acceptThe term that is used to indicate that a secured task request has passed all security checks and may now be executed.
built-in functionPredefined function that comes with EPM Cloud for Linux.
character string listA sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in double (") or single (') quotation marks.
character string listAn ordered list of character strings separated by commas and enclosed in curly braces ({}).
checksumA unique value that is derived from an application. It can be used to determine if an application has been modified since the checksum value was created.
constantA value that cannot be modified. A read-only variable is an example of a constant.
decimal integerBase 10 numeric value (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
event logThe file that EPM Cloud for Linux uses to record information about each user task request that EPM Cloud for Linux processes.
environment variableOne of a set of Unix/Linux variables that define the environment that is passed to child processes.
falseA read-only EPM Cloud for Linux variable that is equal to an integer value of 0.
format command characterUsed to insert variable values into character strings. Format command characters specify not only where to insert values, but also how to format the inserted values.
functionA stand-alone unit of security verification logic that performs a specific task. Procedures are generally used to implement repetitive tasks. The difference between a function and a procedure is that a function returns a value, whereas a procedure does not.
function scopeDetermines whether a variable that is defined in one security policy function or procedure can be used by another security policy function or procedure. In EPM Cloud for Linux, functions and procedures have a global scope, meaning that variables that are used in one function or procedure can be used by any other function or procedure.
global variableAn EPM Cloud for Linux variable that applies to the EPM Cloud for Linux system, rather than to a specific task request.
hexadecimal integerBase 16 integer value (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F).
indexA number that is used to access a specific element within a list variable.
integerA numeric value; a member of the set of both positive and negative whole numbers.
I/O logAn EPM Cloud for Linux log that captures the input (keystroke), output, and error streams for an interactive Unix/Linux session.
LDAP connectionA special data type that is used to pass parameters to and from EPM Cloud for Linux LDAP functions.
LDAP messageA special data type that is used to pass parameters to and from EPM Cloud for Linux LDAP functions.
logging variablesContain information that controls EPM Cloud for Linux logging activities.
log hostMachine on which the EPM Cloud for Linux log server runs. See pblogd.
manual acceptA task request can bypass security policy file processing and be manually accepted from the EPM Cloud for Linux web user interface.
octal integerBase 8 integer value (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
operatorA symbol that performs a specific mathematical, relational, logical or other special function.
pblocaldThe EPM Cloud for Linux daemon that is responsible for initiating task execution. See run host.
pblogdWhen used, pblogd is responsible for saving log records to the appropriate event log files and I/O log files. pblogd is not a required EPM Cloud for Linux component. If pblogd is not used, then the policy server host and the run host write their own log records. See log host.
pbmasterdThe main EPM Cloud for Linux daemon. pbmasterd is responsible for determining whether requests should be allowed to run (accepted) or be terminated (rejected). See policy server host.
pbrunThe EPM Cloud for Linux daemon that intercepts task requests and determines if the task is subject to security policy rules. If so, then pbrun passes the request on to the policy server host. See submit host.
policy server hostMachine on which the main EPM Cloud for Linux daemon (pbmasterd) runs. See pbmasterd.
policy server security policy fileThe security policy files invoked by policy server host to start security validation processing for a task.
procedureA stand-alone unit of security verification logic that performs a specific task. Procedures are generally used to implement repetitive tasks. The difference between a function and a procedure is that a function returns a value, whereas a procedure does not.
read-only variableA variable whose value cannot be changed; also known as a constant.
rejectThe term used to indicate that a secured task request did not pass all security checks and so may not be executed.
run hostMachine on which the EPM Cloud for Linux task-execution daemon is run. See pblocald.
run variableModifiable version of a task information variable. These variables contain properties that affect task execution.
secured activityAn activity that is checked against EPM Cloud for Linux security policy files, before it is executed, to verify that it adheres to all security policy rules. See secured task.
secured taskA task that is checked against EPM Cloud for Linux security policy files, before they are executed, to verify that they adhere to all security policy rules. See secured activity.
security administratorThe person who is responsible for implementing a company’s network security policy.
security policy fileA file that contains the actual security checks that are used to determine whether a specific task should be accepted or rejected.
Security Policy Scripting LanguageA C-like, interpreted programming language that is used to create security policy files.
security policy sub-fileA security policy file that is included by another security policy file. Security policy sub-files generally focus on specific areas of security verification processing.
security verification processingThe process of checking a task request against security policy files to determine if that task adheres to all security policy rules. The Policy Server host controls task verification processing.
special charactersCharacter combinations that are used in place of characters that cannot be typed directly with a keyboard.
submit hostMachine on which the EPM Cloud for Linux task-receiving component runs. See pbrun.
syslogAn interface that enables EPM Cloud for Linux to access the Unix/Linux logging daemon.
submitting userThe user who submitted the current task request.
task information variableOne of a set of variables that contain information about the current task. There are two types of task information variables: read-only variables and run variables.
task verification processingThe process of checking a task request against security policy files to determine if that task adheres to all security policy rules. The Policy Server host controls task verification processing.
task requestAny request to run a job.
trueA read-only EPM Cloud for Linux variable that is equal to an integer value of 1.
unsecured taskA task request that is not checked against EPM Cloud for Linux security policy files. Unsecured task requests are allowed to execute without first undergoing EPM Cloud for Linux task verification processing.
user-defined variableVariable that is used within a security policy file to store information during task security verification processing.
user-written functionA stand-alone unit of security verification logic that performs a specific task. These units of code are written using the Security Policy Scripting Language. They are generally used to implement repetitive tasks. The difference between a function and a procedure is that a function returns a value, whereas a procedure does not.
user-written procedureA stand-alone unit of security verification logic that performs a specific task. These units of code are written using the Security Policy Scripting Language. They are generally used to implement repetitive tasks. The difference between a function and a procedure is that a function returns a value, whereas a procedure does not.
variable data typeDefines the type of information that can be stored in a variable, as well as the types of operations that can be performed on a variable.
variable scopeDetermines whether another security policy file can use a variable that is defined in one security policy file. In EPM Cloud for Linux, all variables have a global scope, meaning that after they are created, any security policy file can reference them.

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