Use SSH Keys
SSH keys can be used for authentication rather than user names and passwords. At startup, BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux (BIUL) creates a new keypair if there isn’t one in the system.
BIUL maintains one active key at a time.
Deploy an SSH key
You can deploy a key to one or more servers by using the Actions menu.
Credentials imported from Password Safe cannot use the BIUL SSH key for authentication.
To deploy SSH keys:
- Go to the Hosts > Host Inventory page.
- Select one or more hosts:
- Single host: Select the host, and then at the far right, click the ellipsis menu icon and select Deploy SSH Key For Authentication.
- Multiple hosts: For all hosts you want to deploy an SSH key to, check the boxes on the left of the hostnames. From the Actions menu, select Deploy SSH Key For Authentication.
- Select a credential from the list.
- Click Deploy SSH Keys. The current active SSH key is added to the user's authorized keys (~/.ssh/authorized_keys file) on the selected hosts.
Download a public key
You can download the public key to use external to BIUL, for instance, by adding the key to a virtual machine template.
- Go to the Hosts > SSH Keys page.
- Click Manage SSH Keys, and then select Download Public Key.
Rotate a public key
You can rotate the SSH key and push to known hosts already using a key.
- Go to the Hosts > SSH Keys page.
- Click Manage SSH Keys, and then select Rotate SSH Key.
- Select one of the following:
- Deploy To Latest: Push the new key to hosts that are known by BIUL to be using the most recent active key.
- Deploy To All: Push this key to all hosts that BIUL has pushed keys to before.
- Click Rotate SSH Key.
Disable a key
You can disable the SSH key.
- Go to the Hosts > SSH Keys page.
- Select one or more keys in the list.
- From the Actions menu, select Disable Keys.
- To confirm the action, click Disable.
Updated 10 days ago