- Requires version or higher of the BeyondTrust Discovery Agent.
This is a maintenance release. There are no new features to note.
- When editing Scheduled Scan Detailed Discovery Options, the UI now displays a value in the Deploy Local Scan Service dropdown, which accurately reflects the value that was originally set upon scan creation.
- When editing Scheduled Scan Discovery Options, the UI now displays a value for the Limit Accounts Returned option, which reflects the value that was originally set upon scan creation.
- Registry Monitoring events now show up on the report, and are normalized to the database.
- When customizing the options for a Detailed Discovery Scan in the Scan Wizard, no validation error occurs if entering more than 100 users in the Limit Accounts Returned option.
- Smart Rule filtering now applies correctly on the Domain Linked Accounts grid when a Smart Rule contains an asset Smart Group selection criteria filter.
- Updated the SSH Session Manual Commands screen to be consistent with prior versions.
- Logfiles are now being properly generated for the Secrets Safe service.
- The Manage Ownership screen in Secrets Safe now assigns ownership of a secret to a Team. When assigning ownership when the Team contained a large number of members, there are no longer graphical issues.
- You can now successfully check out a managed account when the access policy has Multi-Day Checkout enabled and there is a time zone difference between the client and server.
- Resolved a grid row details issue (Asset > Advanced Details > Users). The SSH Key Count field will no longer be zero if there are SSH keys that exist for that user.
- Global keystroke search from the Completed Sessions grid has been restored. Additionally, Quick Filter search has been added to the Active Sessions and Completed Sessions grid.
- A password mismatch email is no longer sent upon a test of a functional account if the managed system is unreachable.
- The PUT Addresses/{id} API no longer creates a new address, but instead updates the existing entry.
- Unnecessary Smart Rule processing log system entries are no longer written to the database when no changes are applied.
- SSH session is now successful when there is an access policy with a location restriction using an X-Forwarded-For entry.
- An access policy configured as recurring daily on weekdays only no longer permits a request to occur on a weekend day.
There are no new known issues in this release.
Issues discovered after release can be found within our product Knowledge Base.
- Direct upgrades to 23.1.1 are supported from BeyondInsight versions 21.2 or higher.
- This release is available by download for BeyondTrust customers (https://beyondtrustcorp.service-now.com/csm) and by using the BeyondTrust BT Updater.
- The MD5 signature is: f28ff31a500600ed759e63f8de1b7c93
- The SHA-1 signature is: 43aa7e88ecba534a92d25f6499681ac8d7819eaf
- The SHA-256 signature is: 6d04703fcc51805efe739bdd33c44a75681a19f1b882ed56945be006fa4ca73f