and manage assets.
- Access Password Safe to execute password requests and approvals.
- Access Secrets Safe to view and manage team secrets.
- Access reports on collected data.
- Initiate a discovery scan to discover new systems and accounts.
- View and manage Endpoint Privilege Management events.
- View and edit managed systems.
- View and edit managed accounts.
- View and manage Endpoint Privilege Management policy users.
- Access configuration settings for BeyondInsight and Password Safe components and objects.
4. Resource brokers
Manage toast messages and notifications
During your session, BeyondInsight displays toast messages to indicate successes, failures, warnings, and errors for actions you have taken. Toast messages auto-dismiss after 8 seconds based on a timer. There may be multiple messages displayed at once. A control bar displays above the message(s) that can be used to control the message timer. You can control the messages as follows:
- Click Dismiss directly in a message to dismiss that specific message immediately.
- Use the control bar above the message(s) to pause all timers, resume all timers, or dismiss all messages.
Toast messages that you haven't dismissed but instead have timed out can be reviewed in the Message Notification Center by clicking the Notifications (bell) icon in the top right of the console. This allows you to view more details for errors or warnings if they exist, and dismiss them.
More details about the Message Notification Center are as follows:
- Success messages are not sent to the notification center, whether or not they were dismissed.
- A max of 6 messages can be displayed at once and a scroll bar is provided to view more as needed.
- The notification center can show up to 100 of the most recent notifications, sorted from newest to oldest.
- Notifications that are older than 1 hour are not available.
- Once you log out of BeyondInsight, any notifications that existed in the notification center are cleared and are no longer available.
A warning banner displays at the top of the screen if your maintenance contract for BeyondInsight is close to expiry or has expired. Click More Details to go to the About page, where you can disable and re-enable the warning.
A warning banner displays at the top of the screen if your installation includes any Discovery Agents earlier than version 20.1. These must be updated by the end of 2021. You can go to Discovery > Discovery Scanners to view all scanners in the system, and their version.
Click Dismiss to hide warning banners until your next login.
Dynamic Dashboards
Only admin access is supported at this time, and more features will be added in later releases.
Dynamic Dashboards provide a faster, customizable experience, allowing administrators quick access to the information that is most important to them.
To access Your Dashboards, click Menu > Dashboard (Preview). A list of available dashboards displays on the left. BeyondInsight comes with several prebuilt dashboard cards, including:
- Analytics & Reporting
- Default Dashboard
- Endpoint Privilege Management
- Health
- Omniworker
- Password Safe
- Password Safe Session
- Privileged Remote Access Dashboard
- System Activity
The list of system-generated dashboards displayed can change depending on licensing, as well as data available in the system, and configuration settings. This also affects what tiles are shown in the Add a tile dropdown list.
Each dashboard card comes with preset tiles, which display information for that particular feature. Icons allow you to control the tile:
Click to refresh information displayed.
Click to get information on what is displayed on the tile.
Click to delete the tile. You can add it again later.
Use Dashboard Options to:
- Create New: Create a new empty dashboard, then add the tiles you want.
- Duplicate: Create a copy of the dashboard that can be modified.
- Delete: Delete the selected dashboard.
- Set as Default: Set the current dashboard as the default so it displays every time you click Menu > Dashboards.
Customize a dashboard
You can customize a dashboard to display the information that is important to you. Tiles can be deleted, added, moved, and resized to allow you a personalized and more efficient experience.
- To create a custom dashboard, select one of the available dashboard cards. In this example we use the Password Safe card. If necessary, delete any of the existing tiles that come installed with that card.
- From the Add a tile dropdown, select the tiles you want to add. Resize and reposition tiles in a manner that makes sense to you.
- Next, under Name, give the layout a name so you can identify it.
- Click Save Layout. Your custom layout now appears on the lower left side of the window, under Custom Dashboards.
- If you want to make this your default layout so it opens every time you select Menu > Dashboard, click Dashboard Options, and then select Set as Default.
Setting a dashboard as default causes that dashboard to be displayed when the user logs in, or every time the user clicks on Home, and replaces the default dashboard.
Access dashboard tile information
The information displayed on some tiles can be used to access all relevant data associated with it. In this example, by clicking on the 2 in the Failed Logins Last 7 days tile, you are taken directly to the User Audits page, where you can get full details on the 2 failed logins. The grid is automatically filtered to show login failures for the last 7 days.
Change and reset login passwords
Users can maintain the security and control of their account and protect it against unauthorized access. If you are logging in with a BeyondInsight local user account, you can change your password from the Account Settings page.
You cannot update your password if you are logging in with Active Directory, LDAP, or Entra ID credentials, or if your account is locked out.
In the top-right corner of the console, click the Profile and preferences icon.
- Click Account Settings.
Change your password
- From the My Account panel, select Change Password.
- Enter your current password.
- Enter your new password and confirm it.
- Click Change Password.
Reset your password
If you forget your console password, you can reset it when logging in:
- Click the Forgot Password link.
- Enter your username, and then click Reset Password. An email containing a reset link is sent to the address associated with your username.
- Click the link in the email to be taken to the Enter New Password page, where you can change your password.
Resetting the console password is not available to users logging in with Active Directory, LDAP, or Entra ID credentials.
Reconfigure two-factor authentication
Users can maintain the security and control of their account and protect it against unauthorized access. If you are logging in with a BeyondInsight local user account that has two-factor authentication enabled and registered with a device, you can update the authenticator app from the Account Settings page.
You cannot update the authenticator if you are logging in with Active Directory, LDAP, or Entra ID credentials, or if your account is locked out.
In the top-right corner of the console, click the Profile and preferences icon.
Click Account Settings.
From the My Account panel, select Two-Factor Authentication.
Click Replace Authenticator App.
Click Reconfigure Authenticator App to register a new authenticator app.
Register passwordless authenticators
Users can maintain the security and control of their account and protect it against unauthorized access. If you are logging in with a BeyondInsight local user account, and if passwordless authentication is enabled for your BeyondInsight instance, you can register FIDO2-certified authenticators from the Account Settings page.
Passwordless authentication is available only for local BeyondInsight users. Support for Active Directory, LDAP, and Entra ID directory users is planned for a future release.
In the top-right corner of the console, click the Profile and preferences icon.
Click Account Settings.
From the My Account panel, click Passwordless Authentication.
Click + Register FIDO2 Authenticator.
Select the type of authenticator you wish to register: Roaming or Platform.
Enter a unique name for your authenticator.
Enter your BeyondInsight account password.
Click Continue and follow your browser's instructions.
Manage your FIDO2 authenticators
- From the Passwordless Authenticators panel, click the vertical ellipsis for a listed authenticator.
- Select Edit to update the name for the authenticator.
- Select Delete to remove the authenticator.
Updated 8 days ago