Release Notes

BeyondInsight for Unix and Linux 24.1.4 release notes

December 5, 2024




For installation requirements and considerations, as well as supported platforms, see Install BeyondInsight for Unix & Linux.

New features

Add new LDAP connection method to Directory Services

  • Added a connection method to Directory Services for IBM Tivoli Directory Services.
  • Added IBM Tivoli Directory Service to the dropdown list of current methods. The form fields are similar to the existing OpenLDAP fields.
  • Added Base DN field as an optional parameter.


PMUL install flags

Added logging for the PMUL install flags to see the install parameters passed to pbinstall.

Add notification to identify still-bcrypted user passwords

The notification informs the sysadmin / accountadmin that the users must update their password before they can login to a future BIUL release. Applies to users who have not updated passwords since release 22.3.

Copy and download entitlement reports

Can copy and download entitlement reports (to clipboard and as a text file).

Added Bulk edit mode for importing Secure User Groups

Allow user to switch from regular User Group members view to "Bulk Edit" mode

Update Notifications page to support notifications for undiscovered RNS server

Updated the following to show details of Undiscovered RNS Servers notifications:

  • Notifications grid
  • Notification panel in top right of UI
  • Notification details side card

The grid and panel display a summary of the information in the notification.

The details side card displays a list of the hostnames. The user can use this information to manually discover the new hosts via Hosts > Inventory > Add Hosts.

Provide Profiling support for 'Defaults requiretty' setting in sudoers file

Notify user when profiling an RNS server identifies hosts unknown to BIUL

When profiling an RNS server, the profile includes all hosts that it knows about. A notification displays if any hosts are unknown or missing.

SIEM connections

SIEM connection can only be saved if the connection test has been successfully completed.


Logging redirects to stdout/stderr when removed from the pbsmc.toml file (logfile=/var/log/pbsmc/pbsmc.log).

Capturing, storing, and rotating logs relies on the OS method for managing logs.

  • Linux: systemd journal
  • UNIX: sysV init scripts

Issues resolved

Show playback button only on PMUL Finish events in Unified Search Audit > Unified Search.On the Unified Search Audit > Unified Search page for PMUL events, the playback button only displays when the Event Type if Finish.
When a user edits information on the RBP Role editor and attempts to navigate off that page, there is no prompt to save changes.Prompt is now in place to save changes when leaving the role editing UI.
When setting up a directory service, the user account is created with an expired password. The user cannot successfully change the password when logging on for the first time.The way the user and password are created is updated so the password is no longer expired.
In an ADBridge install, domain join was failing due to invalid syntax.
Error: LW_ERROR_LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX [code 0x00009d80].
When setting an OU in the installer command, the --ou "path" quotes are escaped. The quotes must be included.
When running an ADBridge install, an error occurs if a domainjoin is not part of the install procedure. The installation does not successfully complete.Installs now finish correctly if domainjoin is not part of the install.
Save and Reset buttons states inconsistent across RBP Role editor tabs.Save and Reset buttons default state is always active (available).
Update styling for info pairs. Values are below their corresponding heading.Areas of the UI updated:
Hosts > Inventory
Settings > Certificates
Settings > Certificates > Authorities
Policy > Server RBP > Roles
Audit > Events
Inconsistent behavior when selecting refresh icons throughout BIUL.All refresh icons now consistent. After clicking the refresh icon, a loading spinner displays at the top of the page.

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