Lsassd: Enable use of the event log | Turns on event logging, includes: log on and off events, authentication and identification events. |
Lsassd: Log network connectivity events | Turns on event logging for network connection failures. |
Lsassd: Prepend default domain name for AD users and groups | Turns on the feature to add a domain name to user and groups. Use this policy with Lsassd: Default domain name to prepend for AD user and groups. |
Lsassd: Default domain name to prepend for AD users and groups | Set the domain name to add to the user and group names. Use Lsassd: Prepend default domain name for AD users and groups policy to turn this feature on. |
lsassd: System time synchronization | Synchronizes the lsass service computer with the Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Home Directory Template and Path Prefix | Use the home directory path template and path prefix policy settings together to customize the way that the home directory path is determined for a user account. |
Remote directory path template | Sets the network connected share (Home Folder) location defined in the Active Directory user account profile. |
Login shell template | Defines the login shell for an AD account only when it is not set on the AD Bridge Cell Settings tab in Active Directory. |
Local account login shell template | Use for a local AD Bridge account. |
Local account home directory path prefix | Use for a local AD Bridge account. |
Local account home directory path template | Sets the homedir-template setting of the user home directory path on target systems running lsassd. |
Lsassd: Enable signing and sealing for LDAP traffic | Sign and seal LDAP traffic to certify and encrypt it so that others cannot see your LDAP traffic on your network as it travels between a AD Bridge client and a domain controller. |
Lsassd: Enable user credential refreshing | Sets if the credentials must be refreshed. |
Lsassd: Enable user group membership trimming | Specifies whether to discard cached information from a Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) entry when it conflicts with new information retrieved through LDAP. Otherwise, PAC information, which does not expire, is updated the next time the user logs on. It is turned on by default. |
Lsassd: Enable cache only group membership enumeration for NSS | Specifies whether to return only cached information for the members of a group when queried through the name service switch, or nsswitch. The setting determines whether nsswitch-based group APIs obtain group membership information exclusively from the cache, or whether they search for additional group membership data through LDAP. |
Lsassd: Enable cache only user membership enumeration for NSS | When set to enabled, enumerates the groups to which a user belongs using information based solely on the cache. When set to disabled, it checks the cache and searches for more information over LDAP. It is turned off by default. |
Lsassd: Enable NSS enumeration | Controls whether all users or all groups can be incrementally listed through NSS. On Linux computers and Unix computers, the default setting is set in the registry as 0, or turned off. To allow third-party software to show Active Directory users and groups in lists, you can turn on this setting, but performance might be affected. |
Lsassd: Force authentication to use unprovisioned mode | To use the AD Bridge agent to join a computer to a domain that has not been configured with cell information, you must set this group policy to unprovisioned mode. |
Lsass: User names to ignore | User account names to ignore on target AD Bridge clients. The policy can contain a comma-separated list of account names. If Apply Policy is set to Always (default), any changes to managed system files on the agent system will be replaced when group policy is next applied. If a managed system file is edited or removed, gpupdate will recreate the file on policy refresh. If set to Once, any changes to managed system files on the agent system will only be replaced when the policy is updated or gpagent is restarted.Backups of existing system files are performed before initial policy application. |
Lsass: Group names to ignore | Group names to ignore on target AD Bridge clients. The policy can contain a comma-separated list of group names. If Apply Policy is set to Always (default), any changes to managed system files on the agent system will be replaced when group policy is next applied. If a managed system file is edited or removed, gpupdate will recreate the file on policy refresh. If set to Once, any changes to managed system files on the agent system will only be replaced when the policy is updated or gpagent is restarted.Backups of existing system files are performed before initial policy application. |
Lsass: Ignore all trusts during domain enumeration | Determines whether the authentication service discovers domain trusts. In the default configuration of disabled, the service enumerates all the parent and child domains and forest trusts to other domains. For each domain, the service establishes a preferred domain controller by checking for site affinity and testing server responsiveness, a process that can be slowed by WAN links, subnet firewall blocks, stale AD site topology data, or invalid DNS information. When it is unnecessary to enumerate all the trusts – for example, the intended users of the target computer are only from the forest that the computer is joined to – turning on this setting can improve startup times of the authentication service. |
Lsass: Domain trust enumeration include list | When turned on, only the domain names in the include list are enumerated for trusts and checked for server availability. |
Lsass: Domain trust enumeration exclude list | When turned off (default setting), the domain names in the exclude list are not enumerated for trusts and not checked for server availability. |
Lsass: Require trust enumeration to complete during startup | Sets the AD Bridge authentication service (Lsass) to finish enumerating all the domain trusts before the service indicates that it has started. You can use this policy to help sequence services, such as crond, that depend on Lsass for user and group object lookups. Default is turned off. |
Domain Separator Character | Configures the domain separator used by the AD Bridge agent for user and group account name lookups witha character that you choose. |
Cache Expiration Time | You can use this policy to improve the performance of your system by increasing the expiration time of the cache. |
Machine account password expiration time (machine password timeout) | Set the machine account password expiration time on target computers. The expiration time specifies when machine account passwords are reset in Active Directory. |
Replacement character for names with spaces | Replace spaces in Active Directory user and group names with a character that you choose. For example, when you set the replacement character to caret (^), the group DOMAIN\Domain Users in ActiveDirectory appears as DOMAIN\domain^users on target computers. |
Maximum Tolerance for Kerberos Clock Skew (clockskew) | You can create a group policy to set the maximum amount of time that the clock of the Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) can deviate from the clock of target hosts. For security, a host rejects responses from any KDC whose clock is not within the maximum clock skew, as set in the host's krb5.conf file. The default clock skew is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. This policy changes the clock skew value in the krb5.conf file of target hosts. |