
Uninstall the EPM-L client on your client host systems

Uninstall the EPM-L client from an RPM-based system

  1. On the client host, run the rpm -qa |grep epml command to find the package name of the installed EPM-L client.
  2. Copy the package name.
  3. Open a terminal as root and run rpm -e <epm_package_name>, replacing <epm_package_name> with the copied package name.
    The client uninstalls from the system.

Uninstall the EPM-L client from a Debian or Ubuntu system

  1. On the client host, run either the apt list |grep epml or dpkg -l | grep epml command to find the package name of the installed EPM-L client.
  2. Copy the package name.
  3. Open a terminal as root and run apt-get purge <epm_package_name>, replacing <epm_package_name> with the copied package name.



    The purge option is necessary to clean up EPM-L's configuration files.
    The client uninstalls from the system.

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