Exclusion rules

What are exclusion rules?

To exclude specific results from appearing in an Insights app's detections or recommendations, Insights has exclusion rules, which are defined to fine-tune the results in your dashboards.

Manage exclusion rules

To manage exclusion rules, click the Menu button in your navigation bar, and click Exclusion Rules. If any exclusion rules exist, a list displays an overview of the rule's name and description.

Edit or delete exclusion rules

Edit rules by clicking the rule's Name and delete a rule by clicking the action menu to the right of the rule and selecting Delete.

Create an exclusion rule

  1. Click Create Rule to add a new exclusion rule, and provide the rule a user-friendly Name and Description.
  2. Under If all of the following conditions are met:, select detection from the Category dropdown, and select values for the following:
    • The Property dropdown allows you to select which property of the detection (e.g., name) you would like to filter on.
    • The Operator dropdown determines the relationship of the property to the value (e.g. is or is not).
    • The Value dropdown allows you to select the specific detection or recommendation to filter on.
      For example, a condition with the property Name, the operator Is, and the value Account associated with personal email will exclude personal email detections from your dashboards.
  3. Click Create Rule to save the rule. The rule will immediately apply.

Filter by account or identity

Further filter exclusion rules by a specific account of identity matches. Adding this condition applies the rule to only the matching account or identity.

  1. Click Add Condition to add a second condition to your exclusion rule, and select values for the following:
    • The Category dropdown allows you to select between filtering on an account or an identity.
    • The Property dropdown allows you to select which property of the category (i.e., name) you would like to filter on.
    • The Operator dropdown determines the relationship of the property to the value (i.e. is or is not).
    • The Value dropdown allows you to select the specific detection to filter on.
      For example, a condition with the category Account, the property Name, the operator Is, and the value of an email address will only apply the exclusion rule to the provided email.
  2. Click Create Rule to save the rule. The rule applies immediately.



An account or identity condition can only be added as a second condition to an exclusion rule.

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