JUMP TOEntitle APIIntroductionAccessRequestForwardsGet paginated access request forwardsgetCreate an access request forwardpostGet an access request forward by idgetDelete an access request forwarddeleteAccessReviewForwardsGet paginated access review forwardsgetCreate an access review forwardpostGet an access review forward by idgetDelete an access review forwarddeleteAgent TokensGet the list of agent tokensgetCreate a new agent tokenpostGet agent token by idgetUpdate agent token by idputDelete agent token by iddeleteExperimentalSearch audit logs (Experimental)postGet permissions (Filter by time created, Experimental)getBundlesGet a list of bundlesgetCreate a new bundlepostGet bundle by idgetUpdate a bundleputDelete a bundle by iddeleteRolesGet a list of rolesgetCreate a rolepostGet a role by idgetUpdate a roleputDelete a roledeleteResourcesGet a list of resourcesgetCreate a resource - virtual or manualpostGet a resource by idgetUpdate a resourceputDelete a resourcedeleteIntegrationsGet a list of integrationsgetCreate a new integrationpostGet integration by idgetUpdate integration by idputDelete integration by iddeletePoliciesGet a list of policiesgetCreate a new policypostGet policy by idgetUpdate a policyputDelete a policydeleteAccess RequestsGet access request by idgetCreate a new access requestpostWorkflowsGet a list of workflowsgetCreate a new workflowpostGet workflow by idgetUpdate a workflowputDelete a workflowdeleteDirectory GroupsGet a list of directory groupsgetUsersGet a list of usersgetAccountsGet a list of accountsgetUsers AccountsGet a list of user accountsgetCreate a new user accountpostDelete a user accountdeleteUpdate a bundleput https://api.entitle.io/public/v1/bundles/{id}