Create a PingOne application
Ensure you are logged into PingOne as a user with administration privileges.
Within your PingOne dashboard, navigate to Connections > Applications.
Click the Add Application button, and:
- Provide a human-readable name for the new application.
- Select Worker for the application type.
- Click Configure to create your application.
In your new application, navigate to Roles and click Grant Roles.
- Select Remove All.
- Click Save.
Click Grant Roles, and use the search field to find Read-Only.
- Select Select All.
- Click Save.
VerifyRead-Only roles are the only roles granted to the application.
- Toggle the Application to On.
- Navigate to Configuration for this application and expand General.
- The Client ID, Client Secret, and Environment ID are required in the next section.
Create a connector in Insights
- From Home go to Menu > Connectors.
- Select theAvailable tab.
- Click Create Connectorbeside Google Cloud Platform.
- Provide the following information to connect to PingOne:
- Name: A human-readable name for your Ping connector.
- Client ID: Paste the Client ID provided in Step 7 of your Ping configuration above.
- Client Secret: Paste the Client Secret provided in Step 7 of your Ping configuration above.
- Environment ID: Paste the Environment ID provided in Step 7 of your Ping configuration above.
- Click Create Connector.
Navigate to the Configured Connectors panel (Menu > Connectors > Configured) to confirm that connector creation was successful and review any connector settings.
Updated 15 days ago