Identity Security Insights 23.11 release notes

November 7, 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • PingOne has been added to the list of available Insights connectors.
    • The PingOne connector can be added from the Available Connectors page in your Identity Security Insights console. An enabled PingOne connector will display associated identities, accounts, and entitlements throughout your Insights dashboards.
  • Elastic Cloud Security has been added to the list of available Insights integrations.
    • The Elastic integration can be added from the Integrations page, located in the Insights navigation menu. An enabled Elastic integration allows Insights to deliver new and updated detections and recommendations directly to your Elastic SIEM to assist in triage and investigation.
  • Detections and recommendations can now be exported as CSVs. A download button is available from the detections and recommendations grid views.
  • The entitlements detail dashboard and grid has been enhanced, providing a "Summary" tab to organize relevant entitlements according to accounts by roles. The previous entitlement view is now available in the "Details" tab.
  • Platform invitations now include additional context and information, reducing the likelihood of invitations being classified as spam and improving the onboarding experience.

Known issues:




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