Miscellaneous functions and procedures (refer to the following table) do not fit into any other category.
- Version 4.0 and earlier: egrep() function not available.
- Version 5.0 and later: egrep() function available.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
The egrep() function runs the policy server host’s egrep() command using the provided arguments and files, and returns the result as a string.
egrep ([egrep-arguments, ] search-pattern, filename-or-template [, filenameor-template …]);
egrep-arguments | Optional. Switch arguments to the policy server host’s egrep command. Refer to the policy server host’s grep documentation for specifics. |
search-pattern | Required. The regular expression to search for. |
filename-or-template | Required. A file name, possibly with wildcards, to search for the search-pattern. |
Return values
A string that contains the output of egrep().
result = egrep ("-w", "word", "filename");
result = egrep ("pattern", "manynames*");
- Version 4.0 and earlier: fgrep() function not available.
- Version 5.0 and later: fgrep() function available.
The fgrep() function runs the policy server host’s fgrep command using the provided arguments and files, and returns the result as a string.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
fgrep ([fgrep-arguments, ] search-pattern, filename-or-template [, filenameor-template …]);
fgrep-arguments | Optional. Switch arguments to the policy server host’s fgrep command. Refer to the policy server host’s fgrep documentation for specifics. |
search-pattern | Required. The regular expression to search for. |
filename-or-template | Required. A file name, possibly with wildcards to search for the search-pattern. |
Return values
A string that contains the output of fgrep.
result = fgrep ("-w", "word", "filename");
result = fgrep ("pattern", "manynames*");
The glob() function searches a character string for a specific shell-style pattern. glob() is often used to match patterns to file names because the patterns that are used are the same patterns that are used by the Unix/Linux shell file name matching algorithms.
For more information on creating search patterns, see Wildcard Search Characters and quote.
result = glob (pattern, string);
pattern | Required. The search pattern |
string | Required. The string to search |
Return values
true | A pattern match was found |
false | A pattern match was not found |
result = glob (pattern, logfilename);
- Version 4.0 and earlier: grep() function not available.
- Version 5.0 and later: grep() function available.
The grep() function runs the policy server host’s grep command using the provided arguments and files, and returns the result as a string.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
grep ([grep-arguments, ] search-pattern, filename-or-template [, filename-ortemplate …]);
grep-arguments | Optional. Switch arguments to the policy server host’s grep command. Refer to the policy server host’s grep documentation for specifics. |
search-pattern | Required. The regular expression to search for. |
filename-or-template | Required. A file name, possibly with wildcards, to search for the search-pattern. |
Return values
A string containing the output of grep.
result = grep ("-w", "word", "filename");
result = grep ("pattern", "manynames*");
iologcloseaction() is used to specify a program to be executed on the log server (or policy server, if no log server ) when an iolog is closed.
This can be used, for example, to execute scripts that can send IOlog or ACA data to Splunk or other systems. When Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux is installed, an example Perl script called closeactionsplunk.pl, that sends ACA data from the IOlog to Splunk is installed in /opt/pbul/scripts.
Note that unlike the iologcloseactionrunhost() procedure, this does not include the ability to specify runuser, runcwd, environment, timeout, or command line arguments.
IOLogs with a closeaction specified, or when Solr is used, are placed in a queue, rather than acted upon immediately.
pbconfigd monitors the queue and launches pbreplay to handle both Solr and iologcloseaction activity.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
iologcloseaction( command );
command | Required string specifying the /full/path/to/external/program. The syntax for the script or program must be /path/to/external/program /path/to/iolog.log. The program should exit 0 if successful, should exit 255 (or -1) to have EPM-UL log that the script failed, and should exit 254 (-2) to have EPM-UL requeue the item and have the queue mechanism pause. This can be used, for example, to indicate that a destination host is not reachable, and additional closeaction activity should not take place immediately. |
iologcloseactionrunhost() is used to specify a /path/filename to be executed on the runhost when the iolog is closed. The specified /path/filename can be a shell script or binary. The user to run the program as, environment, arguments, and working directory are specified in the function call. Stdin, stdout, stderr are redirected to /dev/null.
The timeout (specified in seconds) is mandatory. A timeout value of zero indicates no timeout. Note that a timeout value greater than zero causes the end user’s invocation of pbrun to pause while the close action takes place or until the timeout expires.
Any runtime errors such as invalid user, cwd, or command are logged via syslog, and to the appropriate EPM log (for example,pbrunlog, pblocaldlog) if specified in pb.settings.
Iologcloseactionrunhost( user, environment, timeout, cwd "/path/command and arguments");
User | The user to run the command. This user must exist on the runhost. |
Environment | ENV settings to execute the command with. If an empty list is specified, su – is used to create a login environment. |
Timeout | Required integer. When set to 0, no timeout is used, and the specified command could potentially run forever. When set to > 0, specified the number of seconds for a timeout. If the timeout is reached, the command is terminated using SIGTERM, and if needed, by a SIGKILL. |
Cwd | Required string to specify the working directory. With an empty environment list, this directory may be changed via the login shell. |
command | Required string specifying the fully qualified command, and its arguments. This is passed to su using su’s –c option. |
iologcloseactionrunhost( "jsmith", {"PATH=/bin", "TMPDIR=/tmp/", "PBUL=PBULTEST"}, 20, "/tmp", "/usr/local/bin/closeaction –a –b" );
iologcloseactionrunhost( "root", {}, 0, "/tmp", "/usr/local/bin/closeaction –a –b" );
For more information, see iolog .
The ipaddress() function returns the IP address of the machine that is specified by hostname. hostname should be a fully qualified machine name.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
result = ipaddress (hostname);
hostname | Required. A fully qualified host name. |
Return values
result contains the IP address of the specified machine. If the IP address cannot be determined, a blank string is returned (that is, length = 0).
result = ipaddress (hostname);
In this example, result contains the IP address of the machine specified in hostname.
The isset() function determines whether a variable has been set. A variable with a blank or zero value returns true, because blank and zero are considered values.
result = isset (string);
string | Required. A string that contains a variable name. |
Return values
true | Integer. The specified variable has a value. |
false | Integer. The specified variable does not have a value. |
In this example, result contains an integer value of 1 (true) because the runhost variable has a value of beyondtrust1.
runhost = "beyondtrust1";
result = isset ("runhost");
The policytimeout() procedure adds an overall policy timeout mechanism so that pbmasterd can abort the request when the policy processing takes an inordinate amount of time.
For example, when submitconfirmuser() is used, but the submitting user (or process) does not enter a password.
This prevents pbmasterd processes that appear to be unresponsive when the policy is waiting for user input which may never arrive. When the policy timeout is encountered, the request is rejected, with the exitstatus set to:
policy timeout (<seconds> seconds) reached for <submitting user> on host <submithost> for command <command and args>
That message is also logged to pbmasterd.log.
This timeout mechanism terminates pbmasterd any time that the policy processing takes longer than the timeout value specified.
This includes any user input functions, infinite loops, long running external programs run with system() and remotesystem(), DNS and NFS hangs, and lengthy policies.
When the policytimeout() procedure is called at the beginning of the policy it applies to the entire policy. If called later, it applies to the rest of the policy.
If the function is not called, or called with a value of 0, there is no timeout and pbmasterd processes the entire policy (including waiting for user input) before terminating.
The policytimeout() procedure can be called many times, each time overriding the value previously set.
This timeout is canceled when an accept or reject is encountered (for example, the policy is completed). Note that this timeout does not affect the runconfirmuser mechanism, which is processed after an accept. This timeout does not affect the secured task once accepted. For example, this cannot protect against a user not providing username/password input for pbrun telnet . pbmasterd informs EPM clients (pbrun, pbksh, pbsh, pbssh) of the timeout, and those clients also timeout. Note that the exact timing of pbmasterd timing out and the client timing out is not exact.
pbmasterd and the client process the timeout independently, and either may terminate before the other. Older clients cannot process such a timeout, and may appear unresponsive when pbmasterd terminates during expected user input. pbmasterd does not have a mechanism to interrupt an older client that is expecting input.
When remotesystem() is used with the submithost, the policy timeout is independent of the timeout specified in the remotesystem function call. The first of those timeouts to be encountered is the one that is processed.
When remotesystem() is used with a host other than the submithost, only the timeout specified in the remotesystem function call is used. If that is 0 (meaning no timeout), and the policy server encounters the policy timeout, the remote host may have a hungpblocald process.
policytimeout( <timeout_value_in_seconds> );
timeout_value_in_seconds | Required. Specifies the policy timeout value in seconds. |
Return values
Not applicable
The quote() function encloses a string in the specified character. It also inserts a backslash character (\) in front of any special characters that are contained in the string, to indicate that these characters should be taken literally (that is, treated as special characters). The quote() function is useful when parsing arguments into commands that are shell scripts.
For more information on special characters, see Special Characters.
result = quote (string1, quotechar);
string1 | Required. The string to enclose in the specified quotechar |
quotechar | Required. The character to use as the enclosing character |
Return values
result contains the quoted string.
In the example:
result = quote ("Hello, Hello, Hello", "*");
result is assigned:
"*Hello, Hello, Hello*"
Introduced in Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux 7.1, remotesystem() is used to run commands on a host other than the policy server host (any Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux runhost) as part of the policy. This can be called as a procedure (command output is shown on pbrun's terminal) or as a function (command output is captured into a policy variable). This is similar to the system() function/procedure, however the command is run on a different host. The Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux variable status is set to the return code of the command upon exit. Input to the command comes from the user's keyboard or from the inputstring argument if it is present. Output goes to the user's screen or to the result string variable, if present.
If the specified host is the same as the submithost, the requesting program (pbrun, pbksh, pbsh) executes the command. If the specified host is not the submithost, pblocald is used to execute the command.
This is primarily intended to be used as a function, without interactive keyboard or screen I/O. Limited I/O is allowed, however programs such as vi are not supported.
This policy function requires Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux 7.1 clients (pbrun, pbsh, pbksh, pbssh, pblocald).
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
[result =] remotesystem( hostname, user, environment, timeout, cwd, "command and arguments" [,inputstring]);
hostname | Required. The host on which to run the command. This can be short name, FQDN, or IP address. |
user | Required. The user to execute the command as. |
environment | Required. A list specifying the environment variables to execute the command with. |
timeout | Required. The maximum time in seconds that the remote command is allowed to take. A timeout of zero indicates no timeout. |
cwd | Required. Directory from which to execute the command. |
command | Required. The command (possibly including path) and arguments to run. |
inputstring | Optional. Command input, formatted into a single character string |
Return values
If the result variable is specified, remotesystem() acts as a function returning the output of the command. If the result variable is not specified, the output from the command that is executed by the remotesystem() procedure appear on stderr of the requesting program (pbrun, pbsh, pbksh, pbssh).
The Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux variable status is set to the return code. In general, a return code of 0 means the command completed successfully. For a description of non-zero return codes, see the documentation for the command that is being run. A status of -15 indicates a timeout.
In this example, the processlist variable is assigned the output from the ps command executed on the submithost. Note that the optional input argument is a set of empty quotes, meaning that the command is not given any input.
processlist = remotesystem( submithost, "root", {"PATH=/bin","TMPDIR=/tmp/"}, 20, "/tmp", "ps -ef", "" );
In this example, again, the processlist variable is assigned the output from the ps command executed on the submithost. Note that the optional input argument is not provided, meaning that the submituser's keyboard is connected through to the command. Note that bash -c is used to allow for a shell to process the multiple commands (ps and grep).
processlist = remotesystem( submithost, "root", {"PATH=/bin","TMPDIR=/tmp/"}, 20, "/tmp", "bash -c 'ps -ef | grep ^" +user+"'");
For more information, see status.
After the specified number of minutes, a message is written to the user’s stderr. If the optional message argument is not specified, the default message is: WARNING: You have exceeded the maximum allowed session time.
Internally, this feature makes use of the new read-only policy variables runtimewarn and runtimewarnmsg to communicate the details from the policy server to the run host.
This feature might typically be used to warn a user of an upcoming timeout specified by the runtimelimit variable.
The runtimewarn time limit is specified in minutes (within a procedure), while runtimeout is specified in seconds (as a variable).
This feature may also be used with the new runtimewarnlog() procedure described below.
runtimewarn( minutes [, message] );
Minutes | Required positive integer specifying the timeout in minutes. |
Message | Optional string specifying a message to issue to the user on stderr. |
runtimewarn(20, "Warning, your session will expire soon!");
This feature requires an I/O log. After the specified number of minutes, a message is written to the log server’s syslog. This message allows variable substitution using the %variable% syntax. Any variable recorded in the Accept event can be incorporated into the message. When the finish event is logged, the new timelimitexceeded variable is set to 1. If the time limit is not exceeded, the timelimitexceeded variable is not recorded in the finish event. If the optional message argument is not specified, the default message is: user:%user% exceeded time limit as %runuser%@%runhost% for %runargv%
Internally, this feature makes use of the new read-only policy variables runtimewarnlog and runtimewarnlogmsg to communicate the details from the policy server to the run host.
This feature might typically be used to create log entries of the longer sessions, possibly after warning a user using runtimewarn() of an upcoming timeout specified by the runtimelimit variable.
The runtimewarnlog time limit is specified in minutes (within a procedure), while runtimeout is specified in seconds (as a variable).
runtimewarnlog( minutes [, message] );
Minutes | Required positive integer specifying the timeout in minutes. |
Message | Optional string specifying a message to syslog on the log server. |
runtimewarnlog(20, "user:%user% exceeded session time limit");
The system() function is used to run commands on the policy server host as part of the policy. The Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux variable status is set to the return code of the command upon exit. By default, commands that are run by the system() function are run as root. However, commands can be run as different users by setting the Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux variable subprocuser.
Input to the command comes from the user’s keyboard or from the inputstring if it is present. Output goes to the user’s screen or to the result string variable, if present.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
[result =] system (command [,inputstring]);
command | Required. The command to run. |
inputstring | Optional. Command input arguments, formatted into a single character string. |
Return values
result contains the output of the command. If the result variable is not specified, the output from the command that is executed by the system() function appears on stderr of the requesting program (pbrun, pbsh, pbksh).
The Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux variable status is set to the return code. In general, a return code of 0 means the command completed successfully. For a description of non-zero return codes, see the documentation for the command that is being run.
In this example, result is assigned date\n because the echo command outputs the string date with a newline character.
result = system ("echo date");
For more information, see policygetenv, policysetenv, policyunsetenv, status, and subprocuser.
The unset procedure is used to remove temporary variables from the event and I/O log files when the variables are no longer needed. Variables that are required for the functioning of an EPM daemon may not be unset.
unset (variable);
variable | Required. The temporary variable to remove. |
Return values
Not applicable
In this example, removes the temporary variable xyz from the log files.
Updated 13 days ago