Entitle January 2025 release notes

BeyondTrust documentation alignment

Entitle's documentation is now integrated with BeyondTrust's new documentation platform.

For details, see Entitle's documentation home page.

For the BeyondTrust new documentation platform, see BeyondTrust Docs.

Admin experience

US data center availability

Entitle now supports the US region timezone, hosted in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) region (us-east-1).

Audit logs streaming enhancements

Changes in policy permissions audit logs

The following log action is deprecated and replaced by three new log actions:

  1. OrganizationPolicyPermissionsUpdatesToBePerformed

The three new types of logs are:

  1. PolicyPermissionsUpdatesToBeGranted - For when a policy is granting permission to a user.
  2. PolicyPermissionsUpdatesToBeRevoked - For when a policy is revoking permission from a user.
  3. PolicyPermissionsUpdatesToBeProvisionAccount - For when a policy is creating an account for a user.

User Access Review completion audit log

A new audit log was added for when a User Access Review campaign is completed: UserAccessReviewDone.

Bulk action to add or remove tags from resources

Entitle Admins can now choose to add/remove internal Entitle tags to/from existing resources as a Bulk Action at a resource level.

For details, see the Filtering and Bulk Actions documentation guide.

Improved manual integrations' permission revocation

Entitle now ensures that tasks created for early revocation of manual permissions are properly linked to their associated access requests. Once the task is resolved, the corresponding access request is automatically marked as expired, for better tracking and management.


Azure resource groups population by default and modifiable resource types list

Entitle now populates resource_groups in Azure by default without requiring an explicit configuration or any further actions. If you wish to disable their visibility, consider setting up new Bulk Actions or Rules.

In addition, admins can now modify the list of Azure resource types they wish to manage in Entitle.

For details on these improvements, see the Azure integration guide.

Improved configuration schema in Okta

There's now an improved configuration schema that contributes to a smoother integration process between Okta and Entitle.

For details, see the Okta access management integration guide.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) IAM policy auditing

Entitle now supports adding IAM policy auditing to the Google Cloud Platform. In addition, It can populate service accounts in addition to the existing supported resource types.

For details, see the Google Cloud Platform integration guide.

GitLab custom roles support

Entitle can now manage Gitlab custom roles, which provides more flexibility and enables the tailoring of permission levels for task completion.

For details, see the GitLab integration guide.

🆕 BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access (PRA)

Entitle now integrates with Privileged Remote Access, enabling streamlined privileged access management and automated access provisioning.

For details, see the Privileged Remote Access integration guide.

🆕 Remote Support (RS)

Entitle now integrates with Remote Support, providing enhanced automation and control over support session access and permissions.

For details, see the Remote Support integration guide.

🆕 Microsoft Intune

Entitle now integrates with Microsoft Intune, enabling automated access provisioning and enhanced device management control.

For details, see the Intune integration guide.


🆕 Request history screen documentation added

For details, see the Request history documentation page.

🆕 Audit logs screen documentation added

For details, see the Audit logs documentation page.

Audit logs streaming

🆕 Chronicle Security Operations documentation added

Admin users can ingest Entitle audit logs to Chronicle as a SIEM tool, using webhooks.

For details, see the Chronicle Security Operations guide.

Atlassian documentation enhancements

For details, see the Atlassian - Confluence and Jira integration guide.