DocumentationRelease Notes


What is the AD Bridge config tool?

AD Bridge joins Linux and Unix computers to Active Directory so that you can centrally manage all your computers from one source, authenticate users with the highly secure Kerberos protocol, control access to resources, and apply group policies to non-Windows computers.

How is the AD Bridge config tool useful?

The AD Bridge config tool provides policies similar to the GPO policies that can be applied to local Linux and Unix systems. The config tool policies can be set before the system is joined to a domain. If a GPO policy and config tool policy are applied to a target, the GPO policy overrides the config tool policy.

How to access the config tool

The config tool is located at /opt/pbis/bin/config.

Usage: config [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

Access help

/opt/pbis/bin/config --help


--verboseDisplay additional information.


SETTING [VALUE]Change SETTING to the given VALUE(s), or the default value if no value is specified.
--listDisplay names of all settings.
--show SETTINGDisplay current value(s) of SETTING.
--detail SETTINGDisplay current value(s) and details of SETTING.
--file FILERead FILE with each line beginning with a setting name followed by value(s).
Use '.' for reading from stdin.
--dumpDump all settings in a format suitable for use with --file.


Event log

Setting NameDescription
AllowDeleteToList of users that can delete entries from log.
AllowReadToList of users that can read entries from log.
AllowWriteToList of users that can write entries from log.
MaxDiskUsageMax size in bytes of eventlog database.
Default value: 104857600
MaxEventLifespanMaximum number of days that events are saved in eventlog.
Default value: 90
MaxNumEventsMaximum number of events to hold in eventlog database.
Default value: 100000


DescriptionSetting Name
Character used to designate the domain name separator.
Default value: \
Character used to designate space characters in names of objects.
Default value: ^
Configure lsass to log events to the event log.
Default value: false
Configure lsass to log events for failed authentication attempts due to invalid passwords.LogInvalidPasswords
Size of the buffer to allocate for decoding incoming LDAP responses (bytes).
Default value: 16777215
Configure which lsass providers to load.
Default value: ActiveDirectory
Comma delimited string of Domain ID ranges to use. For example: domainA,1000,2000.DomainIDRanges

Lsass PAM

Setting NameDescription
DisplayMotdDisplay message of the day.
Default value: false
PAMLogLevelConfigure PAM lsass logging detail level.
Default value: error
UserNotAllowedErrorMessage displayed at console logon failed attempt.
Default value: Access denied
NssApplyAccessControlFilter users returned by NSS based on RequireMembershipOf.
Default value: false

Lsass Active Directory

Setting NameDescription
AssumeDefaultDomainApply domain name prefix to account name at logon.
Default value: false
CreateHomeDirWhether home directories should be automatically created upon user logon.
Default value: true
CreateK5LoginWhether .k5login file is to be created on user logon.
Default value: true
SyncSystemTimeWhether system time should be syncronized with AD domain controller.
Default value: true
TrimUserMembershipWhether to remove a cached group membership entry derived from PAC with information from LDAP showing the user disappearing from a group.
Default value: true
LdapSignAndSealWhether all LDAP traffic should be sent both signed and sealed.
Default value: false
LogADNetworkConnectionEventsConfigure lsass to log events for offline query failures and transitions.
Default value: true
NssEnumerationEnabledWhether to enumerate users or groups for NSS.
Default value: true
NssGroupMembersQueryCacheOnlyWhether to return only cached info for NSS group members.
Default value: true
NssUserMembershipQueryCacheOnlyWhether to return only cached info for NSS user's groups.
Default value: false
RefreshUserCredentialsWhether to refresh user credentials against AD domain controller.
Default value: true
CacheEntryExpiryDuration for when lsass object cache entries are marked stale.
Default value: 14400
DomainManagerCheckDomainOnlineIntervalHow often the domain manager should check whether a domain is back online.
Default value: 300
DomainManagerUnknownDomainCacheTimeoutHow long an unknown domain is cached as unknown in the domain manage.
Default value: 3600
MachinePasswordLifespanMachine password expiration lifespan in seconds.
Default value: 2592000
ResetMachinePasswordOnJoinReset the machine password after joining a domain.
Default value: false
ResetMachinePasswordDelayThe default time in minutes before resetting the machine after a domain join.
Default value: 5
ServicePrincipalNameUpdate the local krb5 keytab file and computer account service principal name attribute in AD with the provided list of instances.
Changes take affect on domain join. The default adds host service class.
Default value: host
MemoryCacheSizeCapThe maximum bytes to use for the in-memory cache. Old data will be purged if the total cache size exceeds this limit.
A value of 0 indicates no limit.
Default value: 0
HomeDirForceLowercaseForces the home directory (/.../domainname/username) to be lowercase. Lowercase home directory is created on user login. If configured, /etc/pbis/user-override file takes precedence.
Default value: false
HomeDirPrefixPrefix path for user's home directory. This value is used in place of the %H in the HomeDirTemplate setting. Value must be an absolute path.
Default value: /home
HomeDirTemplateFormat string for user's home directory path. This value can contain substitution string markers for HomeDirPrefix (%H), Domain (%D), and User (%U).
Default value: %H/local/%D/%U
RemoteHomeDirTemplateFormat string for the mount path of the remote Windows Folder.
This value can contain substitution string markers for HomeDirPrefix (%H), Domain (%D), and User (%U).
HomeDirUmaskUmask for home directories.
Default value: 022
LoginShellTemplateDefault login shell template.
Default value: /bin/sh
SkeletonDirsSkeleton home directory template directories.
Default value: /etc/skel
UserDomainPrefixDomain short name prefix to be used when AssumeDefaultDomain setting is enabled.
DomainManagerIgnoreAllTrustsWhen true, ignore all trusts during domain enumeration.
DomainManagerIncludeTrustsListWhen DomainManagerIgnoreAllTrusts is true, these trusts are included.
DomainManagerExcludeTrustsListWhen DomainManagerIgnoreAllTrusts is false, these trusts are excluded.
RequireMembershipOfRestrict logon access to computer to specific users or group members, or SIDs.
IgnoreGroupAliasWhen enabled, Group Alias will not be used when displaying group names.
SmartcardEnabledSmart Card services will not be used when disabled.
Default value: false
SmartcardRedirectorSmart Card redirector services will not be used when disabled.
Default value: false
SmartcardRequiredForLoginSmart Card will be required for login.
Default value: false

Lsass OAuth provider

Setting NameDescription
OAuthCreateHomeDirTo specify whether home directories should be automatically created upon user logon via the lsass OAuth provider. Accepted values are true or false.
Default value: true
OAuthHomeDirPrefixThe prefix path for user's home directory. This value is used in place of the %H in the OAuthHome DirTemplate setting. Value must be an absolute path.
Default value: /home
OAuthHomeDirTemplateThe format string for lsass OAuth provider account user's home directory path. This value can con tain substitution string markers for OAuthHomeDirPrefix (%H), Domain (%D), and User (%U).
Default value: %H/local/%D/%U
OAuthHomeDirUmaskThe Umask for lsass OAuth provider account home directories (in octal). Accepted range of values: [0, 01777].
Default value: 022
OAuthLoginShellTemplateThe default login shell template for lsass OAuth provider accounts.
Default value: /bin/sh
OAuthSkeletonDirsThe Skeleton home directory template directories for lsass OAuth provider accounts.
Default value: /etc/skel
AccessTokenExpirationGraceTimeThe number of minutes prior to the access token expiration to attempt refreshing the access token. Accepted range of values: [10, 50]
Default value: 20
RequestTimeoutThe maximum time, in seconds, to wait for an Azure request to complete before it times out. Supports specifying this in seconds (s) or minutes (m). For example, 1m. No suffix defaults to seconds. Accepted range of values: [30, 300]
Default value: 60
RequestTimeoutThe maximum time, in seconds, to wait for an Azure request to complete before it times out. Supports specifying this in seconds (s) or minutes (m). For example, 1m. No suffix defaults to seconds. Accepted range of values: [30, 300]
Default value: 60
UserAuthenticationWaitTimeThe maximum time, in seconds, lsass waits for a user to authenticate with Entra ID. Duration can be specified with seconds (s) or minutes (m) suffix. For example: 1m. No suffix defaults to seconds. Accepted range of values: [60, 120]
Default value: 60
AssumeDefaultTenantApply tenant name suffix to upn at logon.
Default value: false
AzureRequireMembershipOfRestrict logon access to computer to groups.
CacheBackupDelayDelay in seconds for next cache backup.
Default value: 3600

Lsass local provider

Setting NameDescription
Local_AcceptNTLMv1Allows local provider to accept NTLMv1.
Default value: true
Local_HomeDirTemplateFormat string for lsass local provider account user's home directory path. This value can contain substitution string markers for HomeDirPrefix (%H), Domain (%D), and User (%U).
Default value: %H/local/%D/%U
Local_HomeDirUmaskUmask for lsass local provider account home directories.
Default value: 022
Local_LoginShellTemplateDefault login shell template for lsass local provider accounts.
Default value: /bin/sh
Local_SkeletonDirsSkeleton home directory template directories for lsass local provider accounts.
Default value: /etc/skel

User monitor

Setting NameDescription
UserMonitorCheckIntervalFrequency in seconds that the user monitor service queries the system to see who can log in.
Default value: 1800

System initialization

Setting NameDescription
LsassAutostartStart lsass when lwsmd starts.
Default value: true
EventlogAutostartStart eventlog when lwsmd starts.
Default value: true
GpagentAutostartStart gpagent when lwsmd starts.
Default value: false


Setting NameDescription
BlocklistDCList of blocked domain controller IP addresses.
Entered IP addresses are whitespace-separated.

Netlogon authentication

Setting NameDescription
DCCacheEnabledAllows the agent to cache the DC information.
Default value: true
DCCacheExpiryIntervalThe length of time the agent holds on to the cached DC information.
Default value: 1440 (accepted range 60 - 43200)
DCValidationSupportTurns on DC validation through secure channel connection.
Default value: false


Changing any of the values will restart the SMB driver to apply the change.

Setting NameDescription
SMB202SupportThe agent supports the SMB 2.02 dialect. Not applicable if SMB 2.1/3.x dialects are supported.
Default value: true
SMB3SupportThe agent supports SMB 2.1/3.x dialects.
Default value: true
MaxSMB3DialectThe maximum SMB 2.1/3.x dialect supported by the agent. Accepts the following values: 0x210, 0x300, 0x302, 0x311.
Default value: 0x311
SMBSigningSupportThe agent supports signing SMB requests.
Default value: true
SMBSigningRequiredThe agent requires SMB requests/responses be signed.
Default value: false
SMB3EncryptionSupportThe agent supports encrypting SMB requests. Only applicable if the agent supports SMB 3.x dialects.
Default value: false
SMB3EncryptionCiphersThe supported encryption ciphers in preferred order. Supported values are "AES-128-CCM", "AES-128-GCM".
Default value: "AES-128-CCM" "AES-128-GCM"

DC validation

Setting NameDescription
DCValidationSupportIf enabled, a DC is checked for validity before use.
Default value: false
DCCacheEnabledIf enabled, validated DC information is cached.
Default value: true
DCCacheExpiryIntervalThe frequency in minutes that the DC cache remains valid. Valid duration can be set in minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d), using the desired suffix. No suffix defaults to minutes.
Default value: 24

Service manager

Setting NameDescription
UserServiceShutdownTimerIf enabled, services will be killed if they do not shutdown within 50 seconds. Restarting lwsmd is required for the change to take effect.
Default value: true


Setting NameDescription
SNMPEnabledTrue to send SNMP traps.
Default value: false
SNMPTargetThe IP address or machine name to send SNMP traps to.
Default value: localhost
SNMPPortThe port to send SNMP traps to.
Default value: 162
SNMPCommunitySNMP Community.
Default value: public
SNMPLogonAuthenticationGroupEnable all traps in the Logon/Authentication group.
Default value: false
SNMPAccountGroupEnable all traps in the Account group.
Default value: false
SNMPSystemServicesGroupEnable all traps in the System/Services group.
Default value: false
SNMPDomainGroupEnable all traps in the Domain group.
Default value: false
SNMPSudoGroupEnable all traps in the Sudo group.
Default value: false


Setting NameDescription
ModuleSearchListDetermines which pkcs11 module lwpkcs11 daemon uses to access Smart Card functionality.

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