Diagnostic Messages 6001 - 6027
Number | Diagnostic Text | Meaning | Action |
6001 | Error accessing policy database - <error msg> | SQLITE failed to open the policy database. | Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6002 | Error opening database '<file>'- <error msg> | SQLITE failed to open the policy database. | Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6003 | Error reading records - <error msg> | SQLITE failed to read the specified records. | Action More detail is presented in the reason field. |
6004 | Error retrieving encryption settings for '<file>' - invalid parameter | Supplied encryption arguments are incorrect. | Supply the correct encryption arguments. |
6005 | Failed to commit transaction - <error msg> | Failed to write the data to the database. | Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6006 | Failed to create temporary file '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to create or write a temporary file. | Check the available disk space in /tmp. |
6007 | Failed to delete tag - <error msg> | Failed to update the database. | More detail is presented in the Reason field. Check the arguments supplied. |
6008 | Failed to encrypt - <error msg> | Failed to update the database. | More detail is presented in the Reason field. Check the arguments supplied. |
6009 | Failed to export file - <error msg> | Failed to export the file specified. | Verify the output file is writable and that the file system is not full. |
6010 | Failed to import file '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to import the file specified. | Verify the import file exists and is readable. |
6011 | Failed to initialize libmangle - <error msg> | Failed to initialize the encryption. | Verify the pb.settings and pb.key are correct. |
6012 | Failed to lock database '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to lock the database for update. | Another process or user may have the database temporarily locked. Check for other processes, lsof/pfiles. |
6013 | Failed to log change event - <error msg> | Failed to log the change management event. | Check pb.settings, and check the availability of the REST service on each log server. Also, check pb.settings on the log servers. |
6014 | Failed to read file '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to read the file. | Verify the file exists and is readable. |
6015 | Failed to read records - <error msg> | Failed to read specified files. | The error message provides more details. |
6016 | Failed to rekey policy database '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to reencrypt the policy database. | Check the existing encryption settings and the available file system space. |
6017 | Failed to rollback transaction - <error msg> | Failed to rollback a database transaction. | Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6018 | Failed to run command '<cmd>' - <error msg> | Failed to run the specified command. | Verify the command exists and is executable. |
6019 | Failed to start transaction - <error msg> | Failed to start a database transaction. | Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6020 | Failed to tag file '<file>' - <error msg> | Failed to tag specified file. | More detail is presented in the reason field. Check the arguments supplied. |
6021 | Failed to tag file - <error msg>, reverting database | Failed to write the tag record. | More detail is presented in the reason field. Check the arguments supplied. |
6022 | Failed to update records - <error msg> | Failed to update the records specified. | The error message provides more details. If required check the database is not locked (pfiles/lsof). Make sure the database exists, and verify it is not corrupt using pbdbutil. If it is corrupt, replace it from a backup. |
6023 | Failed to write file '<file>' - <error msg>, reverting database | Failed to write to file. | Check the file system space, and verify the file can be written to. |
6024 | File '<file>' exists - use 'force' to overwrite | The file to be exported already exists. | Use -f to force an overwrite of the file. |
6025 | Invalid argument - <error msg> | Invalid argument supplied to the command line. | Refer to the main page or usage message on valid arguments. |
6026 | Invalid transaction information - <error msg> | Invalid policy database transaction information. | No current transaction is open, or it is locked by another user. |
6027 | Invalid transaction - <error msg> | Invalid policy database transaction. | No current transaction is open, or it is locked by another user. |
Updated 10 days ago