DocumentationRelease Notes
Release Notes

AD Bridge 24.1.1 release notes

May 15, 2024

  • Agent:
  • Windows: N/A



This is an Agent-only release.

New features and enhancements

Enable the Machine Password after domainjoin

We've enhanced the ResetMachinePassword configuration option to support a reversion of the PwdLastSet after a domainjoin option we introduced in AD Bridge 24.1.0.



In AD Bridge 24.1.0, we added the following update:

Reset machine password on join

PwdLastSet was only updating after half the MachinePasswordLifespan(Defaulted to 30days) was reached. Now after a domainjoin is successful it will initiate a machine password reset.

With the 24.1.1 release, we are reverting this change to make it an elective feature, instead of an always-on feature, via the ResetMachinePasswordOnJoin configuration options.


With the ResetMachinePasswordOnJoin configuration option, you can opt to send an automatic password reset request to a machine once the machine joins a domain.

Acceptable values include:

  • true sends a request to reset the machine password
  • false does not send a request to reset a machine password
  • Default valuefalse


You can also set the wait (in minutes) before the password reset request is sent after joining a domain.



The ResetMachinePasswordOnJoin option must be set to true.

Acceptable values include:

  • digits 2 - 60, inclusive
  • Default value: 5

Force a Machine Password Reset

Use the new

pbis ad-reset-machine-password

command to force a machine password reset request at any time.

Support for pam_aucore on domainjoins

As pam_aucore is seen as a known module, is placed above

AD Bridge Allows Installs with EPM-UL Installed and the Policy Configured to use ACA

When defaults are used, AD Bridge now allows installs on a system with Endpoint Privilege Management for Unix/Linux installed and configured for Advanced Control Audit (ACA) via the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.

Issues resolved


  • Resolved an issue on systems with systemd where LWSMD was starting prior to the network coming online.
  • Resolved an issue where the WARNING: Ignoring unsupported krb5 line 'include /opt/pbis/share/krb5.conf'; line will be included in krb5.conf but won't be parsed) message incorrectly displayed as a warning. This error message now displays in debug.
  • Segfaults on Solaris Sparc
    • Resolved an issue where SamrAllocateUserInfo21 did not align computed buffer size; they now align as expected.
    • Resolved an issue where the LsaAllocateAuditEventsInfo() did not align computed buffer size; they now align as expected.
  • Resolved an issue when Gpagent/lsass would crash when the domain includes trusts that were too large.
  • Resolved an issue where the config tool errored when the system was not joined to any providers.
  • Resolved an AIX issue where the LSASS64 entry in /etc/methods.cfg was created.
  • Resolved the issue where the config tool would successfully set options when not joined, but return error code 5.
  • Resolved an issue where the config dump did not export valid import options for empty multistring settings.
  • Resolved an issue when, after the lsass restart, the first cron attempt by an AD user failed with getpwnam failed.


  • Now, will always collect the /var/log/domainjoin-cli.log.
  • A new script for creating the Azure registered app, /opt/pbis/libexec/, is in the agent installer. This requires you to install azure-cli.

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