Release Notes

Endpoint Privilege Management for Linux release notes

October 2024



RHEL 7 is no longer supported. For a list of supported platforms for the latest version of EPM Linux SaaS, see Supported platforms.


Sudo Wrapper files are included in the client installation packages

After installing or upgrading the endpoints with the packages, run the following command to install Sudo Wrapper:

pbsudowrapper_endpoint_setup -i



For more information, see Sudo wrapper.

Issues resolved

Product AreaDescriptionResolution
Scheduled tasksWhen a policy pull was requested from a cached client, a wq file was created for every pull.We now check the lastupdated field in the license database, and only create the wq file if this field need to be updated for this client.
LoggingIf there was a problem processing a wq file, the error 3914.27 Failed to process WQ file /mnt/efs/opt/pbul/pbcached/incoming//wqfiles/ - I/O error was displayed every 30 seconds.We have now reduced the frequency of this error.

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