File and Path
File and path functions are used to verify, return, and generate information about directories, file paths, names, and file names.
The access() function verifies the existence of a path and/or file on the Policy Server host. path should contain a fully qualified name, starting with a forward slash character (/).
result = access (path);
path | Required. String that contains the name of the path and/or file to verify |
Return values
true | The directory or file exists on the Policy Server host. |
false | The directory or file does not exist on the Policy Server host. |
In the example,
result = access ("/tmp/user.txt");
- result contains true if /tmp/user.text exists on Policy Server host.
- result contains false if /tmp/user.text does not exist on the Policy Server host and is not accessible to the superuser.
See also
logmktemp(), mktemp(), stat()
The basename() function returns the file name portion from the provided path. basename actually works by searching the provided string for the rightmost token. A forward slash character (/) delimits tokens. basename ignores any number of trailing slash characters.
For example, given the string /one/two/three, basename returns the rightmost token, which in this case is three.
Given the string /one/two/, basename would ignore the trailing slash and return two.
result = basename (path);
path | Required. Character string containing a file path and file name. |
Return values
result contains the rightmost token (that is, the file name) of the supplied character string (that is, the path name). An empty character string ("") is returned if no token is found.
In this example, result contains the file name pblog.txt.
result = basename ("/var/adm/pblog.txt");
The dirname() function returns the path component of path. dirname() searches the provided string for the rightmost token and returns everything but the rightmost token. Tokens are delimited with the forward slash character (/). dirname ignores all trailing slashes.
For example, given the string /one/two/three, dirname returns everything but the rightmost token. In this example, result contains /one/two/.
Given the string /one/two/three/, dirname ignores the tailing slash and result contains /one/two.
result = dirname (path);
path: Required. Character string that contains a path and file name
Return values
result contains the contents of path, minus the rightmost token (that is, the file name). If a token is not found, a . is returned.
In the example, result contains the directory /var/adm/.
result = dirname ("/var/adm/pblog.txt");
See also
The logmktemp() function returns a file name that is guaranteed to be unique on the log host.
This function requires a full path template. Do not save Iologs to temp directories.
result = logmktemp (template);
template | Required. Character string that contains a file name template. Within template, characters forming a unique identifier replace six trailing X characters. Many, but not all, user systems require precisely six X characters, which must be the trailing characters. Five X character ss, or X character ss in the middle of a template, might work on some systems, but this behavior is not guaranteed. |
Return values
result contains the generated file name. If a unique file name cannot be generated from template, then result contains a blank character string ("").
In this example,
result = logmktemp ("/var/adm/iolog.XXXXXX");
result contains the file name /var/adm/iolog.XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is replaced by a unique identifier that is generated by the operating system.
See also
mktemp(), stat()
The mktemp() function returns a file name that is guaranteed to be unique on the Policy Server host.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
result = mktemp (template);
template | Required. Character string that contains a file name template. Within template, characters forming a unique identifier replace six trailing X characters. Many, but not all, user systems require precisely six X characters, which must be the trailing characters. Five X character ss, or X character ss in the middle of a template, might work on some systems, but this behavior is not guaranteed |
Return values
result contains the generated file name. If a unique file name cannot be generated from template, result contains a blank character string ("").
In the example,
result = mktemp ("/var/adm/iologXXXXXX");
result contains the file name /var/adm/iolog.XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is replaced by a unique identifier that is generated by the operating system.
To create an I/O log in this way, the iolog variable must be set to the result of logmktemp(). For example:
iolog = logmktemp("/var/adm/iolog.XXXXXX");
See also
logmktemp(), stat()
The stat() function returns general information, from the operating system, about the requested file or directory on the policy server host. result contains an empty list (that is, with length equal to 0) if the specified file or directory is not found. The length() function can be used to determine whether result is empty.
Not supported in Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux (EPM-L).
result = stat (path);
path Required. Character string containing a path and/or file name.
Return values
result is a list that contains file and/or directory information. Each element in the list contains a different piece of information, as shown below. Each list element is a character string. An empty list is returned (that is, with list length equal to 0) if the specified file or directory does not exist. If result is empty, then the specified path or file was not found.
result elements:
- result [0] = file size
- result [1] = file owner
- result [2] = file group
- result [3] = file permissions
- result [4] = file access time
- result [5] = file creation time
- result [6] = file modification time
- result [7] = file access date
- result [8] = file creation date
- result [9] = file modification date
- result [10] = file access time in seconds
- result [11] = file creation time in seconds
- result [12] = file modification time in seconds
- result [13] = inode number
- result [14] = device number
result = stat ("/etc");
In the example, result might contain the following elements:
result [0] = 7144
result [1] = bin
result [2] = bin
result [3] = 755
result [4] = 101
result [5] = 101
result [6] = 101
result [7] = 1970/01/01
result [8] = 1970/01/01
result [9] = 1970/01/01
result [10] = 1
result [11] = 1
result [12] = 1
result [13] = 20
result [14] = 2
Updated 15 days ago