DocumentationRelease Notes

Error codes

AD Bridge error codes

Use the error codes reference to handle errors that could arise while using BeyondTrust AD Bridge. An example, cause, and resolution are provided for each error.

This document is not an inclusive list of all possible AD Bridge errors. Additionally, there may be resolutions for these issues other than those detailed in this document.

If you encounter an error not covered in this guide, or if a recommended resolution does not resolve your issue, contact BeyondTrust Technical Support.



For more information, see BeyondTrust Technical Support.

Failed to validate GPO Security Descriptor


When AD Bridge fails to validate Active Directory and GPO Security Descriptor, the following is returned:

Error: Failed to validate the discretionary access control list
Error: Failed to validate GPO Security Descriptor


This typically occurs when there is a failure to validate the system access control list and discretionary access control list.


We have created a Security Descriptor tool usage: /opt/pbis/libexec/verify-sd . This tool displays relative security descriptor validation error information. It accepts hex string representations of security descriptors and performs the same validation checks as gpagent.

Decrypt integrity check failed


When AD Bridge users attempt to log in, they receive a standard password mismatch error preceded by a Kerberos error:

Nov 21 23:52:50 linux-hostname lsass: [LwKrb5InitializeUserLoginCredentials /builder/src-git/Platform/src/linux/lwadvapi/threaded/lwkrb5.c:1492] KRB5 Error code: -1765328353 (Message: Decrypt integrity check failed)

Nov 21 23:52:50 linux-hostname lsass: [lsass] Failed to authenticate user (name = 'domain\username') -> error = 40022, symbol = LW_ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH, client pid = 8057


This error will prevent all domain users from logging into this host, but attempts made on working hosts will verify the password is not actually incorrect.


Search for duplicate computer objects of the same name in Active Directory and remove any duplicates. Once the duplicate computer object is located, remove it and rejoin the affected computer to the domain.

To easily find duplicate SPN names, run the following command on a Windows domain controller:

  • Single Domain Environment:
setspn -x
  • Environments with Multiple Trusted Domains:
setspn -t * -t home -x





These errors typically occur if there are DNS issues or all of the ports AD Bridge requires are not open.



  1. You can resolve the domain you are joining.
  2. The domain controllers returned can be resolved and connected to.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



This issue typically occurs when there is a character that is unexpected in the krb5.conf. It could also be an issue with a special character in the OU or domain.


Check the /etc/krb5.conf for any special characters or formatting issues.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



Possible causes:

  • One possible cause can be observed on Solaris 10. Administrators must verify they have added DNS or the join will fail.
  • The Administrator account does not have correct permissions to join a domain.


  • On Solaris 10, ensure /etc/nsswitch has the host: files dns line.
  • Review permissions on the Administrator account.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

Error: NO_SUCH_CELL on domain join.


This error typically occurs if there is no cell in Active Directory (AD) for AD Bridge to join. AD Bridge runs in three modes: Directory Integrated mode, Unprovisioned mode, or ID Range. Directory Integrated mode is the preferred method.



Directory Integrated mode can use Default or Named Cell, while Unprovisioned mode is Named Cell only. ID Range mode is mutually exclusive from having cells defined. ID Range mode and either Default Cells or Named Cells may not be defined at the same time.

If IDRange was in use then it is possible that the --IDRange flag

A Default Cell is an AD object that sits at the root of the domain and allows all users and groups enabled in that cell to access any Linux or Unix machine joined to AD. Access can be restricted by using security groups and enabling require membership of in the group policy applied to the servers. Once enabled, select the appropriate security groups for access.

A Named Cell is similar in concept. However, a Named Cell can exist in any OU and users enabled in this cell only have access to servers within the same OU the cell exists in or below, but nowhere else. With Default Cell, there is only one, but with Named Cell, multiple cells are allowed.



We recommend a maximum of four Named Cells for ease of administration purposes. There is no limit to the number of cells that AD Bridge supports. A mix of Default and Named Cells can coexist in the same environment.

A cell must be created for AD Bridge to work. Prepare AD first to allow AD Bridge to function, then install the agent on a Linux or Unix machine.



For more information, see Install AD Bridge.


Join to a location that has either a Default or Named Cell. If that does not exist, create a Default or Named Cell.

GSSAPI Error: the referenced context has expired (Unknown error)


Occasionally, you may see multiple errors in the logs.

Mar 4 07:34:59 linuxhost lsass: GSSAPI Error: The referenced context has expired (Unknown error)

This may or may not be associated with slow logins.


If a user does not enter their password for 8 hours after they initially logged in, the Kerberos ticket will expire and may not be renewed. This is the default Kerberos expiration time. There may be issues with user load or concurrency, which could prevent the ticket from being refreshed.

Other reasons you must renew a user's Kerberos ticket include when the user is using:

  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • Another SSH client
  • An SMB client. For example, using Nautilus from a workstation desktop.
  • NFSv4 mounts


If you don't need SSO, you can turn off the following configuration setting (enabled by default), which may improve performance:

Name: RefreshUserCredentials
Description: Whether to refresh user credentials against AD domain controller
Type: boolean
Current Value: true
Accepted Values: true, false



Current Value is determined by local policy.

You may also use a group policy to manage this centrally. Typically located under the Authorization and Identification group, configure the Lsassd: Enable user credential refreshing setting.

LSASS error code [code 0x00009da2]


When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

LSASS Error Code [code 0x00009da2]


A failed attempt to join the domain has left a computer object behind in Active Directory.


Delete the account from Active Directory and try to join again.

LSASS error [code 0x0000000b] the OU format is invalid


The OU format is invalidError

Lsass Error [code 0x0000000b] The OU format is invalid


The issue appears when an INVALID_PARAMETER error occurs and the domain join translates that to an OU error. This could be a license related issue as it uses the same INVALID_PARAMETER error.


Check the lsass logs for the following error:

20210304081807:INFO:lsass:LsaCheckLicense():/builder/src-git/Enterprise/src/linux/lsass-enterprise/server/auth-providers/ad-enterprise-provider/provider-main.c:7713: License check complete, status code: 87, Bits: 0x00000000

If found then try the following:

  • Check the computer object has rights to read the license from the container.
  • Try recreating the license container and importing the license file.



[user1@host1 bin]$ ./domainjoin-cli –loglevel debug --logfile /tmp/join.log join --ou 'My OU' Administrator

Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:

LW_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED [code 0x00009cde]
Incorrect access attempt


This issue typically occurs because the user who is running the domainjoin-cli command does not have sufficient privileges. In the above example, the domain join is being run by user1.


To correct this issue, either re-run the domainjoin-cli command as root or by using sudo.

LW_ERROR_CLOCK_SKEW [code 0x00009c97]


When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

LW_ERROR_CLOCK_SKEW [code 0x00009c97]


This message indicates that the system time on the Linux or Unix host you are trying to join to your domain is different from that of the domain controller by greater than 5 minutes (300 seconds). AD Bridge cannot operate with a clock skew greater than 300 seconds, so the domain join is halted.


To resolve the error, update the time on the client host and then run domainjoin-cli again.

/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join <arguments>


/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join MyAdminUser


On domain join


LW_ERROR_DOMAIN_IS_OFFLINE [code 0x00009cb9] the domain is offline.


This issue typically occurs because network ports required by Kerberos are blocked.

[root@host1 bin]$ ./domainjoin-cli --loglevel debug --logfile /tmp/join.log join --ou 'My OU' Administrator
Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:
Error: LW_ERROR_DOMAIN_IS_OFFLINE [code 0x00009cb9] The domain is offline


To correct this issue, verify all ports required by Kerberos are open or modify firewall rules to allow Kerberos traffic on the following ports.

  • Kerberos: 88 UDP/TCP
  • Machine password changes (typically after 30 days): 464 UDP/TCP

In the gpagent logs


LW_ERROR_DOMAIN_OFFLINE error while primary domain is online in gpagent.


The gpagent service consistently throws LW_ERROR_DOMAIN_OFFLINE errors while primary domain is online. Group policies may also correctly appear in the /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy directory.

gpagent: [gpagent] Error processing group policies while processing list of group policy objects for computer, error: [0x 9CB9] (LW_ERROR_DOMAIN_IS_OFFLINE)

In this situation, there may be no discernible impact, but the above errors continue to appear in /var/log/messages (or equivalent).

You may see this error without any visible impact if one of the trusted domains in the customer's environment is unreachable. To verify this, run /opt/pbis/bin/get-status and look in the list of trusted domains for:

Domain flags: [0x0002]
[0x0002 - Offline]

The gpagent service will attempt to download any group policies it has access to, even if they aren't intended to be applied to the target computer. To resolve the errors, investigate network or DNS issues that may be preventing communication with the trusted domain that is unavailable.


If the domain is unavailable by design, you can exclude it from being enumerated by setting the Lsass:Domain trust enumeration exclude list group policy setting and specifying the domains you would like to exclude.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

{color:#455464}Error: LW_ERROR_ERRNO_EISDIR [code 0x00009cef]{color}


This message indicates that a system file AD Bridge is trying to write to is actually a directory. While rarely seen, the event has occurred on the domainjoin-cli.log file.


To resolve the error, remove the directory that is causing the conflict, and then run domainjoin-cli again.

To remove the domainjoin-cli.log file:

rm -r /var/log/domainjoin-cli.log



gpagent generates User policy errors. You see repeated errors in the log similar to the following:

Jan 1 12:00:00 pbishost gpagent: [gpagent] Error in User policy applicator (Error while contacting domain controller for user domain), error: [0x 9C70](LW_ERROR_GSS_CALL_FAILED)
Jan 1 12:00:00 pbishost gpagent: [gpagent] Failed to apply policy for user [uid:12345678]


User group policy is enabled and the user:

  • Has not logged into the system
  • Has previously logged into the system, but the Kerberos ticket has expired
  • Does not exist


If you do not use User group policy processing, you can disable this through a group policy setting.



For more information, see What are AD Bridge group policy settings?.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

Error: LW_ERROR_INTERNAL [code 0x00009c50]
Internal Error


The system is out of memory and cannot continue.


  • Free up system resources.
  • Reboot the impacted host to free up its memory.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



This error occurs if you do not enter a password during a domain join. This could be an issue with Kerberos.


Uninstall using purge and reinstall AD Bridge.

LW_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE (the Inter Process message is invalid)


After a host level outage or host outage work, there's a rare case where older versions of AD Bridge cause the cache file /var/lib/pbis/db/lsass-adcache.filedb.* to become 0 bytes. The file also cannot be written to, so it causes an error when attempting to perform a domain join similar to the following:

root@host /opt/pbis/bin > pbis-status
LSA Server Status:
Compiled daemon version:
Packaged product version:
Uptime: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 47 seconds
[Authentication provider: lsa-activedirectory-provider]
Status: Unknown
Mode: Unknown
root@pl000680 /opt/pbis/bin > domainjoin-cli join DOMAIN.LOCAL join-user
Joining to AD Domain: domain.local
With Computer DNS Name: computername

[email protected]'s password:
Error: LW_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE [code 0x00009c46]
The Inter Process message is invalid


This was identified as an issue in older versions of AD Bridge.




This issue has been resolved in AD Bridge versions 8.6.0 and later.

To resolve the issue in older versions of AD Bridge, follow the below steps.

  1. rm /var/lib/pbis/db/lsass-adcache.filedb.*
  2. service lwsmd restart
  3. Rejoin domain.

If you remove this file and restart lwsmd, the issue will be resolved.



The following error is returned during a login attempt. The user cannot authenticate.



This issue typically occurs because there is an issue with the user's Kerberos cache file. There will be events like the following in the lsass debug log file.

6.1/src/linux/lsass/server/api/auth.c:174] Failed to authenticate user (name = 'username') -> error = 41931, symbol = LW_ERROR_KRB5_CC_NOMEM, client pid = -1
6.1/src/linux/lwadvapi/threaded/lwkrb5.c:613] KRB5 Error code: -1765328186 (Message: No more memory to allocate (in credentials cache code))

In this particular case, there was an old /tmp/krb5cc_ Kerberos cache file for the user. Once the file was deleted, the user could authenticate and a new Kerberos cache file was created with the new UID.


Delete the /tmp/krb5cc_ file. Attempt to authenticate and the user should be allowed in.



When using AD Bridge and running /opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join to join a Linux or Unix system to the domain, the following error is returned:

/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join --ou "MyOU/OU" myadminuser
Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:


This error is typically encountered while attempting to re-join an existing computer to the domain.

The computer object for this computer still exists in Active Directory (AD) and the admin account you are using to run the domain join command does not have permission to modify computer objects in the domain.


This can be resolved either by removing the existing computer object from AD, using Active Directory Users and Computers with an account which has permissions to delete computer objects, or by giving the account modify permissions in the domain.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:


In the following example, user2 does not have the correct permissions in Active Directory (AD).

[root@host1 bin]$ ./domainjoin-cli --loglevel debug --logfile /tmp/join.log join --ou 'My OU' user2
Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:


The error typically occurs when the user account in the domainjoin command does not have the permissions required to add and modify computer objects.


To correct this issue, verify the user has the correct permissions to add and modify computer objects, or use an account such as Administrator.

Even if an object for the computer pre-exists in AD, the administrator account used to join to the domain must have access to modify objects as certain attributes must be modified on join.



When using AD Bridge and running /opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join to join a Linux or Unix system to the domain, the following error is returned:

/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join --ou "MyOU/OU" myadminuser
Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:


This error is typically encountered while attempting to re-join an existing computer to the domain. The computer object for this computer still exists in Active Directory (AD) and the admin account you are using to run the domain join command does not have modify permissions for objects in the OU you are trying to join.


This can be solved either by removing the existing computer object from AD using Active Directory Users and Computers, or by giving the account modify permissions in the target OU.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

Error: LW_ERROR_LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR [code 0x00009d5f]


This message indicates that there is an issue with the DNS setup that prevents the join to succeed.


To resolve the error, check the lsass log file for the following:

GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)

This could indicate an issue with the PTR record. Make sure it exists and is correct by using nslookup on the FQDN and IP address that is returned for the FQDN. They should match. Check the system logs for two or more instances of clock change like:

systemd-resolved[860]: Clock change detected. Flushing caches

The first one is due to AD Bridge setting the time to DC and second time is due to the local time service. Disable the local time service so that AD Bridge can keep the time in sync with the Domain Controller. Also check that there is nothing in the /etc/hosts file that could be interfering with the DNS returning the correct record.



Jan 30 13:48:25 pbishost gpagent: [gpagent] Error at
gpadirectory.c:371. Error code [0x 9d7e] (LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT)

This error message is generated by the gpagentd daemon when it checks for new group policy objects online, either for users at logon, or for the computer. This error message can be ignored.


There are certain pieces of data that exist in LDAP to tell a computer (AD Bridge or Windows) what the structure of a Group Policy object is.

When pulling down GPO, the computer must inspect and verify those pieces of data. For example, if a policy is not set in a GPO, that data doesn't exist in the particular GPO. This causes the LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT message in AD Bridge.



This error is an "ignore and continue" error. This should be emitted only at VERBOSE logging level in newer versions of AD Bridge.


This error message can be ignored.



LW_ERROR_NOT_HANDLED [code 0x00009c51]


This error could occur during an install where the library paths may be set in the environment, which results in a botched install when importing the registry.


If you were to run env | grep -i lib or env | grep ld and see any library paths, these should be unset before installing or purging the software.

Additionally, a purge sometimes does not cleanly remove everything. After the purge uninstall, you should verify no Likewise or AD Bridge packages are still installed and delete everything under /opt/likewise*, /opt/pbis*, /var/lib/likewise*, and /var/lib/pbis*.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



This issue typically occurs because the user account used to join the domain has an expired password in Active Directory. In the following example, the password for Administrator has expired:

[root@host1 bin]$ ./domainjoin-cli --loglevel debug --logfile /tmp/join.log join --ou 'My OU' Administrator
Joining to AD Domain:
With Computer DNS Name:
[email protected]'s password:
Error: LW_ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED [code 0x00009c58]
Password expired


To correct this issue, reset the password for the Administrator account (or whichever join account is specified) in Active Directory.



When querying domainjoin status, the following is returned:

/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli query
Error: LW_ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH [code 0x00009c56]
"The password is incorrect for the given account"


If you see this error specifically when querying domain join status, this indicates the machine account password has expired or does not match the password stored in Active Directory.


To correct this, run the following command:

/opt/pbis/bin/domainjoin-cli join <join arguments>


/opt/pbis/bin/lsa authenticate-user --user username --domain

This will refresh the locally cached machine account password with what is stored in Active Directory.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



This issue typically occurs when there is a character that is unexpected in the domain join function.


Check the syntax of the domainjoin command.



When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:



In any event, SRV records cannot be added to resolv.conf files (or hosts files). They can only be served out by DNS servers.

There are three options:

  1. Point all to Active Directory (AD) DNS.
  2. Forward the AD zones from whatever DNS server they are using (possibly best for their environment).
  3. Configure new (bind) DNS servers (possibly even on the boxes themselves) that either forward the zones or host the AD data directly using an export from AD. This is not recommended as it takes a lot of maintenance to keep current.

All products which bridge AD will have similar requirements.

Resumable error when processing a module


A resumable error occurred while processing a module.


When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

Warning: a resumable error occurred while processing a module
Even though the configuration of 'pam' was executed, the configuration did not fully complete. Please email 
technical support and include a support pack generated from /opt/pbis/libexec/


There is a PAM configuration that is unknown to the domainjoin process, but the module completed enough to proceed.


Run domainjoin-cli with verbose logging and look for QueryPam to identify the issue it encountered.

Undocumented exception


When attempting to join a domain, the following is returned:

Error: Undocumented exception [code 0x00009efc] An undocumented exception has occurred. Please contact BeyondTrust technical support and use the error code to identify this exception.


This error typically occurs if there are host name or DNS issues with the computer object and the account used does not have the right to set the required attributes.


Confirm that the host name is correct and matches the DNS entry.

Confirm that the account used with the domainjoin command has the right to update the servicePrincipalName and dNSHostName attributes of the computer object.

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