Diagnostic Messages 1003.04 - 1916
Not all sub-number codes are described in this reference. When looking for an error code and the specific xxxx.yy code cannot be found, see the xxxx code for more information.
Number | Diagnostic Text | Meaning | Action |
1003.04 | Unknown escape sequence | Unknown escape sequence | Remove or edit the escape sequence. |
1004 | noexec and execute_via_su are not compatible | noexec and execute_via_su are not compatible features. | The noexec feature and the execute_via_su features cannot be used together (because su must execute). |
1005 | ACA policy error for '' '' '' | While adding an ACA policy, an error was encountered. | Resolve the issue with the ACA policy rule in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy. |
1006 | ACA Error in policy | The ACA policy has an invalid permission. | Resolve the issue with the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file. |
1027.04 | Undefined list variable | A reference was made to a non-existent list. | Correct the policy. |
1041.01 | Expected number | A number was expected for the arguments of -, *, /, %. | |
1041.02 | Expected number | A number was expected for the arguments of <, >, <=, >=. | |
1041.03 | Expected number | A number was expected after a unary minus. | |
1041.04 | Expected number | A number was expected in the step expression. | |
1042.01 | Expected string | A string was expected. | |
1061 | Expected list[number] = string | An improper list assignment was attempted. | Verify the variable being assigned is a list, the index is a number, and the value being assigned is a string. |
1062 | Expected list[integer] | An invalid list reference was attempted. | Verify the variable being referenced is a list and the index is a number. |
1063 | Expected 'string in list' | The in operator was used incorrectly. | |
1064 | Expected but got . | When using pblog, an expression can be given to search for certain log entries. This expression must result in a boolean value. Expressions can also be given to format the output of the matching log entries. These expressions must return a string. | |
1065 | Problem with variable assignment = . Expecting value within the range [<value1>-<value2>] | The named variable was set to a value not within the valid range. | Modify the variable setting to correct the assigned value. |
1070 | Too many functions | The configuration files declared too many functions. | Remove some functions and contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1071 | Duplicate function name: | A function with this name has already been declared. | Rename one of the duplicates. |
1072 | is a function | No return value is being picked up from a function call. | Change the function declaration to a procedure or assign the result to a dummy function. |
1073 | is a procedure | The call should not be used in the expression because procedures do not return values. | Change the procedure declaration to a function or remove the procedure call from the expression. |
1074 | Argument Mismatch | The number of arguments in the declaration and the call are different. | Make sure the right number of arguments are passed to the function call or change the declaration. |
1075 | Missing return value from function | There was no value returned from a function. The statement = ... should be used somewhere in the function. | For a function, the statement = ... should be in the function body. |
1076 | Return value from procedure | A procedure should not return a value. | The statement =... should not be in the procedure body. |
1077 | Expected ldap_bind (ldapc,string,[string]) | Syntax error in ldap_bind's arguments | |
1078 | LDAP error: | An LDAP bind failed. The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. | |
1079 | Attempt to bind to invalid LDAP connection | An attempt was made to perform an LDAP bind using a variable that did not contain a valid LDAP connection. | |
1080 | List index out of range | The index used to reference a list element is beyond the bounds of the list. For example, small = {"one", "two"}; WontWork = small[99]; | |
1081 | range - index out of range | An index used in the range() function is beyond the bounds of the list. | |
1082 | replace - index out of range | An index used in the replace() function is beyond the bounds of the list. | |
1083 | error in for statement start- expression | A for statement has an invalid expression for its start expression. | |
1084 | error in for statement to- expression | A for statement has an invalid expression for its to expression. | |
1085 | error in for statement step- expression | A for statement has an invalid expression for its step expression. | |
1086 | error in for statement arguments - is not a number" | The named variable does not evaluate to a number. | |
1087 | error in right side of assignment | The right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. | |
1088 | error in left side of assignment statement | The right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. | |
1089 | error in right side of assignment statement | The right side of an assignment is not a valid variable. | |
1090 | Continue statement is not in a loop | A continue statement is not inside of a loop construct. | Correct the policy. |
1091.1 | Bad format in . Expected ### nodes, found ### | This is an internal parser error. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1091.2 | Bad format in . Expected ### or ### nodes, found ### | This is an internal parser error. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1100 | Assignment to constant list '' | An assignment was attempted on one of the read-only lists provided from pbrun to pbmasterd. For example, groups = {"admin", "users"}; should probably be: rungroups = {"admin", "users"}; | |
1101 | Assignment to constant | An assignment was attempted on a constant or one of the read-only variables provided from pbrun to pbmasterd. For example, user = "root"; should probably be: runuser = "root"; | |
1120 | Can't use == on lists | There is no equivalence function for lists. | |
1140 | Division by zero | A mathematical expression resulted in a division by zero. | |
1160 | case found after default | The default case must be at the end of the switch statement. It should not come before any other case statements. | |
1161 | more than one default? | Only one default case is permitted in a switch statement. | |
1162 | Not in switch statement | A break statement was found outside of a switch statement. | |
1163 | Nesting overflow | Too many levels of nested statements were used. The maximum number of nesting levels is 32. | |
1164 | Only lists of strings supported. | Lists must only contain strings. They may not contain numbers or other lists. | |
1165 | Operands must be the same type | Operands of -, *, /, %, <, >, <=, >=, ==, != must be the same. | |
1167 | syntax error | A syntax error was found in the configuration file. | |
1167.2 | Expecting a statement | A statement was expected, but not found. | |
1168 | Assignment operation failed | An assignment failed. This is usually preceded by another diagnostic detailing the precise cause. | Correct the policy. |
1169 | Variable runcommand is missing | The runcommand variable cannot be found. | Correct the policy. |
1170 | Variable runcommand is empty | The runcommand variable is empty or blank. | Correct the policy. |
1171 | Powerbroker program xxx started with invalid program name argv [0]: xxx | Argv[0] has an invalid string length, larger than MAXPATHLEN | Check and correct argv [0]. |
1200 | Unknown function '' | A call was made to an unknown function. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1210- 1245 | is not a procedure | A function was called as a procedure. The return value of the function was ignored. | |
1261- 1262 | is not supported on this architecture | This function or procedure does not run on this architecture. | |
1300- 1308 | is not a function | A procedure was called as a function. Procedures do not have return values. | |
1400- 1437 | Expected ## Function(parameters ...) | A call was made to a function or procedure with illegal or missing parameters. | |
1438 | Expected setkeystrokeaction (, <"shell" | "re">, ) | Invalid arguments were provided to the setkeystrokeaction() function. |
1438.1 | Pattern type is not RE or SHELL | The pattern type argument to setkeystrokeaction() must be either SHELL for a shell pattern or RE for a regular expression. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1439 | Expected unset(string) | Invalid arguments were provided to the unset function. | |
1440 | Can not unset read-only variable | An attempt was made to unset a read-only variable. | |
1441 | Expected submitconfirmuser ( [,<prompt string>], [<tries>]) | Invalid arguments were provided to the submitconfirmuser() function. | |
1442 | Expected policygetenv(string) | Invalid arguments were provided to the policygetenv() function. | |
1443 | Expected policysetenv(string, string) | Invalid arguments were provided to the policysetenv() function. | |
1444 | Expected policyunsetenv (string | list, ...) | Invalid arguments were provided to the policyunsetenv() function. |
1445 | Error in regular expression '': | There was an error in evaluating a regular expression. The diagnostic provides system-specific information. | |
1446 | Expected sub(, , ) | Invalid arguments were provided to the sub() function. | |
1447 | Expected gsub(, , ) | Invalid arguments were provided to the gsub() function. | |
1448 | Error in regular expression ''': | There was an error in evaluating a regular expression. The diagnostic provides system-specific information. | |
1449 | Improperly formatted keystroke action list - wrong number | pblocald detected an error in the keystroke action list sent from pbmasterd's policy. | |
1450 | Improper keystroke search type - | The types for setkeystrokeaction can only be shell or re. | |
1451 | Expected ldap_unbind(ldapc) | Syntax error in ldap_unbind's arguments | |
1452 | LDAP error: | An LDAP unbind failed. The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. | |
1453 | Expected ldap_search (ldapc,string,string,string,lis t,int) | Syntax error in ldap_search's arguments | |
1454 | Invalid scope value | The listed value is not a valid scope string for ldap_search. | |
1455 | ldap_count_entries expected a single argument | Syntax error in ldap_count_entries ' arguments. | |
1456 | ldap_entry_count expected an ldap message as its argument | The argument to ldap_count_entries must be a valid LDAP message obtained from ldap_ search. | |
1457 | ldap_first_entry expected an ldap message as its argument | The argument to the ldap_ firstentry() function must be a valid LDAP message from a prior call to the ldap_search() function. | |
1458 | ldap_next_entry expected an ldap message as its argument | The argument to ldap_ nextentry() must be a valid LDAP message from ldap_ search(). | |
1459 | LDAP error: %s | An internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_next_entry(). The LDAP diagnostic describes the reason in more detail. | |
1460 | LDAP error: call on no more entries | ldap_next_entry tried to read beyond the end of its available entries. | |
1461 | ldap_attributes expected an ldap message as its argument | The argument to ldap_ attributes must be a valid LDAP message. | |
1462 | ldap_get_values expected (ldapm,string) | Invalid arguments were provided to ldap_get_values. | |
1463 | ldap_get_dn expected an ldap message | ldap_get_dn expected a valid LDAP message as its argument. | |
1464 | ldap_explode_dn expected (string,integer) | Invalid arguments were supplied to ldap_explode_dn. | |
1465 | ldap_dn2ufn expected (string) | Invalid arguments were supplied to ldap_dn2ufn. | |
1466 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1466.1 | submitconfirmuser No arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The submitconfirmuser() function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1466.2 | submitconfirmuser too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The submitconfirmuser() function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1466.3 | submitconfirmuser too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The submitconfirmuser() function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1466.4 | error with argument in submitconfirmuser | The submitconfirmuser() function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1467 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1467.1 | sub no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The sub() function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1467.2 | sub too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The sub() function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1467. 3 | sub too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The sub() function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1467.4 | error with argument | The sub() function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1468.1 | No arguments provided to | No arguments were provided for the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1468.2 | Too many arguments to - expecting ### arguments | Too many arguments were provided in a call to the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1468.3 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1468.4 | Argument ### is not a string in | The listed argument to the named function was not a string. | Correct the policy. |
1468.5 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1468.6 | Argument 2 is not a string or number in | The second argument to the named function was neither a string nor a number. | Correct the policy. |
1468.7 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1468.8 | Argument 2 is not a string | The second parameter to the named function is not a string. It should be. | Correct the policy. |
1469.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1469.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1469.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1469.4 | error with argument <argument number> in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1469.5 | Missing arguments in | No arguments were provided to the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1469.6 | Invalid arguments in | Invalid arguments were provided to the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1469.7 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1469.9 | Argument 3 is not a number in | The second parameter to the named function is not a number when it should be. | Correct the policy. |
1470 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1470.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1470.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1470.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1470.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1470.5 | Missing arguments in | No arguments were provided to the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1470.6 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1471 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1471.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1471.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1471.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1471.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1472.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1472.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1472.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1472.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1473 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1473.1 | Missing arguments in | No arguments were provided to the named function. | Correct the policy. |
1473.2 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1474 | No connection to LDAP server : | No connection was found to the named LDAP server. | Correct the policy. |
1475 | LDAP error: | An internal LDAP error occurred in the named function. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail. | The solution may be identifiable based upon the LDAP diagnostic message. Otherwise, contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1476 | LDAP error: | An internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_first_entry. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail. | The solution may be identifiable based upon the LDAP diagnostic message. Otherwise, contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1477 | LDAP error: call on no more entries | An internal LDAP error occurred in ldap_attributes. The LDAP diagnostic message describes the reason in more detail. | Correct the policy. |
1478 | LDAP error: | ||
1479 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1479.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1479.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1479.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1479. | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1480 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1480.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1480.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1480.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1480.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1481 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1481.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1481.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1481.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1481.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1482 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1482.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1482.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1482.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1482.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1483 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1483.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1483.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1483.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1483.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1484 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1484.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1484.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1484.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1484.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1485 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1485.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1485.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1485.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1485.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1486 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1486.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1486.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1486.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1486.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1487 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1487.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1487.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1487.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1487.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1488.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1488.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1488.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1488.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1489 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1489.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1489.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1489.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument's), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1489.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1490 | Argument 1 () to is not a valid LDAP URL | The first argument to the named function is not a valid LDAP URL. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1491 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1492 | Argument 2 (), LDAP version, must either 2 or 3 | The second argument must be 2 or 3. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1493 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1494 | A call to get opt, getopt_long, or getopt_long_only failed. The argument error describes which argument was the problem. | This can be a policy error that can be corrected or a genuine argument mismatch in the argument list. | |
1495 | More than four expressions in a 'from' clause. | From clauses allow up to four expressions only. | Correct the policy. |
1500 | fprintf is not allowed for security reasons | These functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the system. pblog was designed to view logs but not change anything on the system. | |
1501 | mktemp is not allowed for security reasons | These functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the system. pblog was designed to view logs but not change anything on the system. | |
1503 | Expected positive number for tries | The number of password authentication tries must be a positive number. | |
1503.01 | Number of tries must be positive in | The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number. | Correct the policy. |
1503.02 | Number of tries must be positive in | The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number. | Correct the policy. |
1503.03 | Number of tries must be positive in | The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number. | Correct the policy. |
1503.04 | Expected positive number for tries in | The number of tries for password authentication must be a positive number. | Correct the policy. |
1504 | Expected printf arguments | printf, sprintf(), or fprintf was called with invalid arguments. | See the man pages for printf, sprintf(), or fprintf. |
1505 | *printf - Integer argument invalid | The argument for a %d or %u formatter was not an integer. | |
1506 | *printf - String argument invalid | The argument for a %s formatter was not a string. | |
1507 | *printf - Invalid format | The format argument for a printf-style function was invalid. | |
1508 | stat is not allowed for security reasons | These functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the machine. pblog was designed just to view logs, but not change anything on the system. | |
1509 | Invalid time | The timebetween() function was called with an invalid time parameter. The time parameters must in 24-hour format and should not have leading zeros. | |
1510 | Invalid user name | The user name given to getfullname, getgroup, getgroups, gethome, or getshell was invalid. It must exist in the user database (in /etc/passwd or the NIS map passwd). | |
1511 | insert - index must be positive | The index given to insert must be a positive number. | |
1512 | Width argument invalid | The width argument given for a printf argument was not a number. For example, printf("%*s", "foo", "bar"); should be something like: printf("%*s", 10, "bar"); | |
1513 | Could not fstat '' | The readFile() function uses fstat to determine the size of the file. | |
1514 | Could not open '' | The readFile() function could not open the file specified. | Ensure that the permissions on the file are correct; they should allow root to read the file. |
1515 | Could not open '' | The fprintf procedure could not open the file specified. | |
1516 | datecmp: bad XXX date | The XXX date in the datecmp() function is not recognized as a date. | |
1517 | pad - pad string is empty | The string with which to pad is empty. | Change the string passed to non-empty. |
1518 | substr - index out of range | ||
1518.01 | substr - index out of range | Start index < 0 or start > length of string. | Adjust the appropriate index. |
1518.02 | substr - index out of range | Finish < start. | Adjust the appropriate index. |
1519 | unable to stat file | The stat system call failed on the file. | Ensure this is a regular file and not a device or other special Unix/Linux file. |
1520 | forbidkeypatterns not a list | The user has a variable called forbidkeypatterns and it is not a list as expected. | Change the type of the assignment to the variable. |
1521 | fset not allowed for security reasons | These functions cannot be called from pblog because they could affect the security of the machine. pblog was designed just to view logs, but not change anything on the system. | |
1522 | fset fstat error - | The fset() function uses fstat to determine the size of the file. | |
1524 | Too many arguments to Fset | Fset takes exactly four string arguments. | |
1525 | Fset expected a string as argument # | Fset takes exactly four string arguments. | |
1526 | Fset permission string is invalid | The valid characters for a permission string are ogua+- =rwxXst. | |
1527 | Fset could not change owner/group on - | ||
1528 | Fset could not change permissions on - | ||
1529 | Invalid character in Fset mode string. | ||
1529.01 | Invalid character in Fset mode string. | Invalid character used in access group setting. The valid characters are u, g, o, and a. | |
1529.02 | Invalid character in Fset mode string. | Invalid operator used in access group setting. The valid operators are +, -, and =. | |
1529.03 | Invalid character in Fset mode string | Invalid operator used in access group setting. The valid permission bits are r, w, x, X, s, and t. | |
1530 | forbidkeyaction is not a string | The action is not a string. | Change the assignment to a string. |
1531 | Expected ldap_open(string, [number]) | Syntax error. | |
1532 | unknown ssloption setting '' | The valid values for the ssloption keyword are clientcertificates, allownonssl, or both. | |
1533.1 | Found improper type in a list element - | An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements. | Correct the policy. |
1533.2 | Found improper type in a list element - | An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements. | Correct the policy. |
1533.3 | Found improper type in a list element - | An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements. | Correct the policy. |
1533.4 | Found improper type in a list element - | An improper type variable was found in a list. Only strings and lists are allowed as list elements. | Correct the policy. |
1533.5 | Malformed string list | An error was found in a string list. | Correct the policy. |
1534 | List (length ###) is too short for subscript ### | A subscript into a list was longer than the list. | Correct the policy. |
1535 | Divide by zero | An attempt was made to divide by zero. | Correct the policy. |
1536 | Modulus zero | An attempt was made to use a zero modulus. | Correct the policy. |
1537 | Malformed assignment expression | A poorly formed assignment statement was found. | Correct the policy. |
1538 | Divide by zero | An attempt was made to divide by zero in a /= operation. | Correct the policy. |
1539 | Modulus zero | An attempt was made to use a zero modulus in a %= operation. | Correct the policy. |
1540.1 | Expecting a text token | A text token was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1540.2 | Expecting a text token | A text token was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1541.1 | Expecting a date | A date was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1541.2 | Expecting a date | A date was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1541.3 | Expecting a date | A date was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1541.4 | Expecting a date | A date was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.1 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.2 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.3 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.4 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.5 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.6 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1542.7 | Expecting a string | A string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.1 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.10 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.2 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.3 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.4 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.5 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.6 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.7 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.8 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1543.9 | Expecting a number | A number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1544.1 | Expecting a list | A list was expected, but not found | Correct the policy. |
1544.2 | Expecting a list | A list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1544.3 | Expecting a list | A list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1545.1 | Expecting an ldap connection | An LDAP connection was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1545.2 | Expecting an ldap connection | An LDAP connection was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1546.1 | Expecting an ldap message | An LDAP message was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1546.2 | Expecting an ldap message | An LDAP message was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1547.1 | LIBSYPARSE_evalCheckType encountered an unexpected LIBSYPARSE_CHECK_TYPE_MATCH | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1547.2 | LIBSYPARSE_evalCheckType encountered an unexpected LIBSYPARSE_CHECK_TYPE_VAR | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1548.1 | Expecting a string or number | A number or string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1548.2 | Expecting a string or number | A number or string was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1548.3 | Expecting a string or number | A string or number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1548.4 | Expecting a string or number | A string or number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1548.5 | Expecting a string or number | A string or number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1548.6 | Expecting a string or number | A string or number was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.2 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.3 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.4 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.5 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.6 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.7 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1549.8 | Expecting a string, number or list | A string, number, or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1550.1 | Expecting a string or list | A string or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1550.2 | Expecting a string or list | A string or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1550.3 | Expecting a string or list | A string or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1550.4 | Expecting a string or list | A string or list was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1551.1 | Expecting a string, list, LDAP message or LDAP connection | A string, list, or LDAP variable was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1552.1 | Index variable missing in for loop | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1552.2 | Index variable missing in for loop | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1553 | Expected ### arguments to user- defined procedure , got ### | The number of arguments to the named user-defined procedure did not match the expected number of arguments. | Correct the policy. |
1554 | Expected ### arguments to user- defined function , got ### | The number of arguments to the named user-defined function did not match the expected number of arguments. | Correct the policy. |
1555.1 | No return value from user- defined function | A return value was not found in a user-defined function. | Correct the policy by adding a return value or changing the function to a procedure. |
1555.2 | No return value from user- defined function | A return value was not found in a user-defined function. | Correct the policy by adding a return value or changing the function to a procedure. |
1556 | Mismatched types in call to . Expected , got | The arguments to the named function did not match the expected arguments. | Correct the policy. |
1557 | Too many arguments to getuserpasswd | Too many arguments were provided to the getuserpasswd() function. | Correct the policy. |
1558 | Can not unset read-only variable | Read-only variables cannot be unset. | Correct the policy. |
1559 | Function tree not initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1560 | Function tree already initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1561 | Procedure tree not initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1562 | Procedure tree already initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1563.1 | line ###: 1563.1 can not be called due to security reasons | The named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints. | Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function. |
1563.2 | can not be called due to security reasons | The named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints. | Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function. |
1564 | is a secure function | The named function cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints. | Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function. |
1565 | is a secure procedure | The named procedure cannot be executed in the current context due to security constraints. | Some functions are not available to secondary programs such as pblog and pbcall. Rewrite the action without the restricted function. |
1566 | Error in regular expression '': | An error was found in the listed regular expression. | Correct the policy. |
1567.1 | have: "" which is | The listed policy expression has the named type, but something else was expected. | Correct the policy. |
1567.2 | have: "" | The listed policy expression has a problem described by the variable-message. | Correct the policy. |
1568 | is , but got | The expression value does not match its expected type. | Correct the policy. |
1569 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1570.1 | Missing arguments | The number of arguments provided to fprintf did not match the expected number. | Correct the policy. |
1570.2 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1571 | Duplicate case value '' | The same value for a case was used more than once in a switch statement. | Correct the policy. |
1572 | Variable %s is %s. Tried to assign a %s | The named variable is of the first type, but the policy tried to assign it a value of the second type. | Correct the policy. |
1573 | Recursive function type checking disabled | A recursive call to a user-defined function was found and type checking was disabled. | |
1574 | Expecting ### argument(s) in call to <user-defined function/procedure name>. Got ### | The number of arguments to a user-defined function or procedure did not match the expected number. | Correct the policy. |
1575 | Assignment to readonly variable '' | An attempt was made to assign a value to a read-only variable. | Correct the policy. |
1576 | Malformed assignment expression | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1577.1 | Expecting a variable name | A variable name was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1578.1 | Expecting a string, list, LDAP connection or LDAP message | A string, list, LDAP connection, or LDAP message was expected, but not found. | Correct the policy. |
1579 | Untranslatable type in LIBSYPARSE_definedType2InfoType - ### | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1580 | Untranslatable type in infoTypes2syparseDefinedTypes - ### | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1581 | Variable tree not initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1582 | Variable tree already initialized | Internal parser error | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1583 | Expected positive number for list subscript, found ## | A negative subscript was found in an expression. | Correct the policy. |
1583.01 | Missing arguments - expecting exactly 3 | The number of arguments provided to getopt did not match the expected number. | Correct the policy. |
1583.02 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1583.03 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1584.01 | Missing arguments - expecting exactly 4 | The number of arguments provided to getopt_long did not match the expected number. | Correct the policy. |
1584.02 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1584.03 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1585.01 | Missing arguments - expecting exactly 4 | The number of arguments provided to getopt_long_only did not match the expected number. | Correct the policy. |
1585.02 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1585.03 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic that names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1586 | Could not write prompt string. | The policy could not write a prompt string to the client program. | |
1587 | Variable already exists | An attempt to add a variable that already exists | This is an internal error. Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1588 | Not a list | An attempt was made to perform a list operation on something other than a list | This is an internal error. Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1589 | Assignment to readonly list | An assignment was attempted to the named read-only list. | Correct the policy. |
1590 | Subscript () out of range for list (0 to ) | A list subscript is too large for the named list variable. | Correct the policy. |
1591 | List or element missing [<subscript>] | The list variable cannot be found, or the element in the list does not exist. | Correct the policy. |
1592 | Internal error - invalid info row element type #### | An internal error. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1593 | Internal error - invalid info type #### | Internal error. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1594 | Internal error - invalid info type #### | Internal error. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1594 | Unknown function | An unknown name was used where a function name was expected. | Correct the policy. |
1595 | Expected | A function call argument did not match its expected type. This is normally preceded or followed by another diagnostic names the function. | Correct the policy. |
1595 | Unknown procedure | An unknown name was used where a procedure name was expected. | Correct the policy. |
1595.1 | no arguments provided - expecting ### argument | The named function expects arguments, but none were provided. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1595.2 | too few arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function did not receive enough arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1595.3 | too many arguments - expecting ### argument(s), got ### | The named function received too many arguments. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1595.4 | error with argument in | The named function received an invalid argument at argument number . | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1596 | Setting does not exist | The named setting is not known. | Edit the policy to use a known setting. |
1596 | Critical client environment variable env is missing | The env environment variable is missing. | This is an internal error. Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1597 | function requires a setting, but is a | The named function is looking for a particular type of setting, but the named setting is a different type. | Edit the policy to correct the error. |
1598 | Can not evaluate soft not-in operator | A list operation could not be evaluated for an entitlement report. | Simplify the expression, or rerun the report with constraints that simplify the expression. |
1599 | Can not evaluate soft in operator | A list operation could not be evaluated for an entitlement report. | Simplify the expression, or rerun the report with constraints that simplify the expression. |
1600 | Can not evaluate soft start expression | The start expression for a loop cannot be evaluated. | Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions. |
1601 | Can not evaluate soft end expression | The end expression for a loop cannot be evaluated. | Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions. |
1602 | Can not evaluate soft step expression | The step expression for a loop cannot be evaluated. | Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions. |
1603 | Can not evaluate soft for-in list expression | The list expression for a for-in loop cannot be evaluated. | Simplify the expression, or use constraints that will simplify the expressions. |
1604 | Expected grep [arguments], pattern, filename-or-template [, filename-or-template...] | The expected number of type of arguments was not found. | Correct the policy. |
1605 | Too few arguments to grep | Not enough arguments were supplied for the grep() function. | Correct the policy. |
1801 | Could not find tcp protocol | The tcp protocol could not be found in the system protocol entries. | Check /etc/protocols and the NIS system. |
1802 | Could not find key < value> in map < name> | The listed key could not be found in the named map. This is followed by an NIS diagnostic. The map is usually net groups. | Check that the key is a valid member of the map (for example, net group). Correct the key value, the net group definitions or the NIS configuration. |
1803 | Could not get port address for service < name> port < value> | The listed service name and port value combination is not valid for the host. | Check the settings file and the system service configuration (for example, /etc/services, NIS). |
1804 | dup2 to: ERROR ret: errno: | An error occurred during an OS dup2 call. The operating system specific diagnostic contains more information. | Evaluate the OS errno to determine the action. |
1805 | ACA Error in policy: | The ACA policy has an invalid permission. | Correct the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file. |
1806 | ACA Error for in policy: | The ACA policy for the specified filepath has an invalid permission. | Fix the ACA policy in the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux policy file. |
1901 | Could not parse extended port value | An attempt to parse an extended host name failed. This is often preceded by another diagnostic that details the problem. | Correct the extended host name. |
1902 | Hostname not valid for interface in | The interface name in the extended host name did not match the interface for the host. | Correct the host name or the extended host name. |
1903 | More than one interface tag in port | There are multiple interfaces in the extended port. | Remove extra interface tags from the extended port. |
1904 | More than one port in port | There are multiple port values in the extended port. | Remove extra ports from the extended port. |
1905 | No port specified in address | The extended port does not contain any port information. | Add a port to the extended port. |
1906 | An interface was specified for local domain socket in extended port | A local domain socket cannot contain an interface. | Correct the extended port. |
1907 | Unsupported socket family (family number) - <operating system message) | The listed network family is not supported. This is followed by an operating system-specific diagnostic. | Correct the configuration problem. |
1908.01 | Variable 'date' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.02 | Variable 'time' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.03 | Variable 'user' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.04 | Variable 'submithost' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.05 | Variable 'runuser' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.06 | Variable 'runhost' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1908.07 | Variable 'runargv' is missing from I/O log data | A critical variable is missing from an I/O log file. | Check that the file is actually an I/O log file. Determine if the I/O log is corrupt. |
1909.## | Foreground can only be specified with daemon mode (-d) | The -f switch (--foreground) can only be used with daemon mode (-d, --daemon). | Correct the command line arguments. |
1910 | Could not find string variable runhost | The runhost variable is missing from the environment. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1911 | Could not find string variable submithost | The runhost variable is missing from the environment. | Contact BeyondTrust Support. |
1912 | Invalid local daemon on run host | The policy server daemon tried to connect to something other than a local daemon. | Check the settings file to see if the local port or pblocaldcommand points to a valid local daemon. |
1913 | Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server | A client connected to something other than a policy server daemon. | Check the settings file to see if the policy server port or submitmasters points to a valid policy server daemon. |
1914 | Invalid log server on log host | The program connected to something other than the log server daemon. | Check the settings file to see if the logport port or logservers points to a valid log server daemon. |
1915 | Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server | Something other than a policy server daemon connected to a local daemon. | Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pblocald port. |
1915 | Invalid Policy Server daemon on Policy Server | Something other than a policy server daemon connected to a local daemon. | Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pblocald port. |
1916 | Invalid client connection from submit host | Something other than a client connected to a policy server daemon. | Examine the system configuration to see what may be attempting to access the pbmasterd port. |
Updated 11 days ago