DocumentationRelease Notes

AD Bridge cache

If a cache becomes corrupted or if certain conditions occur, you may need to clear caches.

Clear the authentication cache

There are certain conditions under which you might need to clear the cache so that a user's ID is recognized on a target computer.

By default, the user's ID is cached for 4 hours. If you change a user's UID for an AD Bridge Cell with AD Bridge, during the 4 hours after you change the UID you must clear the cache on a target computer in the cell before the user can log on. If you do not clear the cache after changing the UID, the computer will find the old UID until the cache expires.

One AD Bridge Group Policy setting can affect the cache time: Cache Expiration Time. This policy setting stores UID-SID mappings, user and group enumeration lists, getgrnam(), and getpwnam(). Its default expiration time is 4 hours.



For more information about this policy setting, see What are AD Bridge group policy settings?.



While you are deploying and testing AD Bridge, set the cache expiration time of the AD Bridge agent's cache to a short period of time, such as 1 minute.

Clear the cache on a Unix or Linux computer

To delete all the users and groups from the AD Bridge AD provider cache on a Linux or Unix computer, execute the following command with superuser privileges:

/opt/pbis/bin/ad-cache --delete-all

You can also use the command to enumerate users in the cache, which may be helpful in troubleshooting.


[root@rhel5d bin]# ./ad-cache --enum-users
TotalNumUsersFound:      0
[root@rhel5d bin]# ssh\\hab@localhost
Last login: Tue Aug 11 15:30:05 2009 from
[EXAMPLE\hab@rhel5d ~]$ exit
Connection to localhost closed.
[root@rhel5d bin]# ./ad-cache --enum-users
User info (Level-0):
Name:     EXAMPLE\hab
Uid:      593495196
Gid:      593494529
Gecos:    <null>Shell:    /bin/bash
Home dir: /home/EXAMPLE/hab
TotalNumUsersFound:      1
[root@rhel5d bin]# 

To view the command's syntax and arguments, execute the following command:

/opt/pbis/bin/ad-cache --help

Clear a corrupted SQLite cache

To clear the cache when AD Bridge is caching credentials in its SQLite database and the entries in the cache are corrupted, use the following procedure for your type of operating system.

Clear the SQLite cache:

  1. Stop the AD Bridge authentication service by executing the following command as root: /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm stop lsass.
  2. Clear the AD-provider cache and the local-provider cache by removing the following two files, substituting a fully-qualified domain name for FQDN:
    • rm -f /var/lib/pbis/db/lsass-adcache.filedb.FQDN
      rm -f /var/lib/pbis/db/lsass-local.db



Do not delete the other .db files in the /var/lib/pbis/db directory.

  1. Start the AD Bridge authentication service: /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm start lsass.

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