
Diagnostic Messages 1003.04 - 1916



Not all sub-number codes are described in this reference. When looking for an error code and the specific xxxx.yy code cannot be found, see the xxxx code for more information.

NumberDiagnostic TextMeaningAction
1003.04Unknown escape sequenceUnknown escape sequence Remove or edit the escape sequence.
1004noexec and execute_via_su are not compatiblenoexec and execute_via_su are not compatible features.The noexec feature and the execute_via_su features cannot be used together (because su must execute).
1005ACA policy error for '' '' ''While adding an ACA policy, an error was encountered.Resolve the issue with the ACA policy rule in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy.
1006ACA Error in policy The ACA policy has an invalid permission.Resolve the issue with the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file.
1027.04Undefined list variableA reference was made to a non-existent list.Correct the policy.
1041.01Expected numberA number was expected for the arguments of -, *, /, %. 
1041.02Expected numberA number was expected for the arguments of <, >, <=, >=. 
1041.03Expected numberA number was expected after a unary minus. 
1041.04Expected numberA number was expected in the step expression. 
1042.01Expected stringA string was expected. 
1061Expected list[number] = stringAn improper list assignment was attempted.Verify the variable being assigned is a list, the index is a number, and the value being assigned is a string.
1062Expected list[integer]An invalid list reference was attempted.Verify the variable being referenced is a list and the index is a number.
1063Expected 'string in list'The in operator was used incorrectly. 
1064Expected but got
When using pblog, an expression can be given to search for certain log entries. This expression must result in a boolean value.
Expressions can also be given to format the output of the matching log entries. These expressions must return a string.
1065Problem with variable assignment = . Expecting value within the range [<value1>-<value2>]The named variable was set to a value not within the valid range.Modify the variable setting to correct the assigned value.
1070Too many functionsThe configuration files declared too many functions.Remove some functions and contact BeyondTrust Support.
1071Duplicate function name: A function with this name has already been declared.Rename one of the duplicates.
1072 is a functionNo return value is being picked up from a function call.Change the function declaration to a procedure or assign the result to a dummy function.
1073 is a procedureThe call should not be used in the expression because procedures do not return values.Change the procedure declaration to a function or remove the procedure call from the expression.
1074Argument MismatchThe number of arguments in the declaration and the call are different.Make sure the right number of arguments are passed to the function call or change the declaration.
1075Missing return value from functionThere was no value returned from a function.
The statement = ... should be used somewhere in the function.
For a function, the statement = ... should be in the function body.
1076Return value from procedureA procedure should not return a value.The statement =... should not be in the procedure body.
1077Expected ldap_bind (ldapc,string,[string])Syntax error in ldap_bind's arguments 
1078LDAP error: An LDAP bind failed. The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. 
1079Attempt to bind to invalid LDAP connectionAn attempt was made to perform an LDAP bind using a variable that did not contain a valid LDAP connection. 
1080List index out of rangeThe index used to reference a list element is beyond the bounds of the list.
For example, small = {"one", "two"}; WontWork = small[99];
1081range - index out of rangeAn index used in the range() function is beyond the bounds of the list. 
1082replace - index out of rangeAn index used in the replace() function is beyond the bounds of the list. 
1083error in for statement start- expressionA for statement has an invalid expression for its start expression. 
1084error in for statement to- expressionA for statement has an invalid expression for its to expression. 
1085error in for statement step- expressionA for statement has an invalid expression for its step expression. 
1086error in for statement arguments - is not a number" 
The named variable does not evaluate to a number.
1087error in right side of assignmentThe right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. 
1088error in left side of assignment statementThe right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. 
1089error in right side of assignment statementThe right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. 
1090Continue statement is not in a loopA continue statement is not inside of a loop construct.Correct the policy.
1091.1Bad format in . Expected ### nodes, found ###This is an internal parser error.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
Bad format in . Expected ### or ### nodes, found ###This is an internal parser error.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1100Assignment to constant list ''An assignment was attempted on one of the read-only lists provided from pbrun to pbmasterd.
For example, groups = {"admin", "users"};
should probably be:
rungroups = {"admin", "users"};
1101Assignment to constant
An assignment was attempted on a constant or one of the read-only variables provided from pbrun to pbmasterd.
For example, user = "root";
should probably be:
runuser = "root";
1120Can't use == on listsThere is no equivalence function for lists. 
1140Division by zeroA mathematical expression resulted in a division by zero. 
1160case found after defaultThe default case must be at the end of the switch statement. It should not come before any other case statements. 
1161more than one default?Only one default case is permitted in a switch statement. 
1162Not in switch statementA break statement was found outside of a switch statement. 
1163Nesting overflowToo many levels of nested statements were used. The maximum number of nesting levels is 32. 
1164Only lists of strings supported.Lists must only contain strings. They may not contain numbers or other lists. 
1165Operands must be the same typeOperands of -, *, /, %, <, >, <=,
>=, ==, != must be the same.
1167syntax errorA syntax error was found in the configuration file. 
1167.2Expecting a statementA statement was expected, but not found. 
1168Assignment operation failedAn assignment failed. This is usually preceded by another diagnostic detailing the precise cause.Correct the policy.
1169Variable runcommand is missingThe runcommand variable cannot be found.Correct the policy.
1170Variable runcommand is emptyThe runcommand variable is empty or blank.Correct the policy.
1171Powerbroker program xxx started with invalid program name argv [0]: xxxArgv[0] has an invalid string length, larger than MAXPATHLENCheck and correct argv [0].
1200Unknown function ''A call was made to an unknown function.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
is not a procedureA function was called as a procedure. The return value of the function was ignored. 
is not supported on this architectureThis function or procedure does not run on this architecture. 
is not a functionA procedure was called as a function. Procedures do not have return values. 
Expected ## Function(parameters ...)A call was made to a function or procedure with illegal or missing parameters. 
1438Expected setkeystrokeaction (, <"shell""re">, )Invalid arguments were provided to the setkeystrokeaction() function.
1438.1Pattern type is not RE or SHELLThe pattern type argument to setkeystrokeaction() must be either SHELL for a shell pattern or RE for a regular expression.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1439Expected unset(string)Invalid arguments were provided to the unset function. 
1440Can not unset read-only variable An attempt was made to unset a read-only variable. 
1441Expected submitconfirmuser ( [,<prompt string>], [<tries>])Invalid arguments were provided to the submitconfirmuser() function. 
1442Expected policygetenv(string)Invalid arguments were provided to the policygetenv() function. 
1443Expected policysetenv(string, string)Invalid arguments were provided to the policysetenv() function. 
1444Expected policyunsetenv (stringlist, ...)Invalid arguments were provided to the policyunsetenv() function.
1445Error in regular expression '': There was an error in evaluating a regular expression. The diagnostic provides system-specific information. 
1446Expected sub(,
, )
Invalid arguments were provided to the sub() function. 
1447Expected gsub(,
, )
Invalid arguments were provided to the gsub() function. 
1448Error in regular expression ''': There was an error in evaluating a regular expression. The diagnostic provides system-specific information. 
1449Improperly formatted keystroke action list - wrong numberpblocald detected an error in the keystroke action list sent from pbmasterd's policy. 
1450Improper keystroke search type
The types for setkeystrokeaction can only be shell or re. 
1451Expected ldap_unbind(ldapc)Syntax error in ldap_unbind's arguments 
1452LDAP error: An LDAP unbind failed. The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. 
1453Expected ldap_search (ldapc,string,string,string,lis t,int)Syntax error in ldap_search's arguments 
1454Invalid scope value The listed value is not a valid scope string for ldap_search. 
1455ldap_count_entries expected a single argumentSyntax error in ldap_count_entries ' arguments. 
1456ldap_entry_count expected an ldap message as its argumentThe argument to ldap_count_entries must be a valid LDAP message obtained from ldap_ search. 
1457ldap_first_entry expected an ldap message as its argumentThe argument to the ldap_ firstentry() function must be a valid LDAP message from a prior call to the ldap_search() function. 
1458ldap_next_entry expected an ldap message as its argumentThe argument to ldap_ nextentry() must be a valid LDAP message from ldap_ search(). 
1459LDAP error: %sAn internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_next_entry(). The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. 
1460LDAP error: call on no more entriesldap_next_entry tried to read beyond the end of its available entries. 
1461ldap_attributes expected an ldap message as its argumentThe argument to ldap_ attributes must be a valid LDAP message. 
1462ldap_get_values expected (ldapm,string)Invalid arguments were provided to ldap_get_values. 
1463ldap_get_dn expected an ldap messageldap_get_dn expected a valid LDAP message as its argument. 
1464ldap_explode_dn expected (string,integer)Invalid arguments were supplied to ldap_explode_dn. 
1465ldap_dn2ufn expected (string)Invalid arguments were supplied to ldap_dn2ufn. 
1466Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1466.1submitconfirmuser No arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe submitconfirmuser() function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1466.2submitconfirmuser too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The submitconfirmuser() function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1466.3submitconfirmuser too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The submitconfirmuser() function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1466.4error with argument in submitconfirmuserThe submitconfirmuser() function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1467Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1467.1sub no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe sub() function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1467.2sub too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The sub() function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1467. 3sub too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The sub() function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1467.4error with argument The sub() function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1468.1No arguments provided to
No arguments were provided for the named function.Correct the policy.
1468.2Too many arguments to - expecting ### argumentsToo many arguments were provided in a call to the named function.Correct the policy.
1468.3Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1468.4Argument ### is not a string in
The listed argument to the named function was not a string.Correct the policy.
1468.5Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1468.6Argument 2 is not a string or number in The second argument to the named function was neither a string nor a number.Correct the policy.
1468.7Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1468.8Argument 2 is not a string
The second parameter to the named function is not a string. It should be.Correct the policy.
1469.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1469.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1469.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1469.4error with argument <argument
number> in
The named function received an invalid argument at
argument number .
Edit the policy to correct the error.
1469.5Missing arguments in No arguments were provided to the named function.Correct the policy.
Invalid arguments in
Invalid arguments were provided to the named function.Correct the policy.
1469.7Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1469.9Argument 3 is not a number in
The second parameter to the named function is not a number when it should be.Correct the policy.
1470Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1470.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1470.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1470.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1470.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at
argument number .
Edit the policy to correct the error.
1470.5Missing arguments in No arguments were provided to the named function.Correct the policy.
1470.6Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1471Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1471.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1471.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1471.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got
The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1471.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1472.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1472.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1472.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1472.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1473Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1473.1Missing arguments in No arguments were provided to the named function.Correct the policy.
1473.2Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1474No connection to LDAP server
No connection was found to the named LDAP server.Correct the policy.
1475 LDAP error:
An internal LDAP error occurred in the named function. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail.The solution may be identifiable based upon the LDAP diagnostic message. Otherwise, contact BeyondTrust Support.
1476LDAP error: An internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_first_entry. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail.The solution may be identifiable based upon the LDAP diagnostic message. Otherwise, contact BeyondTrust Support.
1477LDAP error: call on no more entriesAn internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_attributes. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail.Correct the policy.
1478LDAP error:   
1479Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1479.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1479.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1479.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1479.error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1480Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1480.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1480.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1480.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1480.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1481Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1481.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1481.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1481.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1481.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1482Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1482.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1482.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1482.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1482.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1483Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1483.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1483.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1483.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1483.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1484Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1484.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1484.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1484.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1484.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1485Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic names the function.Correct the policy.
1485.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1485.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1485.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1485.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1486Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1486.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1486.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1486.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1486.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1487Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1487.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1487.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1487.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1487.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1488.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1488.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1488.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1488.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1489Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1489.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1489.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1489.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1489.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1490Argument 1 () to
is not a valid LDAP URL
The first argument to the named function is not a valid LDAP URL.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1491Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1492Argument 2 (), LDAP version, must either 2 or 3The second argument must be 2 or 3.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1493Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1494 A call to get opt, getopt_long, or getopt_long_only failed. The argument error describes which argument was the problem.This can be a policy error that can be corrected or a genuine argument mismatch in the argument list.
1495More than four expressions in a 'from' clause.From clauses allow up to four expressions only.Correct the policy.
1500fprintf is not allowed for security reasonsThese functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the system. pblog was designed to view logs but not change anything on the system. 
1501mktemp is not allowed for security reasonsThese functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the system. pblog was designed to view logs but not change anything on the system. 
1503Expected positive number for triesThe number of password authentication tries must be a positive number. 
1503.01Number of tries must be positive in The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number.Correct the policy.
1503.02Number of tries must be positive in The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number.Correct the policy.
1503.03Number of tries must be positive in The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number.Correct the policy.
1503.04Expected positive number for tries in The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number.Correct the policy.
1504Expected printf argumentsprintf, sprintf(), or fprintf was called with invalid arguments.See the man pages for printf, sprintf(), or fprintf.
1505*printf - Integer argument invalidThe argument for a %d or %u formatter was not an integer. 
1506*printf - String argument invalidThe argument for a %s formatter was not a string. 
1507*printf - Invalid formatThe format argument for a printf-style function was invalid. 
1508stat is not allowed for security reasonsThese functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the machine. pblog was designed just to view logs, but not change anything on the system. 
1509Invalid timeThe timebetween() function was called with an invalid time parameter. The time parameters must in 24-hour format and should not have leading zeros. 
1510Invalid user name The user name given to getfullname, getgroup, getgroups, gethome, or getshell was invalid. It must exist in the user database (in /etc/passwd or the NIS map passwd). 
1511insert - index must be positiveThe index given to insert must be a positive number. 
1512Width argument invalidThe width argument given for a printf argument was not a number.
For example, printf("%*s", "foo", "bar"); should be something like: printf("%*s", 10, "bar");
1513Could not fstat ''The readFile() function uses fstat to determine the size of the file. 
1514Could not open ''The readFile() function could not open the file specified.Ensure that the permissions on the file are correct; they should allow root to read the file.
1515Could not open ''The fprintf procedure could not open the file specified. 
1516datecmp: bad XXX dateThe XXX date in the datecmp() function is not recognized as a date. 
1517pad - pad string is emptyThe string with which to pad is empty.Change the string passed to non-empty.
1518substr - index out of range  
1518.01substr - index out of rangeStart index < 0 or start > length of string.Adjust the appropriate index.
1518.02substr - index out of rangeFinish < start.Adjust the appropriate index.
1519unable to stat fileThe stat system call failed on the file.Ensure this is a regular file and not a device or other special Unix/Linux file.
1520forbidkeypatterns not a listThe user has a variable called forbidkeypatterns and it is not a list as expected.Change the type of the assignment to the variable.
1521fset not allowed for security reasonsThese functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the machine. pblog was designed just to view logs, but not change anything on the system. 
1522fset fstat error - The fset() function uses fstat to determine the size of the file. 
1524Too many arguments to FsetFset takes exactly four string arguments. 
1525Fset expected a string as argument #Fset takes exactly four string arguments. 
1526Fset permission string is invalidThe valid characters for a permission string are ogua+- =rwxXst. 
1527Fset could not change owner/group on -  
1528Fset could not change permissions on -  
1529Invalid character in Fset mode string.  
1529.01Invalid character in Fset mode string.Invalid character used in access group setting. The valid characters are u, g, o, and a. 
1529.02Invalid character in Fset mode string.Invalid operator used in access group setting. The valid operators are +, -, and =. 
1529.03Invalid character in Fset mode stringInvalid operator used in access group setting. The valid permission bits are r, w, x, X, s, and t. 
1530forbidkeyaction is not a stringThe action is not a string.Change the assignment to a string.
1531Expected ldap_open(string, [number])Syntax error. 
1532unknown ssloption setting ''The valid values for the ssloption keyword are clientcertificates, allownonssl, or both. 
1533.1Found improper type in a list element - An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements.Correct the policy.
1533.2Found improper type in a list element - An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements.Correct the policy.
1533.3Found improper type in a list element - An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements.Correct the policy.
1533.4Found improper type in a list element - An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements.Correct the policy.
1533.5Malformed string listAn error was found in a string list.Correct the policy.
1534List (length ###) is too short for subscript ###A subscript into a list was longer than the list.Correct the policy.
1535Divide by zeroAn attempt was made to divide by zero.Correct the policy.
1536Modulus zeroAn attempt was made to use a zero modulus.Correct the policy.
1537Malformed assignment expressionA poorly formed assignment statement was found.Correct the policy.
1538Divide by zeroAn attempt was made to divide by zero in a /= operation.Correct the policy.
1539Modulus zeroAn attempt was made to use a zero modulus in a %= operation.Correct the policy.
1540.1Expecting a text tokenA text token was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1540.2Expecting a text tokenA text token was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1541.1Expecting a dateA date was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1541.2Expecting a dateA date was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1541.3Expecting a dateA date was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1541.4Expecting a dateA date was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.1Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.2Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.3Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.4Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.5Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.6Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1542.7Expecting a stringA string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.1Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.10Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.2Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.3Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.4Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.5Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.6Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.7Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.8Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1543.9Expecting a numberA number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1544.1Expecting a listA list was expected, but not foundCorrect the policy.
1544.2Expecting a listA list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1544.3Expecting a listA list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1545.1Expecting an ldap connectionAn LDAP connection was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1545.2Expecting an ldap connectionAn LDAP connection was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1546.1Expecting an ldap messageAn LDAP message was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1546.2Expecting an ldap messageAn LDAP message was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1547.1LIBSYPARSE_evalCheckType encountered an unexpected LIBSYPARSE_CHECK_TYPE_MATCHInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1547.2LIBSYPARSE_evalCheckType encountered an unexpected LIBSYPARSE_CHECK_TYPE_VARInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1548.1Expecting a string or numberA number or string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1548.2Expecting a string or numberA number or string was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1548.3Expecting a string or numberA string or number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1548.4Expecting a string or numberA string or number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1548.5Expecting a string or numberA string or number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1548.6Expecting a string or numberA string or number was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.2Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.3Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.4Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.5Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.6Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.7Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1549.8Expecting a string, number or listA string, number, or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1550.1Expecting a string or listA string or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1550.2Expecting a string or listA string or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1550.3Expecting a string or listA string or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1550.4Expecting a string or listA string or list was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1551.1Expecting a string, list, LDAP message or LDAP connectionA string, list, or LDAP variable was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1552.1Index variable missing in for loopInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1552.2Index variable missing in for loopInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1553Expected ### arguments to user- defined procedure , got ###The number of arguments to the named user-defined procedure did not match the expected number of arguments.Correct the policy.
1554Expected ### arguments to user- defined function , got ###The number of arguments to the named user-defined function did not match the expected number of arguments.Correct the policy.
1555.1No return value from user- defined function A return value was not found in a user-defined function.Correct the policy by adding a return value or changing the function to a procedure.
1555.2No return value from user- defined function A return value was not found in a user-defined function.Correct the policy by adding a return value or changing the function to a procedure.
1556Mismatched types in call to . Expected , got The arguments to the named function did not match the expected arguments.Correct the policy.
1557Too many arguments to getuserpasswdToo many arguments were provided to the getuserpasswd() function.Correct the policy.
1558Can not unset read-only variable Read-only variables cannot be unset.Correct the policy.
1559Function tree not initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1560Function tree already initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1561Procedure tree not initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1562Procedure tree already initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1563.1line ###: 1563.1 can not be called due to security reasonsThe named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints.Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function.
1563.2 can not be called due to security reasonsThe named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints.Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function.
1564 is a secure functionThe named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints.Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function.
1565 is a secure procedureThe named procedure cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints.Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function.
1566Error in regular expression '':
An error was found in the listed regular expression.Correct the policy.
1567.1 have: "" which is The listed policy expression has the named type, but something else was expected.Correct the policy.
1567.2 have: ""The listed policy expression has a problem described by the variable-message.Correct the policy.
1568 is , but got The expression value does not match its expected type.Correct the policy.
1569Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1570.1Missing argumentsThe number of arguments provided to fprintf did not match the expected number.Correct the policy.
1570.2Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1571Duplicate case value ''The same value for a case was used more than once in a switch statement.Correct the policy.
1572Variable %s is %s. Tried to assign a %sThe named variable is of the first type, but the policy tried to assign it a value of the second type.Correct the policy.
1573Recursive function type checking disabledA recursive call to a user-defined function was found and type checking was disabled. 
1574Expecting ### argument(s) in call to <user-defined function/procedure name>. Got ###The number of arguments to a user-defined function or procedure did not match the expected number.Correct the policy.
1575Assignment to readonly variable ''An attempt was made to assign a value to a read-only variable.Correct the policy.
1576Malformed assignment expressionInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1577.1Expecting a variable nameA variable name was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1578.1Expecting a string, list, LDAP connection or LDAP messageA string, list, LDAP connection, or LDAP message was expected, but not found.Correct the policy.
1579Untranslatable type in LIBSYPARSE_definedType2InfoType - ###Internal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1580Untranslatable type in infoTypes2syparseDefinedTypes - ###Internal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1581Variable tree not initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1582Variable tree already initializedInternal parser errorContact BeyondTrust Support.
1583Expected positive number for list subscript, found ##A negative subscript was found in an expression.Correct the policy.
1583.01Missing arguments - expecting exactly 3The number of arguments provided to getopt did not match the expected number.Correct the policy.
1583.02Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1583.03Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1584.01Missing arguments - expecting exactly 4The number of arguments provided to getopt_long did not match the expected number.Correct the policy.
1584.02Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1584.03Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1585.01Missing arguments - expecting exactly 4The number of arguments provided to getopt_long_only did not match the expected number.Correct the policy.
1585.02Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1585.03Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function.Correct the policy.
1586Could not write prompt string.The policy could not write a prompt string to the client program. 
1587Variable already existsAn attempt to add a variable that already existsThis is an internal error.
Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1588Not a listAn attempt was made to perform a list operation on something other than a listThis is an internal error.
Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1589Assignment to readonly list
An assignment was attempted to the named read-only list.Correct the policy.
1590Subscript () out of range for list (0 to )A list subscript is too large for the named list variable.Correct the policy.
1591List or element missing [<subscript>]The list variable cannot be found, or the element in the list does not exist.Correct the policy.
1592Internal error - invalid info row element type ####An internal error.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1593Internal error - invalid info type ####Internal error.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1594Internal error - invalid info type ####Internal error.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1594Unknown function An unknown name was used where a function name was expected.Correct the policy.
1595Expected A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic names the function.Correct the policy.
1595Unknown procedure An unknown name was used where a procedure name was expected.Correct the policy.
1595.1 no arguments provided - expecting ### argumentThe named function expects arguments, but none were provided.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1595.2 too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function did not receive enough arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1595.3 too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ###The named function received too many arguments.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1595.4error with argument in The named function received an invalid argument at argument number .Edit the policy to correct the error.
1596Setting does not existThe named setting is not known.Edit the policy to use a known setting.
1596Critical client environment variable env is missingThe env environment variable is missing.This is an internal error.
Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1597function requires a setting, but is a The named function is looking for a particular type of setting, but the named setting is a different type.Edit the policy to correct the error.
1598Can not evaluate soft not-in operatorA list operation could not be evaluated for an entitlement report.Simplify the expression, or rerun the report with constraints that simplify the expression.
1599Can not evaluate soft in operatorA list operation could not be evaluated for an entitlement report.Simplify the expression, or rerun the report with constraints that simplify the expression.
1600Can not evaluate soft start expressionThe start expression for a loop cannot be evaluated.Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions.
1601Can not evaluate soft end expressionThe end expression for a loop cannot be evaluated.Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions.
1602Can not evaluate soft step expressionThe step expression for a loop cannot be evaluated.Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions.
1603Can not evaluate soft for-in list expressionThe list expression for a for-in loop cannot be evaluated.Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions.
1604Expected grep [arguments], pattern, filename-or-template [, filename-or-template...]The expected number of type of arguments was not found.Correct the policy.
1605Too few arguments to grepNot enough arguments were supplied for the grep() function.Correct the policy.
1801Could not find tcp protocolThe tcp protocol could not be found in the system protocol entries.Check /etc/protocols and the NIS system.
1802Could not find key < value> in map < name>The listed key could not be found in the named map. This is followed by an NIS diagnostic. The map is usually net groups.Check that the key is a valid member of the map (for example, net group). Correct the key value, the net group definitions or the NIS configuration.
1803Could not get port address for service < name> port < value>The listed service name and port value combination is not valid for the host.Check the settings file and the system service configuration (for example, /etc/services, NIS).
1804dup2 to: ERROR ret: errno:An error occurred during an OS dup2 call.
The operating system specific diagnostic contains more information.
Evaluate the OS errno to determine the action.
1805ACA Error in policy: The ACA policy has an invalid permission.Correct the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file.
1806ACA Error for in policy:The ACA policy for the specified filepath has an invalid permission.Fix the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file.
1901Could not parse extended port value An attempt to parse an extended host name failed. This is often preceded by another diagnostic that details the problem.Correct the extended host name.
1902Hostname not valid for interface in The interface name in the extended host name did not match the interface for the host.Correct the host name or the extended host name.
1903More than one interface tag in port There are multiple interfaces in the extended port.Remove extra interface tags from the extended port.
1904More than one port in port There are multiple port values in the extended port.Remove extra ports from the extended port.
1905No port specified in address
The extended port does not contain any port information.Add a port to the extended port.
1906An interface was specified for local domain socket in extended port A local domain socket cannot contain an interface.Correct the extended port.
1907Unsupported socket family (family number) - <operating system message)The listed network family is not supported. This is followed by an operating system-specific diagnostic.Correct the configuration problem.
1908.01Variable 'date' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.02Variable 'time' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.03Variable 'user' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.04Variable 'submithost' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.05Variable 'runuser' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.06Variable 'runhost' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1908.07Variable 'runargv' is missing from I/O log dataA critical variable is missing from an I/O log file.Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt.
1909.##Foreground can only be specified with daemon mode (-d)The -f switch (--foreground) can only be used with daemon mode (-d, --daemon).Correct the command line arguments.
1910Could not find string variable runhostThe runhost variable is missing from the environment.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1911Could not find string variable submithostThe runhost variable is missing from the environment.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
1912Invalid local daemon on run host The policy server daemon tried to connect to something other than a local daemon.Check the settings file to see if the local port or pblocaldcommand points to a valid local daemon.
1913Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server A client connected to something other than a policy server daemon.Check the settings file to see if the policy server port or submitmasters points to a valid policy server daemon.
1914Invalid log server on log host
The program connected to something other than the log server daemon.Check the settings file to see if the logport port or logservers points to a valid log server daemon.
1915Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server Something other than a policy server daemon connected to a local daemon.Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pblocald port.
1915Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server Something other than a policy server daemon connected to a local daemon.Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pblocald port.
1916Invalid client connection from submit host Something other than a client connected to a policy server daemon.Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pbmasterd port.

©2003-2025 BeyondTrust Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks identified on this page are owned by their respective owners. BeyondTrust is not a chartered bank or trust company, or depository institution. It is not authorized to accept deposits or trust accounts and is not licensed or regulated by any state or federal banking authority.