BeyondInsight and Password Safe 24.2.1
5 months ago
September 9, 2024
New features and enhancements
This is a maintenance release. There are no new features or enhancements with this release.
Product Area | Description | Resolution |
Smart Rules | Managed account Smart Rules that contain a Link domain accounts to Managed Systems action that target an Asset-type Smart Group fails processing, and the logs displays a Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements error. | Managed account Smart Rules that contain a Link domain accounts to Managed Systems action that target an Asset-type Smart group are now processed without errors. |
Known issues
Product Area | Description | Resolution |
Analytics and Reporting interface | Using Firefox, clicking the browser back button while viewing a report causes the Analytics and Reporting interface to become unresponsive. | Clicking the browser back button again takes the user to the parameter entry view, and the UI becomes responsive again. Using the back button within the report viewer will allow for proper navigation. |
Analytics and Reporting interface | Using Chrome, clicking the browser back button while viewing a sub-report takes the user back to the list of reports. | Use the back button within the report viewer for proper navigation. You may need to re-run the report if you’ve returned to the report list. |
Analytics and Reporting interface | For on-premises only, if Analytics and Reporting is configured prior to SMTP settings being configured in the Report Server, the Send subscription by email option is not available. | Either configure SMTP settings prior to configuring Analytics and Reporting, or restart the SSRS service after configuring SMTP settings. |
Analytics and Reporting interface | For on-premises only, when creating a report subscription with email delivery in Analytics and Reporting, if more than 2,000 characters are entered into the To field, the subscription wizard becomes unresponsive. | Ensure that the email addresses used in the To field are a total length less than 2,000 characters. |
Purging Options: Database Index Maintenance page of the BeyondInsight Console | The Database Index Maintenance job does not run in an environment configured with a low privilege SQL user. | Configure the database connection to use a privileged account. |
BeyondInsight Console | If a user allows their BeyondInsightsession to time out, their theme selection reverts to BeyondTrust brand colors. This becomes apparent if they had their preference set to dark mode colors. Signing out does not have this effect. | Avoid letting the session time out, or update your preferences after logging in. |
Web Policy Editor | When upgrading to Web Policy Editor 24.5.372 from an older version using BT Updater, the setup may fail with an error that indicates the wpe.log file is in use. | Stop the Web Policy Editor Service prior to upgrading, complete the upgrade to WPE 24.5.372, and then restart the service. WPE 24.5.372 contains a fix that ensures any subsequent updates (to future WPE versions) will not require the manual service state changes. |
Secrets Safe | There is an unintended difference in behavior when attempting to delete a non-empty subfolder of Personal secrets if the user is an administrator or non-admin; an admin can delete the subfolder and its secrets, but a non-admin cannot delete the subfolder without first deleting the secrets. | A non-admin must first delete the secrets within the subfolder, then delete the subfolder. |
Password Safe | vSphere Managed Account password changes may occasionally fail with a passwords do not match error. | Initiate another password change. |
Password Safe Propagation Actions | When performing propagation actions for a domain account (i.e., domain\svc_acc1), and a local account with the same name (i.e., svc_acc1) is found on the system in the same propagation target, the local account propagation may also be incorrectly updated. | Use accounts with different names for domain vs. local. |
Password Safe Application Sessions | Launching remote applications with ps_automate fails with Chrome/Edge v128. | Use Chrome/Edge v127, or use Firefox, or a hotfix is available. |
BeyondInsight Console - Activation Keys for Discovery Agent Installer Type | PowerShell cannot be used to configure OAuth for BeyondTrust Discovery Scanner Central Policy or Events. | Command prompt should be used for this. |
Issues discovered after release can be found within our Customer Portal.
- Direct upgrades to 24.2.1 are supported from BeyondInsight versions 22.2.3 or greater.
- BeyondInsight 24.2.1 supports SQL Server 2016 SP2 or greater.
- This release is available by download for BeyondTrust customers at ( and by using the BeyondTrust BT Updater.
- The MD5 signature is: f52eda445beb6055296c47ece4eff7ad
- The SHA-256 signature is: bdf2b35773f636d8d742a78627090d095f5960cfc681e11c6c444427d109e553
Deprecation notice
Team Passwords public API endpoints have been deprecated and are no longer present in the 24.2.1 release. You must update scripts to use the corresponding Secrets Safe API endpoints instead.
BeyondInsight 24.2.1 still supports the following features, however these are planned to be removed in the next release:
- Analytics & Reporting > Clarity: Clarity and related reports and configuration.
- About > BeyondInsightAnalysis
The Password Safe platforms Cloud - Azure and Cloud - Office 365 will be removed in the 24.3 release. Customers should transition to using the Microsoft Entra ID platform, which offers additional functionality.