EPM-UL synchronizes license and statistical data among all its servers. The settings described in this section allow the administrator to make some adjustments to the synchronization process.
For more information about licensing, see License management.
- Version 9.3.0 and earlier: pblicenserefresh setting not available.
- Version 9.4.0 and later: pblicenserefresh setting available.
The primary license server maintains the master copy of the license database which holds information about the license and service utilization by clients.
For efficiency, the secondary license servers and other servers that provide service maintain a local copy of the license database. It is periodically updated with data retrieved from the primary license server.
The pblicenserefresh option defines the interval in seconds between each request to the primary license server to refresh the local license data.
pblicenserefresh 86400
pblicenserefresh 300
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.3.0 and earlier: pblicenseretireafter setting not available.
- Version 9.4.0 and later: pblicenseretireafter setting available.
By default, the AutoRetire attribute of the license string defines the number of consecutive days that a client can be inactive before it is auto retired.
The pblicenseretireafter option allows the administrator to prolong the auto retire interval by setting it to a number larger than the AutoRetire license attribute.
The default value of pblicenseretireafter is 0, which ensures that the license string's AutoRetire default interval is used.
An auto retired client still uses a license slot unless it is put in long-term retirement. This can be done either manually using pbadmin program, or automatically using the freelicenseofautoretiredhosts setting.
pblicenseretireafter 90
pblicenseretireafter 0
Used on
Primary License Server
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: licensehistory setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: licensehistory setting available.
The licensehistory setting is configured on the primary license server, and is synchronized to all hosts that provide a service. If it is enabled, every license event is logged to the primary log server for detailed license information.
When licensehistory is set to yes, a new record is added to pbevent.db for every pbrun (or any other "client"), keeping track of every access on each host. This can grow the size of pbevent.db. Only enable licensehistory if you want every single access to the license database logged.
licensehistory yes
licensehistory no
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: licenseservers setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: licenseservers setting available.
The licenseservers setting details those hosts that are license servers. The primary license server is first in the list, with subsequent secondary license servers listed, in order of failover, afterwards. If Registry Name Service is configured this value should be an asterisk, (*) denoting that the value is held within the service database. This setting should be consistent across EPM-UL, and is synchronized from the primary license server to other servers.
licenseservers myhost1 myhost2
No default value
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: licensestatsdb setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: licensestatsdb setting available.
The licensestatsdb allows the specification of an absolute or relative path to the license database on server installations. If the path is relative, the absolute path is calculated using the databasedir setting. All of the license information, including the license itself, and client and service statistics, are stored in the database.
licensestatsdb /mypath/pblicense.db
licensestatsdb /opt/<prefix>pbul<suffix>/dbs/pblicense.db
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: licensestatswq setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: licensestatswq setting available.
While processing license statistics or logging license events temporary files are created to increase performance. These files are created with names derived from the licensestatswq setting.
licensestatswq /mypath/pblicense.wq
licensestatswq /opt/<prefix>pbul<suffix>/dbs/pblicense.wq
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: licensestatswqnum setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: licensestatswqnum setting available.
While processing license statistics or logging license events, temporary files are created to increase performance. This setting specifies how many temporary files are to be created. Generally, unless performance issues are experienced, we recommend that this be kept to its default value. Minimum value of licensestatswqnum is 1 and maximum is 9999.
licensestatswqnum 1000
licensestatswqnum 999
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: pblicensedblocktimeout setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: pblicensedblocktimeout setting available.
This setting details the maximum delay, in milliseconds, that the database waits to attempt writing to the database. Generally, unless performance issues are experienced, we recommend that this be kept to its default value.
pblicensedblocktimeout 60000
pblicensedblocktimeout 10000
Used on
All servers
- Version 9.4.6 and earlier: pblicensequeuetimeouts setting not available.
- Version 10.0.0 and later: pblicensequeuetimeouts setting available.
This setting details various performance timeout values for use in the license statistics processing. Generally, unless performance issues are experienced, we recommend that this be kept to its default value.
pblicensequeuetimeouts openread=10000,200,1.0 openwrite=10000,200,1.0 write=10000,200,1.0 lock=10000,200,1.0
pblicensequeuetimeouts openread=1000,10,1.0 openwrite=10000,10,2.0 write=5000,10,1.0 lock=30000,10,2.0
Used on
All servers
If you experience performance issues, contact BeyondTrust Technical Support for more details on configuring this setting. For more information, see
- Version 10.3.2 and earlier: freelicenseofautoretiredhosts setting not available
- Version 21.1.0 and later: freelicenseofautoretiredhosts setting available
The setting pblicenseretireafter and the AutoRetire attribute of the license string define the number of days after which clients who have not connected are marked as autoretired. A client that is autoretired is available at any time for reuse, thus will continue to consume a license.
Setting freelicenseofautoretiredhosts to no allows the aforementioned behavior to continue.
Setting freelicenseofautoretiredhosts to yes causes licenses used by autoretired client hosts to be released by putting them in long-term retirement. Requests coming from such client hosts are not accepted until after the “Recycle” period, which is the minimum number of days after a client is put in long-term retirement. However, this will allow brand-new client hosts to connect and use the freed license slots. This is the default behavior.
The freelicenseofautoretiredhosts setting is configured on the Primary License Server.
freelicenseofautoretiredhosts no
freelicenseofautoretiredhosts yes
Used on
Primary License Server
Updated 10 days ago