Google Cloud Platform
Identity Security Insights requires a service account to access information in your Google Cloud Platform organization.
A service account can be created manually, via the Google Cloud Console, or via a script for Google Cloud Shell provided by Identity Security Insights.
Manually configure a Google Cloud Platform connector
Create a new project
- Within the Google Cloud Console, click the project selector in the top navigation bar, and select your organization.
- In the project window, click New Project.
- Enter a human-readable name for your project.
- Click Create.
Enable required services
- From your new project's navigation menu, go to APIs & Services > Library.
- Search for and enable the following APIs:
- Cloud Asset API
- Cloud Logging API
- Cloud Resource Manager API
Ensure all projects within your organization have the same APIs enabled.
Create a service account
- From the navigation menu, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
- Click Create Service Account.
- Enter a human-readable display name for your new service account.
- Enter a unique service account ID.
- The Google Cloud console will generate an email address for this service account. This email address will be required in the next step.
- When finished, click Done.
Assign service account roles
- In the top navigation toolbar, click the project selector, and select your organization.
- Navigate to IAM & Admin > IAM, and click Grant Access.
- In the New principals field, enter the service account email generated by Google Cloud.
- Under Assign roles, select the following roles:
- Cloud Asset Viewer
- Security Reviewer
- When finished, click Save.
Generate a key for the service account
- In the top navigation toolbar, click the project selector, and select your new project.
- From the navigation menu, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts, and select the created service account.
- Click the Keys tab.
- Click Add Key > Create new key.
- Select JSON as the key type.
- Click Create.
- A new key will be automatically downloaded to your local system. Ensure you keep the downloaded JSON key in a secure location.
Create the Google Cloud Platform Connector
- From Home go to Menu > Connectors.
- Select theAvailable tab.
- Click Create Connectorbeside Google Cloud Platform.
- In the connection panel, enter a human-readable name for your connector.
- Select Manual Configuration from the installation method drop-down menu.
- Provide the following information about your service account:
- Organization ID: Your organization ID can be found in the Google Cloud Console by selecting your organization from the drop-down menu, and navigating to IAM & Admin > Settings.
- Service Account Key: The JSON key created for your service account.
- Click Create Connector.
Navigate to the Configured Connectors panel (Menu > Connectors > Configured) to confirm that connector creation was successful and review any connector settings.
Create a GCP connector with Google Cloud Shell
Create the Google Cloud Platform Connector
- FromHome go to Menu > Connectors.
- Select theAvailable tab.
- Click Create Connectorbeside Google Cloud Platform.
- In the connection panel, enter a human-readable name for your GCP Connector.
- Select Google Cloud Shell from the installation method drop-down menu.
Configure Google Cloud Platform
- In a new window, sign into Google Cloud Platform Console.
- Click Activate Cloud Shell in the upper-right navigation menu to open the command line interface.
If you are prompted to authorize an action after running a command, authorize it. The command may need to be re-run after authorization.
Retrieve the organization ID
- Run the following command to retrieve your organization ID:
gcloud organizations list
- Paste your organization ID in the Organization ID field in Identity Security Insights.
Create a new project
Run the following command to create a new project, replacing <Project_ID> with a unique ID of your choosing:
gcloud projects create <Project_ID>
Set the current project
Run the following command to set your current project, replacing <Project_ID> with the ID you created:
gcloud config set project <Project_ID>
Enable required services
Run the following command to enable necessary Google Cloud services:
project_ids=$(gcloud projects list --format json | jq -r '.[].projectId')
for project_id in $project_ids; do
gcloud services enable --project "$project_id"
gcloud services enable --project "$project_id"
gcloud services enable --project "$project_id"
This command enables the following APIs for all projects:
- Cloud Asset API
- Cloud Logging API
- Cloud Resource Manager API
Create a service account
Run the following command to enable create a new service account, replacing <Service_account_ID> with a unique ID:
gcloud iam service-accounts create <Service_account_ID>
Assign service account roles
Run the following command to assign necessary roles to your new service account, replacing <Organizations_ID>, <Service_account_ID>, and <Project_ID> with the values set in earlier steps:
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding <Organizations_ID> --role 'roles/iam.securityReviewer' --member serviceAccount:<Service_account_ID>@<Project_ID>
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding <Organizations ID> --role 'roles/cloudasset.viewer' --member serviceAccount:<Service_account_ID>@<Project_ID>
Generate a key for the service account
- Run the following command to generate a new key, replacing <Service_account_ID> and <Project_ID> with the values set in earlier steps:
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding <Organizations_ID> --role 'roles/iam.securityReviewer' --member serviceAccount:<Service_account_ID>@<Project_ID>
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding <Organizations ID> --role 'roles/cloudasset.viewer' --member serviceAccount:<Service_account_ID>@<Project_ID>
- Copy the full JSON output, and paste it in Service Account Key field in Identity Security Insights.
- When finished, click Create Connector.
Navigate to the Configured Connectors panel (Menu > Connectors > Configured) to confirm that connector creation was successful and review any connector settings.
Updated 14 days ago