Organization, tenants, and users


View organization details

The Platform home page contains an Organization details section that includes the organization name and the option to invite users.

Instances of Insights with an active subscription of 30 days or fewer will also have a notification in this section warning of the impending expiration.

Change organization name

Click the pencil icon beside your organization name to edit it.


A tenant is a group of users and resources within an organization. Tenant represents a logical collection of your organization's resources.

You can set up multiple tenants within your organization specific to your company's needs, such as:

  • Geographical regions (specific countries, cities, offices)
  • Units or lines of business
  • Environments (such as production or test)

By grouping your data into tenants, Identity Security Insights can collect identities, detections, and recommendations for related resources and present them in reporting dashboards, which you can you use to orchestrate user access.

Create tenants

Click Add Insights Tenant, and complete the fields required by the Add New Tenant panel.

  • Name: A human-readable name for referencing this tenant.
  • Description: A description of the tenant’s use or organizational purpose.

Update or remove existing tenants

  1. From your Insights Organization dashboard, click Manage Tenants, or navigate to Menu > Tenants.
  2. Click Actions on the right side of the tenant you want to manage. A menu displays the following options:
    • Edit Tenant: Allows you to update the tenant name and description.
    • Delete Tenant: Removes this tenant from your organization.



Deleting a tenant removes all associated user permissions and configured connectors.

View tenant data

Select a tenant tile to open its dashboard. From here, you'll be able to view the data associated with that tenant, including connectors, entitlements, and detections and recommendations.



For more information, see Navigation overview.


Invite organization user

  1. Navigate to Menu > Organization Users, and click Invite User.
  2. Complete the fields required by the New Organization User page:
    • User Details: Provide the email address, first name, and last name of the user you would like to invite. The provided email is used to send the user their invitation.
    • Grant this user Administrator Access to Organization: Checking this box creates this user as an Administrator for your entire Organization (e.g., across all tenants).
      • If the above box is not checked, you can grant the user individual access to each configured tenant in your organization with the checkbox.
  3. Click Send Invitation when complete.
    • The new user receives an email with a link to access their account. When this link is clicked, the user is prompted to confirm a new password twice.
    • Once a new password is set, the user can log in with their new credentials to access the Insights console.

You can add, edit, and remove individual users in your organization. Each user can be provided with individual roles to permit or restrict access to your organization’s tenants.

Update or remove existing users

  1. From your Insights Organization dashboard, navigate to Menu > Organization Users.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis on the right side of the user you would like to manage. A menu displays the following options:
    • Edit User: Allows you to update the user’s email, name, and administrative permissions.
    • Delete User: Removes this user from your organization. They must be invited again via Add Users to restore access.

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