REST Services
The pbresturi setting is to allow the configuration of non-default REST Uniform Resource Locator paths for the pblighttpd service. This setting is primarily for diagnosis. We do not recommend that it be changed in a normal installation.
pbresturi URLSTRING
No default value
Used on
All hosts
The pbrestlog setting defines the path to the REST services log.
Depending on the operating system standards, this can be any of the following:
- /var/log/pbrest.log
- /var/adm/pbrest.log
- /usr/adm/pbrest.log
pbrestlog /var/log/pbrest.log
Used on
All hosts
The pbrestdir setting specifies the directory for the installation of the REST services (including pblighttpd).
pbrestdir /mypath/rest
pbrestdir /usr/lib/beyondtrust/pb/<prefix>rest<suffix>
Used on
All hosts
REST services are authenticated using Application ID's and Application Keys. These preshared keys are kept in a database. The pbrestkeyfile details the location of this database, and, similarly to all other databases can either be an absolute path, or a path relative to the databasedir setting.
pbrestkeyfile /mypath/pbrestkeyfile.db
pbrestkeyfile /opt/<prefix>pbul<suffix>/dbs/pbrstkeys.db
Used on
All hosts
Many internal services in EPM-UL are provided by the REST services. The pbresttimeout provides a setting to set the maximum amount of time a service will wait until it times out. This timeout is for the overall connection attempt timeout.
For example, if there are 2 log servers with 2 physical addresses for each of them, pbresttimeout is the timeout that EPM-UL waits to make a successful connection to all 4 physical addresses. That is, each connection waits for 1/4th of pbresttimeout.
You can either set a single integer value specifying number of seconds or more detailed format to specify timeouts for specific service. In a detailed format, if connection is not for a specific service or timeout is not specified for a specific connection, default setting is used.
Minimum allowed value is 5 seconds. Maximum allowed value is 86400 seconds (24 hours).
To set a single timeout for all REST services:
pbresttimeout 120
To set timeout with a detailed format for each service:
pbresttimeout default=30 registry=60 pbpolicy=30 logsvr=30 solr=30 logarchive=30 advkeystrokeactionpolicy=30 fim=30
Default value is 30 seconds.
Used on
All hosts
The pbrestport setting details the TCP/IP port that REST services use to communicate to remote hosts. This should be consistent across the enterprise installation.
pbrestport 3000
pbrestport 24351
Used on
All hosts
REST services use cryptographic methods to communicate, which are relatively time sensitive to provide extra security. We recommend that hosts have their time set precisely or use a suitable protocol implementation such as NTP. If this is not possible, the pbresttimeskew details the maximum time difference in seconds between two hosts.
pbresttimeskew 120
pbresttimeskew 60
Used on
All hosts
Updated 10 days ago