Identity Security Insights 25.02.1

February 4, 2025

New features

Site management

Site management replaces the use of tenants to manage users and switch instances.

Now, each site includes a single instance of Insights, and you can manage your user access and configure site settings via the new Administration page, available to those users with administrator permissions.


For more information about site management and available procedures, see Site management.

Password Collisions tab

The Account Details page now has a tab called Password Collisions. This tab displays when your account shares a password with someone else in the organization.

This tab displays important details of other accounts sharing the same password, including the True Privilege of the other accounts, their key entitlements, and any detections and recommendations.


For more information, see Accounts.

New reports promoted into Identity Security Insights

We've promoted the following reports out of the Preview section and into Identity Security Insights.

Group Access Explorer report

The Group Access Explorer report provides a comprehensive overview of Active Directory group permissions and access details.

Key features include:

  • Resource Access: A detailed list of all resources the group can access, along with the permissions it has to operate on those resources.
  • Group Access Information on all objects that can access a given group.
  • Group Members: A complete list of all members of a given group.

GitHub Repo Overview report

Also located in the new GitHub area on the Reporting page, the GitHub Repo Overview report is a high-level overview of all of your repos, which repos are forked, and all security features applied to each repo.


Okta Connector permissions update

We've updated the Okta connector to require two new permissions that enhance detections and recommendations:

  • This permission allows us to gather your Okta Network Zone data, which outlines the boundaries for your organization. With this information, we can identify whether an IP address comes from a trusted network source.
  • This permission allows us to read Okta organizational settings and basic information.
True Privilege column in Insights reports

We've added a new True Privilege column right next to Direct Privilege in our Insights reports. This update, applied to 13 reports, provides a clearer view of potential access through privilege escalation, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of user privileges within your organization.

Enhanced Detections and Recommendations reports

The Detections report now features a new First Detected column, giving you a clearer timeline of when each detection was first identified.

The Recommendations report has two new columns: First Recommended and Last Recommended. These updates will help you better track and manage your detections and recommendations.

Personalized report views

We've improved the experience for when multiple users view the same report. Previously, one user's actions would affect the view for all other users in the tenant. Now, each user can make their own view changes to a report without impacting anyone else.

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