Site and user management
Role required
You must be an administrator to access site management features.
What are sites?
Sites are groupings of your BeyondTrust applications. Use sites to group applications by company structure, such as IT and Engineering, by region, such as North America and Europe, or in any way that fits your organizational needs.
How are they useful?
Managing users at the site level is a method of isolated access, meaning users are only given access to the applications they need.
Switch sites
- Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. - At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu of available sites.
- Select the site you wish to view.
The selected site's Home page displays.
Site management
Your organization comes with a default site, with at least one application in it. To add additional sites, contact BeyondTrust.
Edit a site name
Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. -
At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu.
Select Administration.
The BeyondTrust Platform Administration page opens and displays each available site as a tile. -
Locate the site you wish to edit and click
The Edit Site page displays. -
to edit the site name.
Click Update.
The site name updates immediately.
Delete a site
Deleting a site is an unrecoverable operation, and removes all associated user permissions and configured connectors. Would not recommend doing this if you have only one site
- Ensure all applications are removed from the site you want to delete.
Contact BeyondTrust Support to remove your site's applications. - Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. - At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu.
- Select Administration.
The BeyondTrust Platform Administration page opens and displays each available site as a tile. - Locate the site you wish to edit and click
The Edit Site page displays. - Click Delete site.
A confirmation message displays. - Click Confirm.
The site is immediately deleted, and all associated user permissions and configured connectors are removed.
Site user management
Invite a user to a site
- See Invite a user for procedures.
Edit a user's details
Important information
To change a user's email, contact BeyondTrust Support
- Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. - At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu.
- Select Administration.
The BeyondTrust Platform Administration page displays. - From the top left of the page, click
> Administration > User Management.
The Organization Users page displays. - Locate the user you want to edit.
- Click
> Edit User.
The Edit User page displays. - Edit the user's first and/or last name.
- Click Save Changes.
The changes update immediately.
Change a user's access and permission levels
- Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. - At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu.
- Select Administration.
The BeyondTrust Platform Administration page displays. - From the top left of the page, click
> Administration > User Management.
The Organization Users page displays. - Locate the user you want to edit.
- Click
> Edit User.
The Edit User page displays. - Optionally, select Grant this user administrator access to the sites below to grant administrator permissions for selected sites.
- Optionally, deselect Grant this user administrator access to the sites below to grant end user permissions for selected sites.
- Optionally, select specific sites and associated applications for the user to access.
- Optionally, deselect specific sites and associated applications you no longer want the user to access.
- Click Save Changes.
The access and/or permissions update.
Delete a user
Deleting a user is an unrecoverable operation. The user access is immediately revoked from all sites and associated applications.
Alternatively, you can change a user's permissions and access levels.
- Sign into
The BeyondTrust Home page displays. - At the top right of the page, click your site name to display a drop-down menu.
- Select Administration.
The BeyondTrust Platform Administration page displays. - From the top left of the page, click
> Administration > User Management.
The Organization Users page displays. - Locate the user you want to delete.
- Click
> Delete User.
A confirmation message displays. - Type delete into the text field.
- Click Delete.
The user is immediately deleted and access to all sites and applications is revoked.
Updated 10 days ago