DocumentationRelease Notes

Troubleshoot AD Bridge group policy

Learn how to troubleshoot the AD Bridge Group Policy Objects and the Group Policy agent.

Autoenrollment GPO

First set the log level of autoenrollment to debug:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm set-log-level -p autoenroll - debug

Then check the system logs for autoenroll errors. This will also generate additional logs in /tmp/pbis-curl.log

Errors with sending a request to the Certificate Enrollment Service (CES) are stored in the /tmp/pbis-crl.log log file.

Common IssuesPotential Resolution
SSL: Certificate subject name test-DC1-CA does not match target host name dc1.test.comCorrect the IIS certificate to match the URL of the hosting machine.

Wifi GPO

Common IssuesPotential Resolution
Wifi GPO certificate not downloadingThe certificate template field is case sensitive. Verify the template name is correct. Best practice is to copy the certificate name into the certificate template field.

Force AD Bridge Group Policy objects to update

The AD Bridge Group Policy agent, a component of AD Bridge, connects to Active Directory, retrieves changes to Group Policy Objects (GPOs), and applies the changes once every 30 minutes, when a computer boots or restarts, or when requested by the AD Bridge GPO update tool.

You can run the AD Bridge GPO update tool at any time on a Linux or Unix computer joined to a domain with the AD Bridge agent.

Run the following command at the shell prompt:

/opt/pbis/bin/gpupdate --verbose

The command returns a success or failure result similar to one of the following:

GPO Update succeeded
GPO Update was unsuccessful, error code <code> (<error message>)

On target computers, AD Bridge stores its GPOs in /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy.

Check the status of the AD Bridge Group Policy daemon

You can check the status of the AD Bridge Group Policy daemon on a AD Bridge client computer that is running Unix or Linux by running the following command as the root user:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm status gpagent

Restart the AD Bridge Group Policy daemon

You can restart the AD Bridge Group Policy daemon on a computer that is running Unix or Linux by executing the following command as root:

/opt/pbis/bin/lwsm restart gpagent

Generate an AD Bridge Group Policy agent debug log

You can generate an AD Bridge Group Policy agent debug log on a Unix or Linux computer running the AD Bridge agent.

  1. Log on as root user.

  2. Stop the Group Policy daemon by executing the following command at the shell prompt:

    /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm stop gpagent
  3. Start the Group Policy daemon in command-line debug mode and capture the output in a file with these two commands:

    /opt/pbis/sbin/lwsmd --loglevel debug --logfile /var/log/gpagentd.log --container gpagent &
    /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm start gpagent
  4. When you are done logging the information and debugging the service, use the kill command to stop the service, which returns the log level to its default setting.

  5. Start the Group Policy daemon with the AD Bridge service manager:

    /opt/pbis/bin/lwsm start gpagent

Modify or inspect GPOs from the gp-admin command

The gp-admin command-line utility lets you modify the settings in a Group Policy Object (GPO) in Active Directory from a Linux or Unix computer. For example, you can use the tool to specify a GPO, download a policy setting in the GPO from Active Directory to a Unix folder, modify it, and then upload it to Active Directory.

You run the tool as root. It is located at /opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin.

To view the tool's arguments, run the following command:

/opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin --help

Here's what the help looks like:

Usage: gp-admin --list --gpolicy <Group Policy setting>
        --help        |    -h     Show help
        --listgpcses  |    -lgp   List all the Group Policy extensions
        --listall     |    -la    List all the enabled policy settings in all the GPOs
        --list        |    -l     List the GPOs where the specified policy setting is configured
        --download    |    -d     Download the specified Group Policy setting to the specified                                       path
        --upload      |    -u     Upload the specified Group Policy setting from the specified                                       path
        --gpolicy     |    -gp    Specify the desired Group Policy setting
                                  This should be set with the option '-l' '-d' or '-u'
        --gpobject    |    -gpo   Specify the desired Group Policy Object from which policy                                          setting
                                  to be downloaded or uploaded. This should be set only with
                                  the option '-d' or '-u'
        --path        |    -p     Specify the desired path to download or upload policy settings
                                  from or to AD. This should be set only with the option '-d' or                                     '-u'.
                                  Please provide the directory path where GPT.INI is present


gp-admin -lgp
gp-admin -la
gp-admin -l -gp <ID>
gp-admin -d -gp <ID> -gpo <gpo name> -p <path>

Here's an example of how you can use gp-admin as root to inspect and modify a GPO:

  1. List all the GPOs applied to the computer by name and policy identifier:
/opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin -la

Here is an example of an abbreviated list:

[root@rhel5d bin]# ./gp-admin -la
AD Bridge Syslog GP Extension is enabled in the GPO's
GPO name:AD Bridge settings for test  PolicyIdentifier: {46c77e22-bb04-4dec-a788-8cf3a30ebeb7}
GPO name:AD Bridge settings for apps  PolicyIdentifier: {c2152211-e134-4eb1-a53a-b90378d7f056}
AD Bridge Settings GP Extension is enabled in the GPO's
GPO name:Default Domain Policy  PolicyIdentifier: {31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}
GPO name:Engineering ACL Policy 1.0  PolicyIdentifier: {33E3DE4C-02DF-4CEE-8785-1F43FB750AFB}
AD Bridge Automount GP Extension is enabled in the GPO's
GPO name:LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0  PolicyIdentifier: {2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654}
  1. Check the GPO extension's ID, which should be the same across different platforms:
/opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin --lgp
[root@rhel5d bin]# /opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin -lgp
Computer Policy Settings
   ID =  1    AD Bridge SeLinux GP Extension  {0BCE95E2-5332-49dc-9878-D3F8B678734B}
   ID =  2    AD Bridge Syslog GP Extension   {0D18828D-E7DA-434c-A537-8AF8122E2602}
   ID =  3    AD Bridge Settings GP Extension {0EED766B-2404-46A6-A6B6-F8971164A920}
   ID =  4    AD Bridge Sudo GP Extension     {20D139DE-D892-419f-96E5-0C3A997CB9C4}
   ID =  5    AD Bridge Fstab GP Extension    {36C20771-2724-4ee3-B1B0-36A396CDA5E3}
   ID =  6    AD Bridge Apparmor GP Extension {5554B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A48A}
   ID =  7    AD Bridge Computer Network Settings {5FB45FF0-A68C-430b-8C6E-347B14AEB975}
   ID =  9    AD Bridge Login Prompt GP Extension {9020E541-F49C-4ab8-88F3-55BE2D95B440}
   ID = 10    AD Bridge Automount GP Extension {9994B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A999}
   ID = 11    AD Bridge Message of the Day GP Extension {9A9F29C0-B1B1-467d-A255-0BD3D7AAAE59}
   ID = 12    AD Bridge Files GP Extension    {AE472D6F-0615-4d12-BC70-8A381CA67D53}
   ID = 13    AD Bridge Computer Gconf GP Extension {B078EE20-01A1-4FEE-8DCC-032B758FA1F8}
   ID = 14    AD Bridge LogRotate GP Extension{B1BBA22A-08FF-4826-9B4B-151C8A0BC1CA}
   ID = 15    AD Bridge Cron GP Extension     {B9CA8919-71D7-4aaa-9567-7225965F4A0E}
   ID = 16    AD Bridge Script GP Extension   {DDFF8E72-5C29-4987-8FB3-DF7EB7CE8FC2}
User Policy Settings
   ID =  8    AD Bridge User Gconf GP Extension {74533AFA-5A94-4fa5-9F88-B78667C1C0B5}
   ID = 17    AD Bridge User Files GP Extension {E62C4C67-D187-4b89-8EEC-A8A2570390BF}
  1. You can then use the ID to locate the GPOs that apply a setting. The following example uses the ID for the automount policy setting (10) to list the GPOs that are applying the automount extension:
[root@rhel5d bin]# ./gp-admin --list -gp 10
AD Bridge  Automount GP Extension enabled in the below mentioned GPO's
GPO name:LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0  PolicyIdentifier: {2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654}
  1. You can use the ID and the GPO name to download the latest version of a GPO that contains the automount setting:
./gp-admin -d -gp 10 -GPO "LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0" -p /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy

The result of the command is as follows:

[root@rhel5d bin]# ./gp-admin -d -gp 10 -GPO "LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0" -p /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy
Downloading policy data for setting:
(AD Bridge Automount GP Extension) in GPO: (LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0)
to path: (/var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy)
Copying policy data from location:
Downloaded AD Bridge Automount GP Extension to /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy/{2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654} folder
  1. You can now change directories to the folder that contains the GPO and view it:
[root@rhel5d bin]# ls /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy/
{2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654}  GPT.INI  krb5cc_gpagentd  systemfiles
[root@rhel5d bin]# ls /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy/\{2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654\}/
[root@rhel5d bin]# cd /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy/\{2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654\}/
[root@rhel5d {2A84EEE7-47E9-4C80-9FC9-0F6CBFB36654}]# cd \{9994B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A999\}/
[root@rhel5d {9994B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A999}]# ls
auto.home  auto_master  lwisettings.xml
[root@rhel5d {9994B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A999}]# cat lwisettings.xml
<LWIMachinePolicy>  <GPItem clientGUID="{9994B0EB-ABE5-4654-A123-3B7818B2A999}" 
itemGUID="{12587328-5C0D-46bd-BE9B-BF264F6CA720}" name="AutoMount settings" Version="2.0">    <autoMount>
  1. You can also view the files referenced by the automount policy setting.
  2. In the preceding example, the value of the Executable attribute for the auto_master file should be set to no, not yes. You can open the file in an editor, make the change, and then upload the modified file to Active Directory:
    /opt/pbis/bin/gp-admin -u -gp 10 -GPO "LinuxServers AutoFS 1.0" -p    /var/lib/pbis/grouppolicy/



For more information, see Troubleshoot user rights with Ldp.exe and Group Policy modeling.

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