Update the EPM-L client on your client host system
Update the EPM-L client on an RPM-based system
- Ensure you've downloaded a rebuilt package and it is available on your client host system.
- On the client host, open a terminal as root and navigate to the location of the rebuilt client RPM file:
Run rpm -U ./<epml_package_file>
Update the EPM-L on a Debian or Ubuntu-based system
Ensure you've downloaded a rebuilt package and it is available on your client host system.
On the client host, open a terminal as root and navigate to the location of the rebuilt client DEB file:
apt-get install ./<epml_package>.deb
dpkg -i ./<epml_package>.deb
If prompted, choose to install the package maintainer's version of the configuration files.
Activate the installation:
Retrieve the token from EPM-L's Linux Deployment Packages page.
Navigate to the terminal connected to the EPM-L client as root.
Run pbactivate with the -t option to specify the copied token string as its command-line parameter:
[root@client~] /usr/sbin/pbactivate -t eyJhbGciOiJNEQIgEk...vM5o1qbhoJfsI7beI7w About to contact epm.beyondtrust.io Received request results. Verifying... Verified data integrity. Stored client authentication data.
- If pbactivate runs with an incorrect token string, it reports “Malformed activation token”.
- If pbactivate runs with a token that has expired, it reports “Activation token expired”.
Provide the token string to pbactivate.
Provide the token string in one of the following ways (listed in order of preference):
command-line parameter
The command-line parameter is when -t is used (recommended).
/usr/sbin/pbactivate -t
stdin via a file redirect
A file redirect might be:/usr/sbin/pbactivate < token.txt
stdin via a pipe
A pipe might be:echo "eyJhbGciOiJS...kBfE_W3i4g" | /usr/sbin/pbactivate
echo ${TOKEN} | /usr/sbin/pbactivate
environment variable
The environment variable to use is `PBATOKEN`.export PBATOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJS...kBfE_W3i4g ... /usr/sbin/pbactivate
stdin via TTY if in foreground
If the program is being invoked from a foreground terminal session, pbactivate will prompt the user to enter the token (this is where you paste the token in):
/usr/sbin/pbactivate Enter token:
The EPM-L client updates.
Updated 12 days ago