
Sudo policies

Clients using Sudo Manager generate events, which are captured in the standard stream as EPM-UL events. These are therefore visible in the EPM-UL events grid, or, if enabled, the Elasticsearch instance that EPM-UL events are forwarded to.

Sudo policies are managed via direct REST calls to a selected policy server. The policy manager lists all known policies and enables creation, update, and deletion. BIUL integrates with the Sudo Manager change management system so that previous versions of a policy are available.

BIUL provides support for Sudo Manager for software deployment, policy management, alias management and assignment, and event auditing. You can assign multiple hosts to use a shared Sudo policy in the form of Aliases.

Create a Sudo policy

To create a Sudo policy:

  1. On the Menu, click Policy.
  2. Using the filtering options (or from the list), select a server.
  3. At the right of the server hostname row, click the vertical ellipsis menu icon, and then select Sudo Policy.
  4. Click Policy.
  5. On the Sudo Policies page, at the right, click Create New Sudo Policy.
  6. On the Create New Sudo Policy panel, enter a Hostname/Alias and a Filepath.
  7. Click Create.

Edit a Sudo policy

To edit a Sudo policy:

  1. On the Menu, click Policy.
  2. Using the filtering options (or from the list), select a server.
  3. At the right of the server hostname row, click the vertical ellipsis menu icon, and then select Sudo Policy.
  4. Click Policy.
  5. On the Sudo Policies page, from the dropdown list, select a Sudo Alias. The Sudo policies list appears.
  6. In the list, click the policy Name. The policy code editor opens.
  7. Edit the policy script, and then click Save.

Delete a Sudo policy

To delete a Sudo policy:

  1. On the Menu, click Policy.
  2. Using the filtering options (or from the list), select a server.
  3. At the right of the server hostname row, click the vertical ellipsis menu icon, and then select Sudo Policy.
  4. Click Policy.
  5. On the Sudo Policies page, from the dropdown list, select a Sudo Alias. The Sudo policies list appears.
  6. At the right of the Sudo policy that you want to delete, click the Delete icon.

Assign, reassign, or remove a Sudo policy alias

Aliases are named when you create a Sudo policy and enter a Hostname/Alias. When at least one exists, you can assign it to one or more servers.

To manage the Sudo policy aliases:

  1. On the Menu, click Policy.
  2. Using the filtering options (or from the list), select a server.
  3. At the right of the server hostname row, click the vertical ellipsis menu icon, and then select Sudo Policy.
  4. Click Alias.
  5. On the Sudo Alias page, use the filtering options and select one or more servers.
  6. At the far right, click the Actions menu item, and then click Sudo Policy Assignment. The Alias Assignment panel opens.
  7. From the dropdown list, select a Sudo Alias and click Apply.

To assign a different alias to a server with an existing one, follow the same procedure as above, and at the final step, select a different alias and click Apply.

To remove an Alias from a server with an existing one, follow the procedure above, and at the final step, click Remove Assignment.

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