JUMP TOBeyondTrust PM Cloud Management API - Version 3AcceptedDomainsRetrieves list of Accepted DomainsgetCreates Accepted DomainpostDeletes Accepted DomaindeleteRetrieves Record of Accepted DomaingetModifies Accepted DomainputActivityAuditsRetrieves list of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Activity AuditgetRetrieves list of Details of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getAdminAccessRequestUpdates an Admin Access Request decision which can be approved or deniedpostCreates an Admin Access Request on behalf of a user, if the properties "decision", "decisionTime", "decisionPerformedByUser" are included with the right values an approved request is created.postRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAppSwitcher/v3/AppSwitcher/connectorpostAuthorizationRequestHandle URM ticket notificationspostRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAuthorizationRequestAuditsRetrieves the list of Authorization Request Audit with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization Request AuditgetComputersRetrieves the list of Computers with pagination (sorting and filtering). Sort by Created Date, Ascending to avoid returning duplicate entries.getDeletes ComputersdeleteRetrieves a detail of the ComputergetAuthorises ComputerspostDeactivate Computer functionality no longer exists To mimic the functionailty as closely as possible, this will now archive and delete the computer.postRequest to Renew Computer CertificatepostRejects ComputerspostRetrieves Computer LogspostRetrieves Computer Status InfopostGets Computer Command Logs ListgetGets Computer LogsgetDownloads Computer LoggetArchive ComputerpostUnarchive ComputerpostArchive ComputerspostUnarchive ComputerspostFileGet the API definition file in YAML formatgetGlobalRolesRetrieves the list of Global Roles with pagination, sorting and filtering.getRetrieves the details of a global role.getGroupsRetrieves the list of Groups with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates GrouppostModifies GroupputDeletes groupdeleteRetrieves a detail of the groupgetMarks group as defaultpatchAuto assign policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to multiple grouppostClears policy from grouppatchClears policy from groupspostUnassigns computers from the groupspostassigns computers to the grouppostassigns computers to the group by input of csv filepostPoliciesRetrieve list of Policies with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates new policy with provided filepostDeletes policydeleteRetrieves a detail of the policygetRequest to update policy propertiesputReverts and discards policy changespatchDownloads Latest Policy RevisiongetRetrieves list of policy revisionsgetRetrieves list of Groups that are assigned to PolicygetDownloads Policy RevisiongetUpload New Policy RevisionpostRolesRetrieve list of RolesgetRetrieve role detailsgetTasksRetrieves a detail of the TaskgetUsersRetrieves the list of Users with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates user and assigns customized permissions or roles.post/v3/Users/{id}getModifies UserputAssign Roles to UserpostDisables UserpatchEnables UserpatchModifies User PreferencesputResends invitation email to UserpatchAboutRetrieve versiongetApiAccountsRetrieves list of Api AccountsgetAuthenticationProviderRetrieves a detail of the configures authentication providergetEventsGets the list of events by start dategetGets the list of events by FiltersgetScimResourceTypesgets types of resources availablegetgets user endpoint configurationsgetgets roles configurationgetScimRoles/scim/v2/RolesgetScimSchemasGet the Schema supported by the SCIM ApigetScimUsers/scim/v2/UsersgetCreate the user using SCIM protocolpost/scim/v2/Users/{userID}getModify a userputPatch operationpatchBeyondTrust PM Cloud Management API - Version 2AcceptedDomainsRetrieves list of Accepted DomainsgetCreates Accepted DomainpostDeletes Accepted DomaindeleteRetrieves Record of Accepted DomaingetModifies Accepted DomainputActivityAuditsRetrieves list of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Activity AuditgetRetrieves list of Details of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getAdminAccessRequestUpdates an Admin Access Request decision which can be approved or deniedpostCreates an Admin Access Request on behalf of a user, if the properties "decision", "decisionTime", "decisionPerformedByUser" are included with the right values an approved request is created.postRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAppSwitcher/v2/AppSwitcher/connectorpostAuthorizationRequestHandle URM ticket notificationspostRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAuthorizationRequestAuditsRetrieves the list of Authorization Request Audit with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization Request AuditgetComputersRetrieves the list of Computers with pagination (sorting and filtering). Sort by Created Date, Ascending to avoid returning duplicate entries.getDeletes ComputersdeleteRetrieves a detail of the ComputergetAuthorises ComputerspostDeactivate Computer functionality no longer exists To mimic the functionailty as closely as possible, this will now archive and delete the computer.postRequest to Renew Computer CertificatepostRejects ComputerspostRetrieves Computer LogspostRetrieves Computer Status InfopostGets Computer Command Logs ListgetGets Computer LogsgetDownloads Computer LoggetArchive ComputerpostUnarchive ComputerpostArchive ComputerspostUnarchive ComputerspostFileGet the API definition file in YAML formatgetGlobalRolesRetrieves the list of Global Roles with pagination, sorting and filtering.getRetrieves the details of a global role.getGroupsRetrieves the list of Groups with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates GrouppostModifies GroupputDeletes groupdeleteRetrieves a detail of the groupgetMarks group as defaultpatchAuto assign policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to multiple grouppostClears policy from grouppatchClears policy from groupspostUnassigns computers from the groupspostassigns computers to the grouppostassigns computers to the group by input of csv filepostPoliciesRetrieve list of Policies with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates new policy with provided filepostDeletes policydeleteRetrieves a detail of the policygetRequest to update policy propertiesputReverts and discards policy changespatchDownloads Latest Policy RevisiongetRetrieves list of policy revisionsgetRetrieves list of Groups that are assigned to PolicygetDownloads Policy RevisiongetUpload New Policy RevisionpostRolesRetrieve list of RolesgetRetrieve role detailsgetTasksRetrieves a detail of the TaskgetUsersRetrieves the list of Users with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates UserpostRetrieves a detail of the UsergetModifies UserputAssign Roles to UserpostDisables UserpatchEnables UserpatchModifies User PreferencesputResends invitation email to UserpatchAboutRetrieve versiongetApiAccountsRetrieves list of Api AccountsgetAuthenticationProviderRetrieves a detail of the configures authentication providergetEventsGets the list of events by start dategetGets the list of events by FiltersgetScimResourceTypesgets types of resources availablegetgets user endpoint configurationsgetgets roles configurationgetScimRoles/scim/v2/RolesgetScimSchemasGet the Schema supported by the SCIM ApigetScimServiceProviderConfiggets the Json structure availablegetScimUsers/scim/v2/UsersgetCreate the user using SCIM protocolpost/scim/v2/Users/{userID}getModify a userputPatch operationpatchBeyondTrust PM Cloud Management API - Version 1AcceptedDomainsRetrieves list of Accepted DomainsgetCreates Accepted DomainpostDeletes Accepted DomaindeleteRetrieves Record of Accepted DomaingetModifies Accepted DomainputActivityAuditsRetrieves list of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Activity AuditgetRetrieves list of Details of Activity Audits with pagination (sorting and filtering)getAdminAccessRequestUpdates an Admin Access Request decision which can be approved or deniedpostCreates an Admin Access Request on behalf of a user, if the properties "decision", "decisionTime", "decisionPerformedByUser" are included with the right values an approved request is created.postRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAppSwitcher/v1/AppSwitcher/connectorpostAuthorizationRequestHandle URM ticket notificationspostRetrieves the list of Authorization Request with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization RequestgetAuthorizationRequestAuditsRetrieves the list of Authorization Request Audit with pagination (sorting and filtering)getRetrieves Record of Authorization Request AuditgetComputersRetrieves the list of Computers with pagination (sorting and filtering). Sort by Created Date, Ascending to avoid returning duplicate entries.getDeletes ComputersdeleteRetrieves a detail of the ComputergetAuthorises ComputerspostDeactivate Computer functionality no longer exists To mimic the functionailty as closely as possible, this will now archive and delete the computer.postRequest to Renew Computer CertificatepostRejects ComputerspostRetrieves Computer LogspostRetrieves Computer Status InfopostGets Computer Command Logs ListgetGets Computer LogsgetDownloads Computer LoggetFileGet the API definition file in YAML formatgetGroupsRetrieves the list of Groups with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates GrouppostModifies GroupputDeletes groupdeleteRetrieves a detail of the groupgetMarks group as defaultpatchAuto assign policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to the grouppostAssigns policy revision to multiple grouppostClears policy from grouppatchClears policy from groupspostUnassigns computers from the groupspostassigns computers to the grouppostassigns computers to the group by input of csv filepostPoliciesRetrieve list of Policies with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates new policy with provided filepostDeletes policydeleteRetrieves a detail of the policygetRequest to update policy propertiesputReverts and discards policy changespatchDownloads Latest Policy RevisiongetRetrieves list of policy revisionsgetRetrieves list of Groups that are assigned to PolicygetDownloads Policy RevisiongetUpload New Policy RevisionpostRolesRetrieve list of RolesgetRetrieve role detailsgetTasksRetrieves a detail of the TaskgetUsersRetrieves the list of Users with pagination (sorting and filtering)getCreates UserpostRetrieves a detail of the UsergetModifies UserputAssign Role to UserpostDisables UserpatchEnables UserpatchModifies User PreferencesputResends invitation email to UserpatchEventsGets the list of events by start dategetGets the list of events by FiltersgetScimResourceTypesgets types of resources availablegetgets user endpoint configurationsgetgets roles configurationgetScimRoles/scim/v2/RolesgetScimSchemasGet the Schema supported by the SCIM ApigetScimServiceProviderConfiggets the Json structure availablegetScimUsers/scim/v2/UsersgetCreate the user using SCIM protocolpost/scim/v2/Users/{userID}getModify a userputPatch operationpatchRetrieve list of Rolesget https://example.com/management-api/v2/Roles