
Diagnostic Messages 9000 - 9200.03

NumberDiagnostic TextMeaningAction
9000SuccessOperation was successful. 
9001Unable to connect. Incompatible Versions or settingsThe client and server versions or settings mismatch. The client and version configurations should match.Upgrade pblogsync and pblogsyncd, and check pb.settings.
9002Unknown request receivedA request received by the server could not be recognized.Upgrade pblogsync and pblogsyncd.
9003Invalid Path or FilenameClient requested a log file that is either invalid or not accessible.Check the path and file name.
9004At least one of the log files contains a different unique IDThe unique ID is not the same for all files which indicates different sessions.Verify files are from the same session or use -I/--ignored.
9005Log file was not sent outThe program was unable to transfer the log file between the server and the client.Verify the connection was operational.
9006Files could not be sortedThe log files could not be sorted in chronological order.Verify there are not any time conflicts.
9007Unable to connectUnable to connect.Check the port numbers, server availability, and firewall settings.
9008Unrecognized command argumentIncorrect argument or value.Check and correct transaction options and values.
9009.01APR could not initialize <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to perform APR initialization.Internal error. The APR initialization function failed.
9009.02APR could not allocate pool <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to allocate memory pool.If the operating system diagnostic message indicates a lack of memory, you may need to increase the swap space on the affected machine.
9009.03APR could not connect <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to connect to message server.Check the message, host name, and port number.
9009.04APR could not send frame <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to send data frame to message server.Verify the connection was operational.
9009.05APR could not send message <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to send message to message server.Verify the connection was operational.
9009.06APR could not send disconnect <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to send disconnect message to message server.Verify the connection was operational.
9009.07APR could not disconnect <APR internal message> <APR internal error number>Unable to disconnect from message server.Verify the connection was operational.
9010.01PSMC settings error: Missing PSMC message queue server host nameRequired console settings are missing in the settings file.Check the message queue and server host name in the console settings file.
9010.02PSMC XML string memory allocation errorUnable to allocate memory for the XML string.If the operating system diagnostic message indicates a lack of memory, you may need to increase the swap space on the affected machine.
9010.03PSMC XML string out of memoryThe XML string is out of memory.Internal error. Allocated string out of memory.
9010.04Could not connect to PSMC message queue after all failover triesUnable to connect to message server after trying to failover to another server.Check the message host name and port number, and verify the connection is operational.
9010.05PSMC settings error: Invalid PSMC message queue server port numberRequired console setting is invalid.Verify message host port number.
9010.06PSMC settings error: Invalid PSMC message queue server connection retry valueRequired console setting is invalid.Verify message host connection retry value is valid.
9010.07PSMC I/O Log Body write error: Invalid input string(s)Invalid I/O log input string was entered.Internal error. Invalid I/O data fragment format.
9011.01PowerBroker Identity Services eventlog XML string memory allocation errorUnable to allocate memory for XML string.If the operating system diagnostic message indicates a lack of memory, you may need to increase the swap space on the affected machine.
9011.02PowerBroker Identity Services eventlog XML string out of memoryThe XML string is out of memory.Internal error. Allocated string out of memory.
9100Policy file updated by PSMCThe console manager's policy editor file was successfully applied to the local systemNo action is required.
9101Authentication FailedAuthentication failed between the APR and message server.Check the user/password/installation key.
9102Could not read policyUnable to read policy from message queue. Check attached code with the APR guide to understand the issue.Check the settings, and restart the process.
9103could not subscribeUnable to subscribe. Check the attached code for further explanation from the APR manual.Check the settings, and restart the process.
9104could not read initial responseUnable to read the initial message queue response. Please refer to the internal code given.Check the settings, and restart the process.
9105unable to loginUnable to login the message queue.Check the settings, and restart the process.
9106Unable to connect to <host>,
<port> (internal error code)
Unable to connect to the message queue on a given host.Check the settings, and restart the process.
9107no message servers defined  
9108.01Unable to save temporary policy file for authenticationEndpoint Privilege Management for Unix and Linux received an updated policy file, but it was unable to save it locally in the /etc/.pbew.conf.Check the reasons why the new policy could not have been saved to /etc/.pbew.conf.
9108.02psmc policy file authentication failedThe file was corrupted. 
9109unable to start PSC monitoring processpbsyncd was unable to start a console monitoring process.Check the settings and the memory available. Restart.
9110unable to lock file <filename>pbsyncd was unable to obtain an exclusive write lock on the policy file.Check for reasons why the policy file (pbew.conf) cannot be locked for updates.
9111Error: no psmc installation id definedA command was issued to establish communications with the console, but no psmcinstallationid keyword was found.Check the psmcinstallationid keyword is in the settings.
9112Error initializing PSMC manglerAn error occurred while initializing the console mangler with the key.Check the console's key file.
9113Unable to read psmc settingsEndpoint Privilege Management was unable to decrypt the the console settings file using the given key.Check the console settings and key file integrity.
9114Unable to open psmc settings fileUnable to open the console settings file.Check existence and permission of the settings file.
9115Unable to get a response from pbcheckEndpoint Privilege Management was unable to get a response from pbcheck while executing a policy update.Verify pbcheck is accessible from pbsyncd.
9116unrecognized policy header received from hostUnrecognized policy header received from the console. 
9117Error: select return value wasn't zero, but FD is NOT SET on fd:<number>fd is not writable.Contact BeyondTrust Support.
9200.01<program name> can't set the specified locale.Unable to set the specified locale.Check the locale setting in the system.
9200.02Invalid multibyte character, Couldn't convert string to wide characters.Unable to convert multibyte character to wide character.Check that the input string is a valid multibyte character.
9200.03Failed to convert character to multibyte sequenceUnable to convert wide character to multibyte sequence.Check that the input string is a valid wide character.

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