Use the btopt.exe tool to manage options
Using the btopt.exe tool, you can manage options for AD Bridge from the command-line of a Windows administrative workstation connected to Active Directory. You can, for example, set an option to use sequential IDs instead of hashed IDs. In addition, after you set the option to use sequential IDs, you can set the initial UID number for a cell.
The btopt.exe tool is installed on computers running AD Bridge in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise> .\btopt.exe --help
btopt - configures local Windows options
Usage: btopt OPTIONS
--status Show current configuration status
--narrowsearch Only search the Default Cell on the local domain
--widesearch Search the Default Cell across all domains and two-way forest trust
--sequential Use sequential IDs instead of hashed IDs
--hashed Use hashed IDs
--foreignaliases Allow the use of aliases for users and groups from other domains.
--noforeignaliases Disallow the use of aliases for users and groups from other domains.
--usegc Use the Global Catalog to speed up searches (default)
--ignoregc Do not use the Global Catalog to speed up searches
--startUID=# Sets the initial UID number for a cell (if --sequential)
--startGID=# Sets the initial GID number for a cell (if --sequential)
--minID=# Sets minimum UID and GID number configurable through the UI
--cell=LDAPPATH Identifies the cell whose initial IDs (if --sequential) Example: LDAP://somedc/ou=anou,dc=somecom,dc=com
--enableloginnames Sets the default login names to all the users enabled in all the cells.
--disableloginnames Disable the enable default login names option to all users enabled in all the cells.
--disablesuggestbutton Disable "Suggest" button, which is used to suggest UID/GID assignment to users and groups in the cells.
--enablesuggestbutton Enable "Suggest" button, which is used to suggest UID/GID assignment to users and groups in the cells.
--maxGroupsForUser=# Sets the maximum number of groups to display for a user on the Properties dialog box.
--maxArchiveEventsPerBatch=# Sets the maximum number of events that can be used in a batch while archiving.
--enablegidvalidation The Active Directory user account will be associated with the GID value migrated from the UNIX/Linux account information.
--disablegidvalidation When turned off, you can set the GID value to any number — the GID value is not associated with a specific group. GID validation is disabled by default. When GID validation is disabled, the --minID option is enforced but there are no other restrictions. Any numerical GID can be selected.
--enableAssumeDefaultCell Enables Assume Default Cell.
--disableAssumeDefaultCell Disables Assume Default Cell.
--help Displays this usage information
If the --startUID or --startGID option is set, the --cell option must also be set.
Updated 8 days ago