DocumentationRelease Notes
Release Notes

AD Bridge 24.2.1 release notes

December 3, 2024

  • Agent:
  • Windows: No change



For installation requirements, see the following:

Issues resolved

Product AreaDescriptionResolution
AgentRHEL 7: Domainjoin error --terse requires specifying --fields - Hostname was getting configured but missing some changes to the interfaces.Hostname is no longer missing changes to the interfaces.
AgentOnly display information about tenantjoin-cli after an install on systems that support tenantjoinInformation about tenantjoin-cli is now only displayed on systems that support tenantjoin.
AgentAIX: Fix to work with iptrace flagsFixed the issues with incorrect spacing in the script.
AgentUnable to use keytab with an existing user through ADtoolFixed the issue with the salt used to generate the keytabs in the ADtool.
AgentAIX change to support 64-bit integration - Addresses lookups from applications making 64-bit calls to the information provided by AD Bridge.Fixed lookups from applications making 64-bit calls to the information provided by AD Bridge.

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