
Console access

What is console access and how is it useful to my organization?

Use the Console Access page to view a complete list of users and their information, and to assign roles to individuals in EPM Cloud for Linux.

View a user's information

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Console Access.
    The Console Access page displays.
  2. Optionally, set one or more filters to search by user name, role, and/or status.
  3. Locate the user in the list.
  4. Click the Edit icon.
    The User Details page displays with the user's information.

Assign a role to a secure user

  1. Click > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Console Access.
    The Console Access page displays.
  2. Locate the user to whom you want to assign a role.
  3. Click the user's Edit icon.
    The User Details page displays.
  4. In the left menu, click Roles.
  5. Select the role(s) you want to assign.
    The selected role(s) automatically assign(s) to the user, and a success message displays.

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