BeyondTrust integrations

What are Identity Security integrations?

Identity Security Insights integrations allow you to connect third-party security information and event management (SIEM) tools to your BeyondTrust Insights console. Once an integration is configured, Insights automatically sends information regarding new detections and recommendations to the provided endpoint.

How are they useful?

Along with custom integrations for SIEM tools like Splunk and Elastic, Identity Security Insights also provides generic webhooks integrations to automate detection reporting to your security team's preferred platform.

View available integrations

  1. Log in to your Insights console.
  2. In the header, click Menu > Integrations.

All BeyondTrust integrations

This list contains all of BeyondTrust's integrations. Identity Security Insights-specific integrations and webhooks are also listed in the main table of contents, to the left of this page.

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