
Host groups

What are host groups?

Host groups are collections of hosts that define where specific roles and policies are applied.

How are host groups useful?

Host groups enhance control over privileged access by allowing you to define which endpoints you want your roles applied.

Create a new host group

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Click Add Host Group.
    The Host Group panel displays.
  2. Optionally, select Enable Host Group to enable the group upon saving.
  3. Enter a Host Group Name.
  4. Enter a Host Group Description.
  5. Enter a matching host for the group.



    Matching hosts cannot be an IP address.

  6. Optionally, add additional matching hosts.
  7. Click Save.
    The host group saves and displays in the list.

View a host group's details

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Locate the host group you want to view.
  2. Click the name.
    The Host Groups panel displays with the host group details.

Enable or disable a host group

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Locate the host group you want to enable or disable.
  2. Click the name.
    The Host Groups panel displays.
  3. Toggle the Enable Host Group on to enable the group, or off to disable it.

Add a matching host to a host group

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Locate the host group you want to edit.
  2. Click the name.
    The Host Groups panel displays.
  3. Enter a matching host for the group.



    Matching hosts cannot be an IP address.

  4. Optionally, add additional matching hosts.
  5. Click Save.
    The added matching hosts save to the host group.

Remove a matching host from a host group

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Locate the host group you want to edit.
  2. Click the name.
    The Host Groups panel displays.
  3. Locate the matching host you want to remove.
  4. Click the Delete icon.
  5. Click Save.
    The edits save.

Delete a host group



Deleting a host group is an unrecoverable operation.

  1. Click an icon with three horizontal lines > Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux > Policy.
    The Role Based Policy page displays.
  2. Click the Where tile.
    The Host Groups page displays.
  1. Locate the host group you want to delete.
  2. Click the name.
    The Host Groups panel displays.
  3. Click Delete.
    A confirmation message displays.
  4. Click OK.
    The host group is deleted.

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