Privileged Remote Access 24.2.2 release notes
8 months ago by ReadMe API
July 23, 2024
- Requires Base 7.2.1.
- Requires ECM 1.6.2.
- Requires Integration Client 1.7.5.
- Before upgrading, ensure any SSL certificates used are either from a trusted Certificate Authority, or, for self-signed certificates, the certificate is either trusted on all endpoints or explicitly included in their installation.
New features and enhancements
- Endpoint Automation - administrators can run scripts remotely without having to start a session with the endpoint.
- New Jump Policy option allows requiring Two-Factor Authentication to start a session.
- Multiple Jump Items can be selected and started together in the Access Console.
- Filtered Jump Item views can be saved in the Access Console.
- When creating a Jump Policy, Teams can be selected as Jump Approvers.
- After a site upgrade, Jump Clients that have not upgraded can be jumped to. A warning message appears for Jump Clients that are pending upgrade.
- Users can save Default Credentials for Jump Items.
- Access Console Jump Item lists and icons have been updated.
- Spanish (European and Latin American) language is supported.
- Users can bypass Two Factor Authentication when logging in with passwordless FIDO2.
- A SAML test page is available for testing SAML configurations.
- Customer Client installers can be downloaded using curl, wget, and btapi.
- Support for x.509 certificates in Vault for CAs and Client Authentication.
- Support for Network Tunnels on networks that do not have DHCP.
- Added Username, Hostname, and Port as place holder variables for External Tools arguments.
- Configuration API additions and enhancements to support Network Tunnel Jump Items:
- GET jump-item/network-tunnel-jump
- POST jump-item/network-tunnel-jump
- GET jump-item/network-tunnel-jump/`id`
- PATCH jump-item/network-tunnel-jump/`id`
- DELETE jump-item/network-tunnel-jump/`id`
- POST jump-item/network-tunnel-jump/`id`/copy
Issues resolved
Administrative interface
- Resolved an issue with the performance of some Team Activity reports.
- Resolved an issue with Jump Item report filter not showing the correct tunnel type.
- Resolved an issue with the Jump Item Report not showing a Jump Approver correctly.
- Configuration API version updated to 1.10.
- Resolved an issue with the generic (token) accounts not showing up in the Bulk Rotation message.
- Resolved an issue with the expiration time not being displayed when checking out SSH-CA accounts.
- Vault accounts that are scheduled for rotation can be checked out as long as they have not been sent to the Jumpoint for rotation.
- Now setting a timeout for scheduled rotations.
Security Providers
- Removed the check box for Proxy from the appliance through the Connection Agent in Cloud sites.
- Resolved an issue with adding certificates to Clustered LDAP providers.
- Resolved an issue with logging in using RADIUS or Kerberos security providers.
- Resolved an issue with vendor account expiration emails not sent.
Text Updates
- Updated the Personal Token Account window title to say Token instead of Password.
- Updated the help text for Any Jump Items under Jump Item Association to display Kubernetes cluster tunnel.
- Resolved an issue with an error message after clicking the Anonymize button more than once.
- Resolved an issue with pasting values into the External Tools Arguments field not being saved.
- Updated the More buttons from horizontal to vertical.
- Resolved an issue with changing the default language for /login not saving properly.
- Updated the Jump Item Role labels for clarity.
- Able to import and export Network Tunnel Jump Items in /login.
- Cloud sites have access to the Portal Redirect and site address settings.
Access console
- Resolved an issue with the Infrastructure Access Console showing some Jump Items as able to jump when they were not.
- Resolved an issue with the tool tip for viewing Kubernetes tokens saying Show Password instead of Show Token.
- Resolved several issues with intermittent console crashes if pop-up windows were visible when the console closes.
- Resolved an issue with intermittent console crashes when doing a Local Push and Start session.
- Resolved an issue with the Infrastructure Access Console window appearing in the wrong location on Windows 11 Arm devices.
- Updated the Window Title to show the type of Tunnel being created or edited.
- Resolved an issue with an error message not being displayed in Chat when the Network Tunnel session cannot connect to the Network Tunnel Service.
- Resolved an issue with any Jump Approval changes made outside of the console not showing up in the console until restarted.
- Displays an error message if DHCP returns the IP address of the Physical NIC when starting a Network Tunnel. This occurs in AWS and Azure environments.
- Now displaying a message if the Network Tunnel Service is installed or running.
- Resolved an issue with the Special Action for System Restore not working properly.
- Resolved an issue with the BT Command Shell Display setting not saving correctly.
- Displays an improved error message when using the CLI tool to run Vault Get Shared.
- Allows older key-exchange algorithms to be used when connecting to systems via Shell Jump or BYOT SSH.
- Added a download button for SSH-CA account checkouts.
- Resolved an issue with Command Shell not automatically starting when the External Tool option is selected.
- Providing keyboard shortcut hints on how to recover minimized windows when using RemoteApp RDP sessions.
- Displays a wait message instead of No Jump Items found during a search for external Jump Items
- Resolved an issue with MS SQL Tunnels not working properly with non-default ports and Kerberos authentication.
- New overlays for Android TV sessions.
- Resolved an issue with the Network Tunnel not being able to get an IP address from some Microsoft DHCP servers.
- Clears the remote clipboard when the local clipboard is cleared.
Web Access Console
- Resolved an issue with saving a screenshot to file not appending the .png file extension to the end of the file name.
- Resolved an issue with the focus not being set correctly after editing some Jump Items.
- Resolved an issue with search not working properly when non-English character were used.
Jump Client
- Resolved an issue with Headless Jump Clients on some Arm devices not upgrading properly.
- Resolved an issue with the cached Customer Client not downloading properly and causing attempts to Jump to that Jump Client to fail.
- Resolved an issue with Jumpoints randomly restarting in certain situations.
- Clustered Jumpoints can now use the same installer to install multiple nodes.
Shell Jump
- Resolved several issues with Shell Jump sessions not working as expected until the directory had been refreshed.
- Resolved an issue with a user not having the Allow Elevated Access to Tools and Special Actions on the Endpoint permission causing Shell Jump sessions to no longer be accessible.
- Resolved an issue with Jump Approval notifications text being too small on Macs.
- Resolved an issue with an extra window being displayed when starting tunnel sessions on a Mac.
- Resolved an issue with the some icons not displaying correctly in the console when in dark ode on Macs
- Support for the Mac TouchBar has been removed.
- Now writing the Systemd Service Information to a file for Linux Jump Clients and Linux Jumpoints.
- This version of Privileged Remote Access has been certified for physical BeyondTrust Appliances, virtual BeyondTrust Appliances, and cloud deployment models.
- Verified for GA.
- Supports upgrades from 23.2.3 PA+.
- Supports ECM Protocol 1.6.
- Includes VSC