DocumentationRelease Notes

Configure user-ignore and group-ignore

Configure these files to ignore users or groups when authenticating with AD Bridge.



The file contains a list of local users, one per line, to ignore when authenticating users with AD Bridge. This is used when a local and Active Directory user share the same login name, and you want to ensure the local user has preference when logging in.

By default, the root user is listed in the file. Do not remove the default value.

Edit the file locally or update the group policy setting Lsass: User names to ignore. Updates to the file do not require the restart of any AD Bridge services.



The file contains a list of local groups, one per line, to ignore when authenticating groups with ADB. This is used when a local and Active Directory group share the same login name, and you want to ensure the local group has preference when logging in.

By default, root and tty groups are listed in the file. Do not remove the default values.

Edit the file locally or update the group policy setting Lsass: Group names to ignore. Updates to the file do not require the restart of any AD Bridge services.

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