
Secure Socket Layers and Public Key infrastructure

Secure Socket Layers (SSL) enables the use of digital certificates, certificate authorities, extensive network encryption, and checksums for all network packets.

Starting with v3.0, EPM supports Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) through SSL. This feature enables the use of Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format certificates, private keys, and certificate authority files. The SSL features are controlled through the ssloptions setting, and the client and server settings.



Starting with v22.3.0, ssl is always enabled.

Many of the SSL settings enable token expansion for some useful strings. These are summarized in the following table.

SSL parameter substitutions

%%A % character.
%gUser’s group ID.
%GUser’s group ID number.
%hLocal host name. The unqualified name of the current machine.
%HRemote host name of the current machine in Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) format (if available from uname).
%IUnqualified local host name as determined by the network interface.
%LLocal host interface name. The local host name, as determined by the network interface, in FQDN format (if available).
%nProgram name with neither a prefix of suffix.
%NProgram name with a prefix and suffix.
%pProgram prefix.
%rUnqualified host name, as determined by the network interface.
%RRemote host interface name. The remote host name, as determined by the network interface, in FQDN format.
%sProgram suffix.
%uUser’s login ID.
%UUser’s UID.


The ssl setting is always set to yes, and enables the use of EPM-UL SSL features.


ssl yes



Version 22.3 deprecates ssl, but ssl can still be set to no. In v23.1, the keyword ssl is no longer supported.



For a new EPM-UL v23.1.0 install , the ssl keyword is not present in /etc/pb.settings. For an upgrade, the keyword is ignored.


ssl yes

Used on

  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Submit hosts
  • Run hosts


  • Version 10.1.0 and earlier: restssloptions setting not available.
  • Version 10.2.0 and later: restssloptions setting available.

The current restssloptions include:

  • TLSMinV1, TLSMinV1.0, TLSMinV1.1, TLSMinV1.2, and TLSMinV1.3
  • TLSMaxV1, TLSMaxV1.0, TLSMaxV1.1, TLSMaxV1.2 and TLSMaxV1.3
  • MinHMACMD5 and MinHMACSHA512

For FIPS compliance, all EPM-UL hosts must add MinHMACSHA512 to the restssloptions setting.


  • Version 4.0.0 and later: ssloptions setting available.

The ssloptions setting controls the following system-wide options:

ClientCertificatesTo require certificates on the client side, add ClientCertificates to the ssloptions line.
AllowCachedNonSSLTo allow a cached client to not use SSL when interacting with other components (for example: pbcached, pblocald) on the cached client machine.
AllowNonSSLTo communicate with older, non-SSL versions of EPM-UL, add AllowNonSSL to your ssloptions line. Doing so allows SSL-enabled versions to communicate with non-SSL versions.
If an EPM-UL client is SSL-enabled and the policy server host specifies AllowNonSSL, but not ClientCertificates, then the communications do not use SSL.
TLSMinV1.0, TLSMinV1.1, TLSMinV1.2, TLSMinV1.3When SSL is enabled, this option allows you to set the minimum SSL/TLS value to use in the protocol.
TLSMaxV1.0, TLSMaxV1.1, TLSMaxV1.2, TLSMaxV1.3When SSL is enabled, this option allows you to set the maximum SSL/TLS value to use in the protocol.
RequireSSLTo require SSL communications between Endpoint Privilege Management components without requiring EPM-UL client certificates, then add RequireSSL to your ssloptions line.
This option is not compatible with the AllowNonSSL option. If you specify both AllowNonSSL and RequireSSL, then the last one that is specified takes precedence.
SSLFirstIf the SSLFirst option is selected, this option forces the SSL handshake to happen before the EPM-UL handshake.
The SSLFirst option must be set on every EPM-UL host including clients and servers.
The SSLFirst option is turned on by default in version 10.3.2 and later.
sslverboseIf the sslverbose option is selected, server components log informational messages that are sent to error logs, detailing connections, SSL/TLS protocols, and the encryption ciphers used to communicate. This is a debugging and diagnostic option
validateClientThe option validateClient enables EPM-UL servers (pbmasterd, pblocald, pblogd) to use SSL verifypeer and verifyhost features to validate the connected client host. Note that pbmasterd is also a client to pblocald, and both pbmasterd and pblocald are clients to pblogd.
This can be used when the client hosts have certificates installed, and the servers’ ssloptions includes the ClientCertificates option (validateClient forces ClientCertificates).
Enabling the validateClient ssloption on the server requires that pb.settings on the server includes the sslservercafile keyword, specifying the CA that signed the client’s certificate. The pb.settings file on the client must include the sslpbruncertfile and sslpbrunkeyfile keywords, specifying the client’s certificate and key. This feature alternatively uses the sslpbruncertdir, sslpbrunkeydir, and sslservercadir keywords.
The pb.settings file on pbmasterd and pblocald must include sslservercertfile and sslserverkeyfile keywords, specifying the servers' certificate and key. This feature alternatively uses the sslservercertdir and sslserverkeydir keywords.
Enabling the AllowNonSSL with validateClient results in an error. Non-SSL connections are not allowed with validateClient.
The client host’s hostname should be listed in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field of the certificate.
validateServerThe option validateServer enables EPM-UL SSL clients to verify the server with the SSL verifypeer and verifyhost features. Note that pbmasterd is a client to pblocald, and both pbmasterd and pblocald are clients to pblogd.
Enabling the validateServer on the client requires that pb.settings on the client includes the sslpbruncafile keyword (sslpbservercafile keyword on pbmasterd and pblocald), specifying the CA that signed the server’s certificate. The pb.settings file on the server must include the sslservercertfile and sslserverkeyfile keywords, specifying the server’s certificate and key. This feature alternatively uses the sslservercertdir, sslserverkeydir, and sslpbruncadir keywords.
Enabling the AllowNonSSL with validateServer results in an error. Non-SSL connections are not allowed with validateServer.
The hostname should be listed in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field of the certificate.



The program terminates if invalid values are provided for ssloptions.


ssloptions AllowNonSSL
ssloptions requiressl sslfirst
ssloptions ClientCertificates
ssloptions AllowNonSSL ClientCertificates



Used on

  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Submit hosts
  • Run hosts

Server-side SSL

For client hosts where optimized run mode is always used (the submit host is always the run host), a server-side SSL scenario can be set up where the client machine does not need a server key/certificate pair or a client key/certificate pair.

The sslpbruncafile keyword is optional. If sslpbruncafile is specified, sslpbruncafile is the certificate authority (CA) that signed the server’s certificate. If sslpbruncafile is not specified, then the server’s certificate authenticity is not verified.



If the submit host is not the same host as the run host or if a log server is not used, then the pblocald server is used to execute the secured task. pblocald is an SSL server and requires the sslservercafile, sslservercertfile, and sslserverkeyfile settings.

SSL client settings

The SSL client settings configure SSL for EPM-UL client programs.

sslpbruncadir and sslpbruncafile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslpbruncadir and sslpbruncafile settings available.

These settings specify the path to a certificate authority directory or file.

A certificate authority file is a PEM-formatted file that contains one or more PEM-formatted signature certificates. The programs pbrun, pbksh, and pbsh use these certificate authority files to validate certificates from pbmasterd and pblocald. This file should not contain private keys.

If sslpbruncafile contains an absolute path, then that file is used as the certificate authority file. If sslpbruncafile contains a relative path, then the value of the sslpbruncadir setting is prepended to form an absolute path. The pbrun certificate authority file and certificate authority directory must be owned by root and no one else should have write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslpbruncafile /secure/ca/pbrun/OurAuthority.pem
sslpbruncadir /secure/ca/pbrun
sslpbruncafile OurAuthority.pem
sslpbruncadir /secure/ca/pbrun sslpbruncafile %N.pem


No default value

Used on

Submit hosts

sslpbruncertdir and sslpbruncertfile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslpbruncertdir and sslpbruncertfile settings available.

The sslpbruncertdir and sslpbruncertfile settings specify the path of a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format certificate file for clients to communicate with pbmasterd and pblocald.

If a full absolute path is provided for sslpbruncertfile, then it is used. If a relative path is provided for sslpbruncertfile, then the directory specified in the sslpbruncertdir setting is prepended to form the certificate file path.

root or the submitting user must own the pbrun certificate file and certificate directory. No one else should have write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslpbruncertfile /secure/certificates/pbrun/pbrun.pem
sslpbruncertdir /secure/certificates/pbrun
sslpbruncertfile pbrun.pem
sslpbruncertdir /home/%u/certificates
sslpbruncertfile %u.pem


No default value

Used on

Submit hosts


  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslpbruncipherlist setting available.

OpenSSL provides a variety of algorithms that can be used for encryption. The sslpbruncipherlist setting enables the administrator to restrict or promote the set of encryption algorithms that are used by Endpoint Privilege Management clients to communicate with SSL enabled server services.

The keyword sslpbruncipherlist accepts "cipherlist=" and "tlsv1.3=" cipher groups.

The cipher groups cipherlist= and tlsv1.3= are case-sensitive and space is not allowed before =.

When using the sslpbruncipherlist keyword, the order of cipher lists is not relevant.

This format: sslpbruncipherlist cipherlist= TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3= TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

is the same as this format:

sslpbruncipherlist tlsv1.3= TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipherlist= TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH

These ciphers are limited to the set of ciphers available in the given version of OpenSSL used by the Endpoint Privilege Management installation.


For more information, see the Release Notes.

Valid values

Refer to the following table for the valid values for the sslpbruncipherlist. To use more than one cipher set, separate the values with colons.

cipherlist Values

OpenSSL Cipher SetSetting Value

tlsv1.3 Values

OpenSSL Cipher SetSetting Value


In the following code snippet, EPM-UL uses the cipher lists:

  • TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH for TLS v1.2 (and earlier) connections
  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 for TLS v1.3 connections
sslpbruncipherlist cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

In the following code snippet, EPM-UL uses the cipher lists:

  • TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!eNULL:@STRENGTH for TLS v1.2 (and earlier) connections.
  • tlsv1.3= cipher group for TLSv1.3 connections. This is the default value.
sslpbruncipherlist cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!eNULL:@STRENGTH



Used on

Submit hosts

sslpbrunkeydir and sslpbrunkeyfile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslpbrunkeydir and sslpbrunkeyfile settings available.

The sslpbrunkeyfile and sslpbrunkeydir settings enable you to specify the location of a PEM-formatted private key for the client certificate file that is used to communicate with pbmasterd and pblocald.

If sslpbrunkeyfile is a full path name, then it is used for the private key. If sslpbrunkeyfile does not contain an absolute path, then sslpbrunkeydir is prepended to it.

The clients are usually interactive, so the private keys can be encrypted. The clients prompt for the passphrase when needed. If you are invoking a client non-interactively (for example, from cron), then the private key should not be encrypted.

root or the submitting user must own the private key file and the private key directory. No one else should have read or write permission.

If the key file and directory are not set, then the client looks in the certificate file to see if the key is there. In this case, the certificate file and directory must be read-only and owned by root or the submitting user. No one else should have read or write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslpbrunkeyfile /secure/privatekeys/pbrun.pem
sslpbrunkeydir /secure/privatekeys/
sslpbrunkeyfile %u.pem
sslpbrunkeydir /home/%u/privatekeys
sslpbrunkeyfile %u.pem


No default value

Used on

Submit hosts


  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslpbrunverifysubject setting available.

sslpbrunverifysubject contains a series of regular expressions to check against the policy server’s certificate subject line. If the subject line matches all patterns, then the connection is allowed to proceed. If any of the patterns do not match, then the connection fails.


This example verifies that the CN attribute (common name) matches the host name of the remote machine:

sslpbrunverifysubject /CN=%R/


This example verifies that the O attribute equals Company Name and that the OU attribute starts with Technology:

sslpbrunverifysubject '/O=Company Name/' /OU=Technology



Single quotation marks should surround the attribute if there are embedded spaces.


No default value

Used on

Submit hosts

SSL server settings

The SSL server settings configure SSL for EPM server programs.

sslservercadir and sslservercafile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslservercadir and sslservercafile settings available.

The sslservercadir and sslservercafile settings specify the path to a certificate authority directory or file. A certificate authority file is a PEM-formatted file that contains one or more PEM-formatted signature certificates that are used to validate server certificates. This file should not contain private keys.

If sslservercafile contains an absolute path, then that file is used as the certificate authority file. If sslservercafile contains a relative path, then the value of the sslservercadir setting is prepended to form an absolute path.

The server certificate authority file and certificate authority directory must be owned by root and no one else should have write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslservercafile /secure/ca/servers/OurAuthority.pem
sslservercadir /secure/ca/servers
sslservercafile OurAuthority.pem
sslservercadir /secure/ca/servers sslservercafile %h.pem



Used on

  • GUI hosts
  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Run hosts

sslservercertdir and sslservercertfile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslservercertdir and sslservercertfile settings available.

The sslservercertdir and sslservercertfile settings specify the path of a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format certificate file for pbmasterd, pblocald, and pblogd to communicate with each other or with client programs.

  • If a full absolute path is provided for sslservercertfile, then it is used as specified.
  • If a relative path is provided for sslservercertfile, then the directory specified in the sslservercertdir setting is prepended to form the certificate file path.

The server certificate file and certificate directory must be owned by root and no one else should have write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslservercertfile /secure/certificates/servers/pbmasterd.pem
sslservercertdir /secure/certificates/servers
sslservercertfile pbmasterd.pem
sslservercertdir /secure/certificates/servers
sslservercertfile %N.pem



Used on

  • GUI hosts
  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Run hosts


  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslservercipherlist setting available.

OpenSSL provides a variety of algorithms that can be used for encryption. The sslservercipherlist setting enables the administrator to restrict or promote the set of encryption algorithms that are used by EPM servers when they receive communications from SSL enabled clients.

These ciphers are limited to the set of ciphers available in the given version of OpenSSL used by the EPM installation.

The keyword sslservercipherlist accepts "cipherlist=" and "tlsv1.3=" cipher groups.

The cipher groups cipherlist= and tlsv1.3= are case-sensitive and space is not allowed before =.

When using the sslservercipherlist keyword, the order of cipher lists is not relevant.

This format: sslservercipherlist cipherlist= TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3= TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

is the same as this format:

sslservercipherlist tlsv1.3= TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipherlist= TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:@STRENGTH

Valid values

To use more than one cipher set, separate the values with colons.


sslservercipherlist cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

sslservercipherlist cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH

sslservercipherlist tlsv1.3=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256


Default cipherlist value for the cipher group cipherlist:


Default cipher suite value of the cipher group tlsv1.3:


Used on

  • GUI hosts
  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Run hosts


For more information, see Release Notes, cipherlist Values.

sslserverkeydir and sslserverkeyfile

  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslserverkeydir and sslserverkeyfile settings available.

The sslserverkeyfile and sslserverkeydir settings enable you to specify the location of a PEM- formatted private key for the server certificate file that is used by pbmasterd, pblocald, and pblogd to communicate with each other or with client programs.

If sslserverkeyfile is a full path name, then it is used for the private key. If sslserverkeyfile does not contain an absolute path, then sslserverkeydir is prepended to it.

The servers are not interactive, so the private keys should not be encrypted.

The private key file and the private key directory must be owned by root and no one else should have read or write permission.

If the key file and directory are not set, then the daemons look in the certificate file to see if the key is there. In this case, the certificate file and directory must be read-only and owned by root. No one else should have read or write permission.


These settings enable the parameter substitutions shown in SSL parameter substitutions.


sslserverkeyfile /secure/certificates/serverkeys/pbmasterd.pem
sslserverkeydir /secure/certificates/serverkeys
sslserverkeyfile pbmasterd.pem
sslserverkeydir /secure/certificates/serverkeys
sslserverkeyfile %N.pem



Used on

  • GUI hosts
  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Run hosts


  • Version 4.0.0 and later: sslserververifysubject setting available.

sslserververifysubject contains a series of regular expressions to check against the client’s or other server’s certificates subject line. If the subject line matches all patterns, then the connection is allowed to proceed. If any of the patterns do not match, then the connection fails.


This example verifies that the CN attribute (common name) matches the host name of the remote machine:

sslserververifysubject /CN=%R/


This example verifies that the O attribute equals Company Name and the OU attribute starts with Technology:

sslserververifysubject '/O=Company Name/' /OU=Technology



Single quotation marks should surround the attribute if there are embedded spaces.


No default value

Used on

  • GUI hosts
  • Log hosts
  • Policy server hosts
  • Run hosts

Additional configuration to improve EPM

EPM-UL does not contain a Certificate Authority (CA), therefore certificates generated during install are self-signed, and cannot be used to properly identify the host.

Creating and deploying proper x509 certificates, with hostname information in the Subject Alternative Name field, allows hosts to properly identify hosts. TLS clients can verify the server’s certificate and hostname by adding the validateServer option to the ssloptions keyword in /etc/pb.settings. For TLS, pbmasterd and pblocald are clients to pblogd. Additionally, servers can validate the certificates and hostnames of the client hosts by adding the validateClient option to the ssloptions keyword in /etc/pb.settings.

Configure EPM to use the SSLFirst keyword in /etc/pb.settings. This keyword must have the same value on all hosts in the EPM domain. The SSLFirst keyword results in SSL/TLS occurring prior to any EPM proprietary protocol negotiations that use symmetric keys, reducing any issue with compromised symmetric networkencryption keys.

The TLS ciphers should be changed to disallow anonymous ciphers.

Edit the sslpbruncipherlist and sslservercipherlist entries in /etc/pb.settings:

sslpbruncipherlist      cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
sslservercipherlist     cipherlist=TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH tlsv1.3=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

Edit the ssl.cipher-list entry in /usr/lib/beyondtrust/pb/rest/etc/pblighttpd.conf:

ssl.cipher-list         = "TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH"


ssl.openssl.ssl-conf-cmd    = (
                    "MinProtocol" => " TLSv1.2",
                    "CipherString" => "TLSv1.2:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH",
                    "Ciphersuites" => "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"



EPM-UL version 21.1 and below of EPM-UL client registration uses TLSv1. Use below TLS protocol version to allow older versions of EPM-UL client registrations.

ssl.cipher-list = "HIGH:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH"


ssl.openssl.ssl-conf-cmd    = (
                    "MinProtocol" => " TLSv1",
                    "CipherString" => "HIGH:!SSLv2:!3DES:!MD5:!ADH:!AECDH:!DHE:!eNULL:@STRENGTH",
                    "Ciphersuites" => "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"

In the following sections the diagram shows the SSL server and SSL client connections between pbmasterd, pblocald, pblogd and pbrun and the table shows the required certificate keywords in pb.settings file on each host when validateServer or validateClient is added to ssloptions.

SSL connections in default architecture: classic pbrun

ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not an SSL server at any point, also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)sslservercertfile
On Loghost (pblogd)--
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)validateServer
(pbmasterd is client to pblocald, pblogd)
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)-sslservercertfile
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an SSL client to any host)
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)-sslservercertfile
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateServer and validateClient options requires pbmasterd and pblocald certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on a SSL client (pbmasterd and pblocald) with or without validateServer and validateClient options always requires certificates from its immediate SSL server or servers.

*** pblocald needs sslpbruncertfile and sslpbrunkeyfile to log finish event.

SSL connections in optimized runmode

ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not an SSL server at
any point, also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)sslservercertfile
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
(for IOLogging and finish event)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)validateServer
(pbmasterd is client to pblogd)
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfiel
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
(for IOLogging and to log finish
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)-sslservercertfile
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an SSL client to any host)

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateServer and validateClient options requires pbmasterd and pblogd certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on pbmasterd with or without validateServer and validateClient options always requires certificates from pblogd.

SSL connections with noreconnect=1 in the policy

  • noreconnect=1 : pbrun does not connect to pblocald directly
ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not an SSL server at any point, also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
noreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)--
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
noreconnect=1 in the policy
(pbmasterd is client to pblocald, pblogd)
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
noreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an SSL client to any host)
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
noreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateserver and validateclient options requires pbmasterd certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on a SSL client (pbmasterd and pblocald) with or without validateserver and validateclient options always requires certificates from its immediate SSL server or servers.

*** pblocald needs sslpbruncertfile and sslpbrunkeyfile to log finish event.

SSL connections with lognoreconnect=1 in the policy

  • lognoreconnect=1 : pblocald does not connect to pblogd directly and pbrun does not connect to pblocald directly.
ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not an SSL server at any point, also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
lognoreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)--
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
lognoreconnect=1 in the policy
(pbmasterd is client to pblocald, pblogd)
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
lognoreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an SSL client to any host)
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
lognoreconnect=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateServer and validateClient options requires pbmasterd certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on pbmasterd with or without validateserver and validateclient options always requires certificates from pblocald and pblogd.

SSL connections with pbrunreconnection=1 in the policy

  • pbrunreconnection=1 : pblocald listens for the connections that are initiated by pbrun under the control of pbmasterd.
  • pbrunreconnection=0 : pbrun listens for the connections that are initiated by pblocald under the control of pbmasterd. This value is the default.
ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not an SSL server at any point, also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pbrunreconnection=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)--
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or
(pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pbrunreconnection=1 in the policy
(pbmasterd is
client to
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or
(pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pbrunreconnection=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an SSL client to any host)
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or
(pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pbrunreconnection=1 in the policy
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or (pbrun --di) or
(pbmasterd --disable_optimized_runmode)

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateserver and validateclient options requires pbmasterd and pblocald certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on a SSL client (pbmasterd and pblocald) with or without validateserver and validateclient options always requires certificates from its immediate SSL server or servers.

*** pblocald needs sslpbruncertfile and sslpbrunkeyfile to log finish event.

SSL connections with pblogdreconnection=1 in the policy

  • pblogdreconnection=1 : pblocald listens for the connections that are initiated by pblogd under the control of pbmasterd.
  • pblogdreconnection=0 : pblogd listens for the connections that are initiated by pblocald under the control of pbmasterd. This value is the default.
ssloptionsSSL cert/CA file requiredssloptionsSSL cert/CA file required
On Submithost (pbrun)validateServer*sslpbruncafilevalidateClient-
(pbrun is not
an SSL server
at any point,
also refer to *)
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pblogdreconnection=1 in the
On Loghost (pblogd)--
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pblogdreconnection=1 in the

(pbmasterd is
client to
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or
On Submithost (pbrun)--
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pblogdreconnection=1 in the
On Loghost (pblogd)validateServer-
(pblogd is not an
SSL client to any
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --
On Submithost (pbrun)-sslpbruncertfile
On Masterhost (pbmasterd)
pblogdreconnection=1 in the
On Loghost (pblogd)sslservercertfile
On Runhost (pblocald)
(submithost != runhost) or
(pbrun --di) or (pbmasterd --

* Mentioning sslpbruncafile with or without validateServer and validateClient options requires pbmasterd and pblocald certificates.

** Mentioning sslservercafile on a SSL client (pbmasterd and pblocald) with or without validateserver and validateclient options always requires certificates from its immediate SSL server or servers.

*** pblocald needs sslpbruncertfile and sslpbrunkeyfile to log finish event.

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